Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fresh Vegetables Without Radiation

copyright 2011 by Danise Codekas

Well, it has hit inland here above the Puget Sound, that first dose of radiation from Japan’s Nuclear Reactors. Never thought I’d see the day, since I figured we were too far inland from the Pacific Coast. But I was wrong. So, ridiculously, insanely wrong.

All those radiation monitors along the ring of fire coastline, from Alaska’s Aleutian's to the tips of Baja, are registering heightened levels of radiation. Oh, “THEY” say it is only a minute level of nuclear fallout radiation, equal to a simple x-ray exam. What they fail to mention is my body is getting a 24/7 X-Ray now and will continue to do so until there is no longer any radiation fallout.

No one can tell me when that will be, and if they did pretend to be able to predict that, they would be a bigger fool than me. The only thing anyone on this planet can hope for is that the wind blows another way, away from them, to another country or state. Does anyone realize how delicate the balance of space is, the microbes of life, the life of bees, the skin, flesh and atoms of a human body?

Do you not see how we have screwed up the balance of life, again, by building a nuclear arsenal of reactors on earth, in Japan, so we can turn on the night lites and big screen tv’s? How silent will you stay if the NRC decides to plant a nuclear waste dump or reactor 100 miles away from your home, now?

Do you understand why so many people decided to crawl over high fences and barbed wire in the 70’s, of the nuclear plants and labs? They were right. They are dangerous, unsafe, and destructive of life, and not one of those scientists and electric company executives in Japan, can control or stop the destruction that is being released by their creation, greed, and disdain of the horror released on humans and the environment. They have been paid, and paid well.

Let someone else get radiated. Ha! Sorry, my dears, there is no way to avoid it since it has even made it to the North Pole, now, 12 days after it all began.  Blocking light from the sun and changing the colors of the aurora borealis, the particles of light reflected from the sun, on earth. The radiation particles are blocking light and destroying upper atmospheric light waves.

No rest against the radiation hitting me, here, outside or there, amongst the fresh dandelions and tomatoes and apples, in their baskets, outside Harbor Greens, here in Gig Harbor.

I am watching nuclear reactor radiation drift down on top of my favorite dark red, sweet potatoes, drinking my vanilla latte on the patio, here at Forza Coffee, and I feel like running inside and taking a shower, to get the radiation particles off my skin. Ironic that my favorite coffee place is named after an Italian phrase, Forza di Vita, force of life. Force of life challenged by force death. And so it is.

Do you truly believe that nuclear fallout from Japan is not affecting minute microbes of life, throughout the planet, and beyond? We have destroyed our heritage, once again, by foolishly allowing fear to dictate the building of multiple nuclear reactors above dangerous ground.

The shelf of the continents below the lips of sandy shorelines, throughout the ring of fire, are now the holding platform for nuclear disaster, as earthquake and tidal waves continue to continue. Is no one going to say that we are mad?

Mad, so mad, to continue to buld and operate nuclear reactors built on ground that is known as the ring of fire?

Mad is what future generations will call us, like so many other fallen empires, of the past whose greed dictated their demise at their own hands, because they coveted power. We coveted nuclear power this time around. Our  Hands raised to vote, we chose the emperors, presidents, dictators and queens who agreed, with us that nuclear power would be our self-chosen way of oblivion.

I am sitting here, next to unplanted Japanese pines, awaiting purchase and planting, realizing that their cousins in North Japan have been wiped away in a violent earth conflagration, March 11, and they could be the last remaining connection to health seeds, healthy stock, as the radiation from the self-destructing reactors, destroy their DNA beginnings, on a small island, in the Pacific Ocean.

Millions of years of development, creating these magnificent trees, and their seed lines are being destroyed because a man built a nuclear reactor in their midst, above a dangerous fault line, in a country known for daily earthquake activity. Mad, Mad, Mad Insanity.

And me, I am sitting here in 60 degree weather, gazing at the blue sky and floating clouds, while US Military and UN fly up into the stratosphere to take radiation readings from the effects of this nuclear disaster in Japan.

They have been given the pills at the bases around here, yet us, the populace are sacrificial lambs. Unlike the Japanese govt. who is handing out pills now, to everyone, the US govt. and its Health experts sit and smile and tell us we do not need anyth8ing , right now. It is not dangerous enough, although military and government officials all receive pills. Hmm.

The Hopi were right about how the evil would come from the air, the birds would fall dead from the sky, and darkness would hide the energy of the sun, from earth when the times of change were upon the earth and Man will poison himself, and all those four-footed that walk with him on earth.

Enough of my rambling. My latte is cool and the sun is shining, the trees are showing the new apple blossoms, and my niece and sister have arrived safely in Southern California, with Hercules, the thoroughbred and are enjoying the delights of those So. Cal hills above the sea, above the San Onofre Nuclear Reactor, 25.7 miles to their west.

And, I am excited because I will be there soon, enjoying the splendor of those hills and vistas, and another favorite coffee house in Fallbrook, where perhaps my concern and anger about nuclear fallout will be lessened, because maybe between now and then, a matter of a few weeks, a miracle took place to remove this radiation blight and horror from the earth. A miracle of the cosmos, that has the possibility of giving me, again, fresh, organic, vegetables without radiation.

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