Friday, December 16, 2011

Holiday Crisis #1- They Don’t Know You

(c) 2011 Danise Codekas

“Peace on earth would mean the end of civilization as we know it.”-Joseph Heller

Oh, geeze, I am gritting my teeth as another holiday crisis occurs, destroying a delusional illusion, someone once held, about me. At the same time, realizing this person really does not know me, by telling me I must agree with their false data, about an event in my life, they were misinformed about,  tells me that the top 10 Christmas Crises are about to begin.

10 days of Christmas are balanced out by the 10 Holiday Crises, in case you skipped school that day. So I will lay them out, in the 10 day countdown, to the 25th. #10 gets posted on the 26th, boxing day. Because it involved unwanted presents, returned engagement rings, and waking up drunk in someone’s hotel room, in a city you cannot remember, sometimes. 

Do you know what you did in your life? Do you know what really happened during an event that completely altered the course of your life? Usually, you do, unless you are drugged, drunk or unconscious.

To be told by another person, who was not THERE with you, and that they are telling you that you are lying, or their version is correct, and yours is not, when they were NOT there, showed me that this person thought i was a liar, and an idiot.

I felt like I was standing in front of an old boyfriend, who told me he was not cheating on me, after telling me he had been having sex with 2 other women, while we were together for 6 months. It was not cheating; it was that he was in a relationship with them.

It was not cheating. That is what he wanted me to believe. Geeze. Did he really think I was that stupid? Oh, wait. No, he didn’t think I was stupid. He just did not want to admit that he had become a liar and a cheat.

“Be careful what you pretend to be because you are what you pretend to be.”--Kurt Vonnegut

It would have destroyed his family and friends and clients' opinions that he was a mover and a shaker and an upstanding businessman in San Francisco.

God Forbid, anyone find out he was a pathological liar (if your cheating on someone; you are always lying to them). I would imagine that Fred is still a serial cheater,living in Sausalito or San Francisco. (Bitching about X’s, is allowed for a few minutes every Christmas. Do not drink, when bitching. It’s a waste of good liquor.)

Christmas and Hanukah always bring out the truth about your relationships, and what you are feeling, deep down inside, and seems to scratch itself up to the raw surfaces of your heart and brain.

Stuff you are wishing for and hoping for rises and those desires also drag about all that detritus, you buried inside, that has to be dealt with, before the dream and illusions morph into reality. It sucks.

However, you know that you are going to visit people and spend time in old scenarios, either connected by blood or memory, which you really wish did not cause such sickening  uncomfortable, reactionary stress, as thoughts dredge up those old paradigms.

I won't be heading into any of those this year. Had one of those ah-ha moments today, after realizing I had finally un-plugged from an old pattern, which was part of my life mission. Karma stuff.

I completed it this morning, around 630 AM, PST. Difficult encounters, with people, who you think know you well, are happening with  you and me, over this joyous, holiday season. 

If you can hold your head together, and be an observer, when these people begin telling you, who you are (which you no longer are),  or argue with you, about an event, which they were never at, however, you were, then you and I are not insane and should have a reasonable witty, amusing holiday, with some amazing discussions and connections made.

Or, what about those friends or family, that tell you, you are wrong about what really happened, at this event, they were never at, but, you were.?

If you can be compassionate in those moments, when you realize they are calling you a liar and do not know you, truthful you,  at all,  and you feel like you have fallen into the Twilight Zone, and still can walk away with no blood dripping from your ripped heart, then it is can be considered an enlightening, holiday moment.

Know that it does not matter what people believe about you: who do not really know the truth about you, and do not believe you when you tell them who you are, what really happened or what you believe.

You will do fine this holiday season, if you keep this in mind. therwise, get on a plane, on a highway, and head to a place where no one knows you, and have a meal with a stranger.

“Destiny is a good thing to accept when it's going your way. When it isn't, don't call it destiny; call it injustice, treachery, or simple bad luck.”--Joseph Heller

Why talk to someone who thinks you are an illusion and tells you, you do not know who you are? Then, won't believe what you tell them about yourself? I thought this person had lost their mind, when they were telling me I was wrong about something that happened, which I had written proof of.

I almost said I would show them the document, to prove that I was right, and then decided not to. I know what is the truth about my life.  I’ve known this person for 20 years! Friends, for 20 years! It was en enlightening moment to find out they invalidated my truth; our relationship.

A lot of personal dramas are erupting all around you right now, tonight, maybe, and all you can do is observe or be drawn into someone's illusionary beliefs about who you really are, what you are really doing, or what you have actually done in your life.What you really need.

It is the time to not cater to someone else's false ideas about you. it is a time to speak your truth about yourself, about what really happened, what was really said, what you believed to be true, what you really need and want.

But, you better make sure you have some courage to pick up that phone if you need to say hello or goodbye. better make sure you understand that time is not real and miracles happen once you accept the truth about what it is you really need in your life.

Denying a personal truth, a need, a person you love, a mission, will keep you frozen in the past, in the shrouds of darkness which smother your ability to engage in serendipitous relationships which bring  joy and peace.

And, so you can understand what I am trying to say in this posting, if you did not get it, I leave you with a quote which makes me feel connected, even when, sometimes, I feel no one understands me, when I write, speak or cry.

“Still and all, why bother? Here's my answer. Many people need desperately to receive this message: I feel and think much as you do, care about many of the things you care about, although most people do not care about them. You are not alone.--Kurt Vonnegut

Friday, December 2, 2011

Where Are You?

©2011 Danise Codekas

I put my heart and my soul into my work, and have lost my mind in the process.”-Van Gogh

Seems like there is some disconnecting going on between our ideas of who we are and who we think we are. At least I keep slipping into an alternative universe, more than not, these past few weeks.

Change, when it begins, grows in volume, as random pieces of information arrive faster and louder, when higher consciousness is listened to acutely, and I release that which no longer serves.

The music is clearer. Songs play on airwaves that speak exactly to me and what I am feeling, and unable to express, until the song finishes playing.

A connection has been cut, and the new forms of communication are stuck inside my head, and now the wires and modalities are coming into my periphery.

Jean Dubuffet

“What I expect from any work of art is that it surprises me, that it violates my customary valuations of things and offers me other, unexpected ones.” – Jean Dubuffet

The dreams we all have are flipped over again and again. Some of my fears will never come to pass, even though those some fears are experienced by people around me. What is the worst that can happen to you?

I am learning to not to ask that question. Seems futile when the things that are after me, chasing me down alleys and tsunamis in my mind, are being handled in excruciating detail, moment by moment.

Many bindings are twisting away into the cosmos, like the Kutscher-Moore marriage, CafĂ© Gratitude debacle, loved one’s health challenges, life as I planned it. Hmm, life as I planned it sounds funny. None of us know what comes the next breath, do we? 

The artist is not a different kind of person, but every person is a different kind of artist”-Eric Gill

Christmas brings a lot of thought in with its power, doesn’t it? Happiness, loneliness, anxiety, forgiveness. Super powers and large bank accounts needed to release us from the darkness on the edges of our vision and memoirs. Love bandied about, as greed and terror afflict many on land, air and sea.

Meeting new people happens a lot, too. That’s the sparkle for me, about this time in my life. Many new people who connect with me for a short, intense time. The clues to the coming together fascinates me daily. Why now?

My path changes daily. Plans tossed aside as the To-Do list goes askew in coffee houses, park benches and standing in the middle of a friggin’ cold Puget Sound beach as stars rise and the BSNF railcars wind along the tracks, from San Diego to Seattle.

Wiping out all lapping wave sounds and night bird calls on the beach, for a few minutes. Enough to refocus me to thoughts of leaving for anywhere those tracks traverse.

A time when we take a step, and hesitate, before proceeding is upon us.

The danger of failing, screwing up, paying higher prices with our life’s energy, than previously experienced, causes a hesitation, a momentary breath before engaging. modigliani scul[pt 1

“What I am seeking is not the real and not the unreal but rather the unconscious, the mystery of the instinctive in the human race.” –Modigliani

It seems the cosmos has inserted an extra moment of time, between the last movement, thought, touch and the next, over the past few months.

Is it me? Yes. Is it you, also, responding to the web of time, actions and serendipitous clues that arrive for us all.

The only thing that is able to bring me out of this Kafka-esque Friday night is the Art Basel art fair in Miami, this weekend. Art always always stops me from spending too much time thinking about myself.


“The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place; from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider’s web.” –Picasso

Two Face Woman by Picasso

The art and critics smash together at this Hanukkah-Christmas tide conflagration, at a time when the year is ending, and you/me need to be sucked out of 11 months of boring patterns.

A scent of a new possible, in your/mine life grabs the gut/ the third chakra, and alerts us that change is where we are headed, maybe toward one another, maybe not.

“O great creator of being, grant us one more hour to perform our art and perfect our lives.” – Bob Marley



Sunday, November 13, 2011

Momentous Planetary Existence

©2011 Danise Codekas, all rights reserved

“Arriving at each new city, the traveler finds again a past of his that he did now know he had: the foreignness of what you no longer are, or no longer possess, lies in wait for you in foreign, unpossessed places.”Italo Calvino

Nat King Cole singing, holiday coffee blends listed for sale, and forty degree weather seeping in through old, leaded windows and mud rooms’ unheated walls. Must be almost Christmas.

Friends start asking where I will be for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Boxing Day and New Years Eve. Close friends know that my favorite day is 6 January.  I love to celebrate the true gift exchange date, recognized from the old ways in Europe and South America. I spend time, in those places, over the holidays.

My heritage of Crete, high school years in Argentina, living in Peru and Brazil, and spending Christmas holidays in France, Italy and England, across all my life, inspired me to begin holidays from the day before Thanksgiving through January 7.

Christmas is a time for dinners and meeting friends, in Italy and France, most of Europe and S.America. January 6, Feast of the 3 Kings, Epiphany, is the day to travel to be with family, open presents, just like the three kings did in Bethlehem, Italy and France.

Part of my Christmas DNA comes from France, the Brittany region and Crete; and a lot of my joy DNA, comes from Italy and Switzerland. These places engender Christmas spirit, as does Switzerland and Austria. Just go, if you ever have a chance. Take warm clothes, rain hats, and a video cam.However, there is nothing more fun than LA for New Years Eve, too.

Once, in India, I actually went out and bought frankincense, myrrh and gold, as presents for friends, I had become friends with when I was there for 5 months. It was the question of the power of those gifts, delivered by 3 Kings of long ago, which inspired me. The amazement on their faces ,when they realized what those items signified mystically, made me happy.

I prefer to give, than receive. usually. I am always surprised when someone gives me a present, or sends a card. When someone sends me an email, after a trip or a meeting, one of those once in a lifetime meetings, well, I am always pleased they remember me. Am I not memorable?

Perhaps, however, I do not carry around much hubris in my heart, so my sights are not set on people remembering me, in my jaunts around the planet.

“Travel at its truest is thus an ironic experience, and the best travelers… seem to be those able to hold two or three inconsistent ideas in their minds at the same time, or able to regard themselves as at once serious persons and clowns.” – Paul Fussell

My gratefulness that they spent time with me, as I wandered, alone,  exceeds a personal desire to be remembered, by them.

I am so blessed by those who befriended me, as I have sought out my soul’s path, the shamans and mystics investigated, and challenged, through all my travels across my lifetime. 

Seeking something indefinable, an answer to life’s deepest questions. Trying t0 heal the pains of a relationship, the loss of  a love, the end of a dear one’s life. The push, from my soul, for something different, unexpected and challenging, that jolts me out of the staid and familiar, for a time.

Seeking the next inspiration for the next paragraph in my story, or sweating  in the unforgiving Bangkok sun while composing a melody for my piano.

Capturing that perfect, incandescent photograph, from a mountain side, outside Cuzco or Vaduz, or the memory, of a blue, unlike any other blue on the planet,  glacial glow, reflected from a 200 foot glacier’s cliff, slipping into the Bering Sea.

Yes, I know the next journey is being pulled up from the cosmic, rabbit’s hat, that sits upon my soul. Whenever these memories and peace-fractured whispers, arise, to disturb my known habits, a new adventure is about to develop and a new map is drawn, in my life.

I sit with my consciousness and mediations, follow the signs on the serendipitous revelations in my daily life: on bumper stickers from chance meetings. As repetitive destinations, arise, on the universe’s cartographic by-ways, an unwritten travel plan becomes known, and I see, in incendiary flash awareness,  where it is next I go.

My holiday season starts marching toward me, slowly, gathering momentum and mystical, universal reasons, for why I am going somewhere, on this next part of my Virgo’s mission. What is the purpose, under the stars I am born? W@ho am I meeting, in order to enlighten my heart and vilify my existence? Will I be  re-direct ed back on the path, or is it time to pull off the freeway, at a new exit, headed to joyfulness, expansion and self-knowing? Heal my heart, embolden my mind, expand my soul and  place me in front of love, is my travel prayer, for all my journeys.

Oh, it is painful, sometimes, traveling these roads rails, water and airwaves. Mournful, stressful, challenging, dangerous, incredible, joyful.

Anything is possible once I walk beyond my door, with a bag of belongings, and the horizon’s destination. I  change routes, dates and  expected encounters arise, yet, it leads somewhere, and at some point, I rest at the end, to understand, absorb, marvel.

There is always a new story, though. There is always a revelation about the state of my heart and an answer for my soul.

During the holidays, the seeking and satisfaction increases, as we all move in tandem to touch on something,  an incredible essence, that enfolds the universe in its power and importance, and reveal and remind me and you about our momentous, planetary existence, and missions, on earth.

It is one of our perennial problems, whether there is actually a God. From the Hindu point of view each soul is divine. All religions are branches of one big tree. It doesn't matter what you call Him just as long as you call. Just as cinematic images appear to be real but are only combinations of light and shade, so is the universal variety a delusion. The planetary spheres, with their countless forms of life, are naught but figures in a cosmic motion picture. One's values are profoundly changed when he is finally convinced that creation is only a vast motion picture and that not in, but beyond, lies his own ultimate reality.”-George Harrison

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Full Moons and Memories

(c)2011 Danise Codekas

Well, the only time I have never been interested in other people's loves stories has passed since viewing one of the most maudlin, pitiful video please by a woman, plucking her guitar and singing her new song to her ex-fiance. I cringed while watching her sing about how he told her he would always love her and he just can't love her now. Oh, we have all been there, I know.

If you have a heart, and are relatively interested in a relationship of love, as many of us have been raised to pursue, we have all embarrassed ourselves in short term, long term or one-night stand relationships, at some point in our lives. I certainly don't like to talk about my screw ups, and you probably don't either.

But, we are human, after all, and we will dabble in love, seek love and destroy love as we try to understand who we are, what we need, and how to maintain love with other humans.

What have you done, that still makes you cringe, in a relationship? It does not matter how old you were. I screwed up when I was in second grade with Eddie Heffren. That is how early I started on my embarrassing memory collage of men who I wanted and could never get them to look at me. See me, hear me, feel me, touch me-ism from The Who's, Tommy.

I even sent a love letter to a guy, once, and, he of course, never replied. He never even asked me out on a date. So what do I do if I EVER see him again? It could happen. The world is not all that big and the way the energy is rolling around and changing everything is all our lives and dimensions, now, I am going to be up shit creek if we ever end up sitting across another dinner table from him. I guess the thing is to just bring up the letter, tell him I feel stupid, and maybe next life time, I will re-incarnate with that wisdom, some women have that they can read a man's emotional availability.

I was not born with that DNA gene. I also missed the one that some women have that allows them to be able to flirt and get men to do anything they want for them. I totally missed the flirting gene in this incarnation. I wonder if women always remember those embarrassing moments with men. Do men?

What about those broken marriage engagements? Huh? What's up with them? Yes, that happened to me also. He and his family broke it off, and, no, I do not regret it, now. it sucked when it happened, however, the universe had other plans for me and him, and I like the journey since that happened years ago. I like my journey. It has been meaningful and important.

Writing under a full moon. It is right here shining through the 14 foot high, 12 foot wide window next to my writing corner. Thanksgiving is coming and this is going to be an incredible season of celebration for me.From November 22 through January 7, I travel, visit friends, celebrate, mourn those human relationships that no longer exist, and look for a face in a crowd, or on a beach, or plane, that could be that face which will become important for the next part of the journey.

I am alone on this journey and this year it seems that understanding dwells deeper in my soul's paradigm, than ever before. There is no sorrow about this. It is not loneliness. It is knowing the solitary journey on this planet was always the model. Finding those to walk along with me, being with those I care for, those who inspire, and cause laughter to erupt from within my solitary soul, is easier as I accept this incredible journey I chose through all the minutes of my life.

Love full moons that bring me into the depths of heart and soul and wildness. I am going to learn how to make goat cheese for Christmas.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Whats Happening in Your Heaven?

copyright 2011 Danise Codekas, all rights reserved

“When you've seen beyond yourself, then you may find, peace of mind is waiting there.” –George Harrison

Where has everyone been these past few weeks? seems we are all flying around, moving, changing jobs, relationships, partners, cars, and houses. Some have even changed color schemes, religions, political affiliations and passions.

I think it is grand time to be alive. Things seem clearer, discernments sparkling with certitude, decisions less threatening, and people who I talk to tend to grope around more intense, meaningful conversations.

Time is not wasted. It is filled with new books, new art, strangers who are not so strange, and crisp colors through the red and gold flecked hills and mountains my body walks through. The Puget Sound looks greyer, bluer, deeper in hues I never swam through before. My eyesight jags on auras and eyes which now reveal their meanings and depths unlike anything ever experienced.

Veils are lifting for me and for you. Realities no longer hold the approbation or fear that my self-aggrandizing spirit once furled along the roads I tread. I would have to say their are no roads I follow now.

Instead, each step I take builds the road before me, one step at a time. Previous pathways disappear, old beliefs are gone and I am left in the most incredible, cosmic float imaginable.

I can only equate it to that first moment my baby eyes opened after hurtling down my mother’s birth canal and I splashed into the void of earth’s air and mineral environment. Don’t you feel something different in your life now, too?

IT is perceptible, yet, indefinable by your old explanations, understandings as if floating through space, aware of all that is around you, and divested of decades of old crap, old relationships, old beliefs.

I also find my reading choices, the past few weeks, are as unplanned, unknown and surprising as everything else that is shifting in my life. Assuming is a worthless exercise, in my current state of exhilaration, expectation and awareness.

I almost cannot explain it to you. It would be like trying to explain to you what something tastes like, if you and I do not have anything to compare together. Like trying to explain the transcendence of mediation, dance or making love.

What does it feel like? The unknown is becoming known. the tribes are gathering together and wherever you are now, your tribe is being defined or else disassembled. I read George Harrison, this week. For some reason, finding out that he was a madman about gardening tilted my world some. Olivia, his wife wrote it and you do need to check it out, no matter how you feel about the Beatles. They were spiritualizing the world in the search for their own peace and understanding of the cosmic questions. Check it out on

George Harrison: Living in the Material World


“Without looking out of my window
I could know the ways of heaven”
George Harrison

Saturday, September 24, 2011

It’s All Changing

© Danise Codekas 2011

“The past went that-a-way. When faced with a totally new situation, we tend always to attach ourselves to the objects, to the flavor of the most recent past. We look at the present through a rear view mirror. We march backwards into the future.”-M.McLuhan

Walking to my car, today, a man parks, in front of me, gets out of his car and yells across the parking lot: “Fuc*in’ Dumbass!!!”.

He looked a little upset, and wasn’t directing it at me, so I asked him what was wrong. Sometimes, it helps diffuse angry, stressed humans. It’s how I communicate my concern about a cosmic tribesmen’s angst.

He calmed, smiled at me (I was looking good in jeans and sandals), and told me that a man was speeding down the one-way driveway, the wrong way. My parking buddy nearly lost his front end. 

You’ve encountered idiots like this, I am sure. You may be one of them.

We all screw up sometime, n’est pas?

I told him that I thought he might have encountered, a Washington State driver, that opted out of the Turn Signal Equipment Option Package, at the dealership.

He cracked up, when he figured it out what I meant. We both laughed and his anger abated, immediately.

FYI: If you ever drive in WA. State, be aware that there are a lot of drivers, who are stoned, drunk or brain dead, who DO NOT use turn signals, ever.

Vans that have the, BABY ON BOARD stickers are usually the main culprits, in my driving experience, here. I think a lot of people here just do not take any driver education classes.

Which reminds me about McLuhan’s statement that, anyone who tries to make a distinction between education and entertainment doesn't know the first thing about either.

If you want a good laugh on a freeway, come on up here, and let me take you for a drive some Saturday evening on I-5, between Olympia and Seattle.

Hence, please be prepared to laugh and shake your head when you see our driving screw ups. McLuhan’s brilliant sociological theories about communications and technology is what made me decide to switch degree programs from anthropology to mass communications.

When I read McLuhan’s comment that, art is anything you can get away with, a light was illuminated in my consciousness, and I had to decided to head to UC Berkeley, to study the sociology of communications, and, who better to study under but someone who used to be a leader in the SDS at San Francisco State?

Todd Gitlin, Chair of the PH.D Communications Program, Columbia U. and NY Times Author. Todd’s latest book is:  UNDYING

He laughed, nodded his head, and then asked me how my day was going. I find my curiosity grows daily, as to why people are angry in the streets, since it appears more people are expressing their frustrations, openly.

Maybe there are more people, however, I think the internet has something to do with the diminishing embarrassment we all feel to express ourselves openly, whether it is a parking lot or on our blogs. We do express without fear in our Facebook or Twitter pages.

The ability to sound off across the globe has grown exponentially in the past 10 years, since the US attacks in September 2001. There was no Twitter, then. If there had been I am sure the servers would have crashed, a lot, all around the globe.

The “medium is the message” seems to be more true today, for me because of the spike in technological advancements, than when Marshall McLuhan's sociological analysis of mass communication ideas, hit the world, in the 60’s.

“The medium is the message. This is merely to say that the personal and social consequences of any medium / that is, of any extension of ourselves / result from the new scale that is introduced into our affairs by each extension of ourselves, or by any new technology.”-Marshal McLuhan

Marshal’s publisher’s failure to spell check McLuhan's original book title, The Medium is the Message, proved his theory perfectly, when the cover for the 1st printing fell off the press, as The Medium is the Massage.

[Wikipedia: The Medium is the Massage demonstrates how modern media are extensions of human senses; they ground us in physicality, but expand our ability to perceive our world to an extent that would be impossible without the media. These extensions of perception contribute to McLuhan’s theory of the Global Village, which would bring humanity full circle to an industrial analogue of tribal mentality.]

Once I understood what it was all about, thanks to Todd Gitlin, who was my advisor, and the head of the mass comm dept. at Berkeley, McLuhan’s idea, that we become what we behold and we shape our tools and then our tools shape us, complemented with my studies of Tibetan Buddhist and Hindu Vedic texts, Cosmology, and indigenous tribal spirituality. 

Quantum physics theories provide scientific proof of ancient Vedic texts,  that  explain, in explicit details,  that the observer affects the observed reality, and both change during the experience, at subtle energy levels. Anything that happens in the universe affects everything in the universe at a subtle energy level.

Well, I have no idea where this blog came from today. It may have something to do with some hesitation about starting a new book, this week. Yes, I am working on a new book, or, rather working up to begin a new manuscript which I created an outline for about 7 or 8 years ago.

What is it about? God only knows. I know it has to do with cosmology, technology and relationships. So, the hardest part could be figuring out a title.

You know we are all trying to create a new way in our lives. We are trying to change, let go, clear out, start again, and do things we love doing which enable us to live a fulfilling life.

If there is anything in your life which is not going the way you want it to go, or you are consistently unhappy because you cannot find, cannot be, or cannot see, then know you are banging your head on the past, or a future based on a reality which is an illusion. The heart, the dream, the desire is where you need to find your breath and your direction.

If you are feeling guilty because you have ended bits and parts of your life that did not serve your soul, and are thinking about going back there, walking back in that door because it is the only door you can find safety behind, after being out in the cold, for so long, you may want to re-think your return.

Stop. Do not go back to the old, the familiar, the thing that makes you feel safe, the person that you think is the only one who understand you now.

You will know you made a mistake when you walk through that door and you worry it will be the same, you feel guilty that you walked away, you are made to feel ashamed for your leaving.

Those feelings should not be present when you walk in the door that is full of possibility, generosity, grace, and you are in a new paradigm, which people from the past cannot destroy, crush, or make you question.

There should be no question in your mind or heart about the next step, the next relationship, the next mission. You just know. Fear dissolves, your life’s mission draws your tribe to you, empowers your creativity.Spiritual quests become the norm, rather than a life’s, last moment regret.Relationships arise before you, that are unlike anything from the past: unimaginable, peaceful, unquestioned, inspiring.

“As the unity of the modern world becomes increasingly a technological rather than a social affair, the techniques of the arts provide the most valuable means of insight into the real direction of our own collective purposes.”-Marshall McLuhan


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Birthday Ruminations

© 2011 Danise Codekas

“God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me.” ~Author Unknown

The gathering of the tribes is taking place as I type this evening. It is peaceful here at my favorite cafe, FORZA, in DuPont, WA. Love the music they play and at 6pm there is no one here except me, looking out over a park, and a new building project which will block the view of the forest that winds down to the Puget Sound.

Time to change locations, mayhap. One thing I have noticed over the birthday weekend, and sitting under this September full moon, many of us are un-plugging from old ways, old friends, and people we no longer vibrate to emotionally, psychically or spiritually. We are nomads, many of us, unplugging from the old tribe, and wandering the earth, city, or mountaintops and oceans, connecting with the new tribe that sustains our personal mission, beliefs and ideals.

People we no longer have to explain where our hearts or heads are at, let alone, hide our true selves from any longer. False images of ourselves no longer need to be used since the people we used them on, in order to maintain a semblance of communication, are being left behind, blessed and spinning off to their tribes, who they are most comfortable with, also.

The final goodbye’s we speak, silently, are not forever, since we could end up in a next life, or meeting up with them at a dinner party, or an awards event. However, we have un-plugged from them emotionally, and in doing so, our hearts are  lighter, lesson learned, and blessing placed on wherever their hearts lead them.

The realization, for me, this birthday weekend, happened unexpectedly, however recognizing what was happening with the people I interacted with, was swift, gratefully acknowledged, and, best of all, their was no sadness. Just a realization that the relationships had run their course, and we all had accomplished as much as we could together, this lifetime.

I was complete and whole. They, also, complete and whole. Realizing our energies and paths were headed in new directions, based on free will, and what it was our souls needed now, brought joy and gratefulness, once the realization that our paths had diverged, clarified before me.

The universe sent me a great birthday present, as these 6 people, from different places, and walks of life passed time with me, and we said goodbye, in our heart, after recognizing our differences. For the short time, we spent interacting with one another, over the years, the experiences we shared, it is time for me to move on.

“There is a certain relief in change, even though it be from bad to worse!  As I have often found in travelling in a stagecoach, that it is often a comfort to shift one's position, and be bruised in a new place.”  ~Washington Irving

The agreements we made to spend time together, to learn from one another, to see myself through their eyes, are unbound, and I walked away from all these people with reverence in my heart, gratefulness, and knowledge that the time of our journey together had come to an end.

The structure of our relationships had changed, and perhaps, they had noted it earlier, than I. However, I understood what was happening and reacted with calmness, peace and turned to face the new friends I would meet, the next adventure which would arise before me.

I go on, knowing that I am not the woman I was, when we met across the years. Nor are they.  The veils have lifted for me. seeing people and situations clearly, knowing that only the ones that call to my heart, touch my heart will be the ones I am led to, play with, heed, and build the new paradigm of my life.

The new beginning and it is also all starting up for me in my first house, in the sign of Virgo. 9/9 was an amazing birthday and the old energy which no longer serves is slowly returning to sea, as the new energy wave comes crashing into my life. I am so grateful.

Saturday, 17th, my yearly reading, with astrologer, Steve Nelson, in North Carolina, will take place. Steve seems to think this is going to be one incredible, knockout of a year for me. He has never been wrong in all these years.

The foolish acts, which lead me to dig a little deeper into the why’s and wherefores, hopefully, will be understood, in this paradigm I am creating with every breath, and this full moon above me, here in DuPont, and above you on another continent, brings wisdom, awareness and change. Another day past, and, hopefully, another to come. Enjoy your time on earth. Fill it with those who understand you, and what it is you came to share with us, this lifetime. Do not spend it with those whose teachings and actions no longer inspire, fulfill you, or inspire you. Do not be fooled by false promises of love or gold. When you find it, see it, know it, grab it, follow it, tell it you are with it for a while. Fly with it.

“All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another. “ ~Anatole France

Friday, September 2, 2011

Do Not Hide

The strange things in the universe seem to be popping up a lot lately. Anything unusual and anachronistic pop up in your life, recently? Anachronistic defines as the representation of someone as existing, or something as happening, in other than chronological, proper, or historical order In other words, did your plans change without consulting you? 

Did someone try to take control of your mind, life or travel plans who was not expected or, for that matter, known to you? Are you running away from someone or something, not realizing you are actually heading to someone or something new that your mind and soul are screaming for instead. 

Feel like we are all traveling now to things unknown, places which will help divest of the burdens, fears, and embarrassments we created around ourselves in the past 2 years or so. 

Ready to drop our pain, sorrow and the sadness, so that the people we know and love us are no longer confused about seeing us in present time. So many of the people in my life remember my past, rather see me in the present, because I stopped hiding.

Last night, when I was thinking important, philosophical thoughts, around midnight, the universe did a shout out at me. One of those moments when I put my feet on the floor, grab a pad and pen and write down what I heard in the silence of the Northwest night. "Do Not Hide!".

The universe and higher consciousness always give succinct and simple instructions to me. Probably to you also. We expect long diatribes, multi-sentenced advice dialogue, and fail to see the simple symbols at our feet, or in the license plate in front of our car before us.

That instruction, last night, was the most unexpected, accurate advice I could have received, on the first day of my birthday month. Something has been broiling inside me for the past few months. 

Old traditions, beliefs and ways were shaken up and I knew that everything was about to change about how I felt, thought and acted and change was unblocking those things that no longer are needed by me. 

Those old beliefs, places, people, habits you are trying to break free from today, are the same ones I was dealing with over the past few months, since May-June. The directive to me -Do Not Hide-means that it is time to show the world who I am, without any fear. 

No embarrassment to say and do those things which are not shrouded by what someone will think of me. A new way of being was enabled and my truth was discharged into the universe, because, like you, I have a mission to complete before checking off this planet.

The world and those who understand we are all engaged in a mass upliftment of consciousness, with major alignments to planetary and energetic systems which support our transformation from the age of domination and war and earth's destruction, to the age of cosmic communication and enlightenment. We no longer need more lessons to remind us we are the ones who are the creators and instigators of change. 

We are doing it. We are on the mission today as we head into tomorrow, more inspired, dedicated and creative. En masse, we inspire, support, and push the wave of change to the limits of the cosmic center, of the universe, Hunab Ku (if you know Mayan glyphs). 

You can substitute whatever, for you, is the power which keeps all that is, expanding and creating. God, Buddha, The Oracle, The Wisdom-Keepers, Allah, Yahweh, Kwan Yin, Zeus, Odin, Mother Earth, or the gods from Sirius B, which is where the Mali believe they were sent from to earth. 

Unless you realize the power you have inside, to bring change to the earth, and all of us who know you are the only one, on the planet with a special, unique gift which we need to evolve, together, into higher enlightenment, we will all have to wait until you can speak your truth which will enlighten us and change all our understanding so we may live in harmony and fulfillment. 

You are the only one who can teach what you know. I do not have your gift. You do not have mine. We are co-dependent on one another to change the world, bring enlightenment to all beings, and stop the destruction of everything and everyone on this planet, including the destruction of mama Earth.

Stop hiding your gifts. Please speak your truth. Write your blogs, books, words across the walls and newspapers of the world. You and I cannot hide any longer. We have to reveal ourselves to one another. How else will our hearts bond and bodies heal if we do not come out of the caves of our minds, which we have been hiding in, healing, gathering energies to us so we can share them with one another and the world?

The tenor and cadence and power in the words the universe spoke to me last night, I shall never forget. My thought was that it was a call from all sentient beings on the planet, last night, to me. My writing schedule has changed in one day, and the intensity I feel deep inside me, now, to get you to join me in revealing your gifts, your ideas, your solutions for this mass transformation of consciousness, we are all co-creating in this time period, is excruciatingly passionate. 

Please do not hide anymore. We need to be honest about who we are, what we think, who we choose to love and live with, and we need to know that none of us know what the results will be, but they will be more amazing than any of us, collectively, can imagine. Yes, there will be pain, sorrow and trajedies. Men and women who seek control and power will seek to silence and destroy. 

They have been on the earth for a long time. However, it is time to stop hiding who we are and pick up our hands, hold one another in light, send blessings to all, and do your work which we came here to do, now. 

If you are still lying to yourself about what is important to you, you are now being challenged by economic, political, and earth changes, which will grow in magnitude and severity. Nothing will be the same as it is now, in a few years. Even mother earth is no longer holding back her displeasure at the atrocities committed against her nature for millennium. All cells are responding and demanding holistic treatment and respect. 

"Do Not Hide!" --cry to me from the universe, 12:01 a.m., 2 September, 2011.
To Hide, def. :
1. To put or keep out of sight; secrete.
2. To prevent the disclosure or recognition of; conceal: tried to hide the facts.
3. To cut off from sight; cover up: Clouds hid the stars.
4. To avert (one's gaze), especially in shame or grief.
1. To keep oneself out of sight.
2. To seek refuge.
We have been doing all the above, in our lives. Hiding from things we have done, feeling guilty, accepting blame for decisions, made, after listening to our hearts and souls. You are en enlightened, super-conscious, electro-magnetic being who has all the answers for your questions inside your DNA, now.  
We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. -Albert Einstein

Friday, August 26, 2011

The Way Love Begins

copyright 2011, Danise Codekas:

What has happened is that a lot of things are going on in my life and posting a blog before I understood them and their import was wasted time, for me and you.

Speed up time is all I have to say to the universe today. Just speed it up so the devastation, pain and horror we are witnessing across the planet end. Close our eyes for a minute and the chaos ends, forever.

I wish I could end your pain for you. Only you can do it, since this is the time-space continuum you chose to work out your karmatary duties. Karmatary is a new word, in the English language,  which I just created.

Karmatary def.: A holistic view of the universe that personal karma must be resolved or it migrates into multiple life times, across all planetary space and time, until the soul mission is realized and attained, for the advancement of all sentient beings.

There is always something there to remind you when you have fucked up, hurt someone or ignored the desires of your heart. You can always return next lifetime to clean up your messes and you will have new teachers, new loves, new talents. You are evolution in process. It never ends and it continues until that spark of knowledge only you can share with the world has been imparted with compassion.

These past months have been ones of deep thinking, startling revelation, and an emptiness that does not frighten. I am in cosmic limbo, awaiting something unlike anything ever experienced before now.

Every part of my life, which was in confusion, has settled into resolution via an understanding, a teaching, another human stripping me of attachment via their interpretation of life and soul purpose, or through the understanding of what little importance another’s opinion of my life affects me. Those vestiges of self-degradation, created in childhoods, we all carry around, left me a few weeks ago in a valley above Whistler, B.C., Canada.

Resting below the August night sky, on a mountainside of the Coast Mountain Range, after a drink at the Fairmont Mallard Bar, after a free Mraz concert, front-row spot my left, his right, the answer came to me.

mraz whistler 5aug11

It was a whisper across the stars. A sigh across my eyes. A breeze through the trees while clouds danced around the Canadian moonlight, at 4 a.m.

There is one spectacle grander than the sea, that is the sky; there is one spectacle grander than the sky, that is the interior of the soul

Victor Hugo

Could not sleep, so drove from the Fairmont to a place that called my heart, and thanking Subaru for my full length station wagon comforts, watched the sky move from dark to gentle morning greys and blues.

Release fears. Release attachment to old self. The old patterns are disappearing into the blue light of early dawns’ dreams and revelations.

Have you ever felt so deeply, into your body and soul, it almost hurt to breath, because you could explode into the universal consciousness, shoot across the morning horizon and realize you were one lucky, incredible, amazing being without end or beginning, reaching for the ends of being and divine grace?

Yes, it was probably different for you however all I have are words, which come from a place I know exists, however, the memory of that place arises through different experiences of my life.

Sometimes in water, or skiing down a mountain, or driving fast, up mountain curves, with radio blasting, or dancing in front of a stage, where a musician performs to nameless faces, on a stage once graced by the most amazing athletes in the world, receiving their Olympic Golds, strumming and staring at the mountain, I rested on that night.

Crawling into my white-sheeted, down covered,  hotel bed, comforted with French press coffee and currant scone, exhausted and blissed out from being kissed under the moon, by cosmic spirits and ancient ones, I realized I felt alive again.

No pain, or sorrow or fears touching me from the past. Release from them, I chose, and the earth heard my prayers of thanks and gratitude, and gave me a surprise in the eyes of a lovely fox, looking at me from behind a fern covered log. I saw my curiosity in its eyes. I also saw there was no fear, and we were motionless mountainside, touching one another’s souls in Paradise.

Love is a portion of the soul itself, and it is of the same nature as the celestial breathing of the atmosphere of paradise.”- Victor Hugo

A layer of that secret mask, we sometimes place in front of ourselves, as others probe, our raison d’etre, was dissolved by moonlight, foxes,  and earth’s healing magnetic re-balancing. I am altered and living a new paradigm. 

I sent love to all of you, that night. I do not know you, your face, your life, your loves, your fears. However, that night I blessed you all, in silent prayer and gratitude.

And, if we have glanced in each other’s eyes, passing through a mountain village, or rushing down city sidewalks, or meeting in a room filled with strangers and spoke few words, I sent you blessings.

We share the earth. I shared my heart with you, a fox and the moon, that moonlit night in Whistler, B.C. Thought you should know, someone wished for your happiness the morning of August 6th.

The power of a glance has been so much abused in love stories that it has come to be disbelieved. Few people daresay nowadays that two beings have fallen in love because they have looked at each other. Yet that is the way love begins, and only that way.”- Victor Hugo

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Trying to Understand

Everything is connected... no one thing can change by itself.

~ Paul Hawken

copyright2011, Danise Codekas

Last night the Beatles were playing in the park. Actually, 4 guys who go by the name Abbey Road, and played after the farmer’s market to a crowd of 300+ residents, friends and family.

Remarkably, the drummer has the best voice and he was also British, or maybe Australian, but the accent was there. Paul, John and George should have let him take the lead on all the songs. A reverse incarnation for Ringo would suit.

Something about hearing old, familiar tunes that everyone knows, and the largest dance jam, yet, for the summer concert series, arose, and rocked out through the 90 minute concert, above Puget Sound,  and below V formations of Canadian Geese and soaring Eagles, above.

I turned to my friend and asked, “Is this all there is?”, which was a very philosophical question, that welled up, after they played Back in the USSR. The great life changing question is a precursor to a new design for my life. The daily events are coalescing into a huge, super-conscious download which I have been reaching for all my life, and I am watching my moments closely now.

I know you all have been reading me and I enjoy the feedback you send me in emails and phone calls. There are things that I have to do on my own and this change that has been coming to me, has arrived and all I can say is I bought the ticket and waiting for the spaceship to show up that will whisk me into an entirely, self-created newness. I cannot tell you what or where it will be, however, it involves writing, music and a new place, somewhere, not here.

People change and forget to tell each other.-~ Lillian Hellman

I am in the eternal, cosmic,void of consciousness change. It comes as my meditations deepen, my attachments lessen, and my understanding of what I need to do--write the secrets in my heart, and capture those sentences, which come down from above. That unknowable, eternal center of the universal mind, inspire and feed my unquenchable needs to reveal unnamable ideas, on a laptop screen, a blue lined paper tablet, or on a blank cover, on a matchbook.

The blank cover of a matchbook holds 2 book titles, that revealed themselves to me in the middle of a 7-11, one night, as I went in to pay for gas.

I am more than my words, deeper than the explanations of those mystics ,and holy men and women who gave me information about those things, of spirit I have constantly sought and write of  or allow to seep into my stories and manuscripts, now.

If I were to say what ended most of my relationships. with men, I would have to say that they lacked the desire to pursue their own mysticism. They did not seek the unknowable of the universe. You have to be brave to pursue the unknowable.

There are no warning signs in a dark jungle except the sound of something rustling beyond you. I froze in the Ecuadorian jungle one night, at the same moment realizing the writing I was doing was causing the same fear to arise. I had to keep walking to get out of the jungle. I have to keep writing to get out the words. It is who I am.

Change and growth take place when a person has risked himself and dares to become involved with experimenting with his own life.~ Herbert Otto

I need to seek that unknowable. A man who does not understand my desire and passion, and who does not thirst to know what this cosmic, extraordinary, ever evolving creation, we all are held in, would not stay with me, nor I with him. Hence, here I am alone, again, walking across the planet.

How can I honor a relationship, with a man who does not seek, see, and know there is more to his body, things, or life’s work? He becomes a finite mind; not and infinite possibility for me. He must seek infinity and the answer to his being.

All those broken, creative, exciting, challenging relationships you or I have had that no longer exist, as once they did, through our passionate embraces, or wild longings, could never have worked for the simple reason that your soul and my soul were seeking something more.

The people we were with did not have that same passion and desire to know what is going on, in the universe, and what it is that is creating, every new moment in our breaths.

Giving us the words, the sounds, the miracles of its presence reveled through our dreams, our writings, lyrics, poetry, dances, sculptures, musical notes, and brush strokes on canvas.

Whoever undertakes to create soon finds himself engaged in creating himself. Self-transformation and the transformation of others have constituted the radical interest of our century, whether in painting, psychiatry, or political action.~ Harold Rosenberg

I stopped believing that my relationships ended because someone lied, cheated or just was not interested in me or visa versa. Last night, in communion with all that is, while listening to music, a cosmic laugh from the universe blew me out of my chair at the concert, whisked me off the the heavenly, blue field sky, and I knew those important men of my past,  were only touchstones on my path of seeking. All important, all my choosing.

We were on a path together, seeking an answer to our existence, our next direction, for a while. Then we needed someone else and the universe would send somebody, when there was only a thread to hang onto sometimes, in my life. What about you? When did the universe send you somebody, when you were stranded and just ready to come apart?

Our desire to know more about the unknowable, that energy which keeps all patterns, molecules, and paradigms in place as the universe, changed for us both.

I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself.~ Aldous Huxley

I left, again, on my flying, winged journey, through time and mystical meanderings, and they went their way. Most of my relationships ended because they  did not understand my need to seek.

I feel universal power, flowing through me,  in everything I do. I know that all religions and ancient wisdom-keepers seek It too.

I have met great teachers, gurus, saints, mystics, healers and shamans. They proved that what I sought was the greatest adventure. A most worthy one that a human could pursue.

Where do the words come from?

The ecstatic body surges in meditation, chanting, reciting mantras, that arise from the floor through my body, or the wooden canoe paddle ,when gliding in silence, at sunset across a blue-shirred, frog chorused lake.

Overwhelming waves of love sent across the cosmos hit me, and I let them flow through me, to you and the universe, last night from Steilacoom.

Where do those come from, friend? We all have them. Where does love come from? The source of IT?

I have been sure since I was a little girl that I was sent here to be happy. It was the last thing whispered in my soul before I arrived in this Cosmos. I know this for sure.

My ever challenging, changing, whirling void that I am swimming in, toward the waterfall, that sweeps me over the edge, into a new pool of energetic, fulfilling words, places, friends and lovers, is encapsulating my days, enchanting my nights, writing my poetry.

I talk to spirits and energies, in prayers, Tibetan chants, mantras and dances in the moonlight,  that drift across the Cosmos, to uplift and comfort. Travel, writers and poets, musicians, artists, mystics, philosophers, scientists, ecologists, and farmers inspire me to soul-reaching depths,which pour out on pages and pages of paper, and 0 1 computer codes, from my right hand,  that you can read here. I am changing, and I cannot describe who I am becoming and am not afraid. Thought I should warn you.

All things must change to something new, to something strange.

~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Like my Greek ancestors’ creation of Alpha and Omega, the search for the beginning and end of all, this laptop and all that it does is only a transformer for Zero and One, 0 1. We are 0 and 1, in our cosmic makeup. All our creations come from something and are released into the Void which holds IT all.

They must often change who would be constant in happiness or wisdom.~ Confucius

Friday, July 15, 2011

Gazing into Infinity

copyright2011, Danise Codekas

It might seem a little strange to be reminded about how great life is, even though, the soul walks through valleys of travails and unexpected, personal challenges. Today I was reminded about the perfect timing of the universal consciousness as I spent the day on a native reservation, looking at a herd of deer, with their new born babes frolicking across fields at the base of mountains, which lie beneath the Bering Sea, and touch Russia.

I began to feel lighthearted again. Powerful and lighthearted, as is my natural state and yours. Sometimes I have to fold into myself, and be alone. In truth, though, I take all you with me. That is the way of the world. We are all in this together, however, there are mountains, valleys and oceans and abilities separating us all. Yet, we are all here, together.

Whenever I begin a new practice, which involves re-vamping my entire physical and spiritual behavior, things change quickly. Paying more attention to food, exercise, meditating, and re-visiting spiritual gurus, monks and mystics, helps to shoot me into an entirely new level of personal power and my life’s mission moves along a bit quicker, with very little left behind to wonder about, as the past gets let go and the moment is all that matters and is relished and honored in wonderful, open ways.

Meditating daily, walking, writing, dancing and chanting mantra’s brings me back to the source and the true nature of the universe. It contacts the source of all, the creator and destroyer of the universe. The Shiva Shakti of evolution and the unlimited source of creativity. It is a no shit connection with that which is true, and makes me sometime yell out,

Holy Shit, I cannot believe how good I feel when I do those things which brings me to myself.   It makes no different how long goes by, the breathing, mantras, yoga, tai chi, Celtic dancing all pull up energy from the center of earth and being and connects to the energy falling into my body, mind, singing powerful soul songs into my heart.


The earthquake under the English Channel, today, is a precursor of things to come. A group of investigators left the US for England, today, to find out why the number of Crop Circles in the UK has increased dramatically in the past few months. Sightings of many are now being reported by the BBC, which include numerous reports from commercial airline pilots and passengers.

Usually, they show up if there is going to be a big earth event, in order to balance off the energy displaced when a major geological precursor event kicks things off, like today’s earthquake. Glad I was not on Eurostar under the Chunnel. Oh, we never talked about UFO”s? Well, get a grip. I have seen things of great power, magnitude and speed up above me, or along the horizon, as I am sure you have too. Just don’t talk about it too much. Isn’t life incredible?

I am undergoing some big changes now. They come from me burrowing in to the spiritual, for a while. Me releasing the past and letting go of things which have been holding me down, were not being used, and my art, my writing is demanding full time focus, laced with self-creative expression with the cosmic forces.

I am re-reading some of the Vedas, opening the 4 Agreements again, and researching some ancient archeological connections to the Black Madonna, which I spent a lot of time on seeking in Argentina, France, Canada and Mexico. And why do I have this urge to go to Portugal and Crete? Crete, has always been on the list. Portugal? Hmm. Lisbon.

I find, as you may in your daily mediations, chanting, praying, that the more you focus and do it, the more incredible resolutions to issues appear, or whispers from above come and say, go here, don’t go there. Move there, don’t move there. Crazy sounding am I? You expected another communication sociologists’ view on the latest Harry Potter movie? [“They” say it is good]. I am going for a walk on the beach in the rain, instead.

Sorry, today, is a day to dwell with the divine, the holy, the reasons for living, the reasons for staying or going. Connecting with those of like-minded awareness. Upheaval, change, wiping away the past, embracing the present, and leaping onto a slow wave heading into the sunset of my dreams. lake_moraine

Standing here alone, thousands of feet above the planet’s floor, I know my power, my oneness, and I melt into absolute oneness with all that is, was and will be forever. I breathe, float into the sky, and touch infinity.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Re-arranged by Our Hearts and Souls

copyright2011, Danise Codekas

“The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.” – Albert Einstein

Thank God, Einstein had such a great sense of humor. I cannot imagine what his mind was like with all those numbers and equations running around, however, I do know it was a simple mind filled with great wisdom.

This past week it felt as if everything was happening at once. The changes I desire are being created in a way I had not expected. I think I am on the hot seat these past few months, which is burning my butt, big time. There is a raging going on that is going to cause me to pull up roots, relocate and finally become the change I seek. I cannot believe that LA is looking interesting, as a relocation spot. I would have to be at the beach, or up Topanga Canyon, somewhere. Think I could find a nice spot at Malibu?

Oh, this is crazy says the calm woman, who has walked through hell a few times. The woman who has taken off for places unknown, alone, and trekked into mountain villages and sat in quiet seas, smiling at the setting sun, even though her past had been ripped too quickly from her, weeks before.

Making the changes in quiet, without telling anyone works really well, usually. It is not like I have anyone to report to on the planet, except those I love, and they know that the unexpected sometimes generates unlikely expected results in their understanding of my life’s path.

If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” – Lao Tzu

Lao Tzu had it right in this thought of his. Probably as he was sipping some Pu’erh Tea, which is so damn good. Yunnan Province is where I want to drink tea, for a while. The center of an incredible herbal cosmic universe for the world. Pu-erh comes from Yunnan. Go to the source.

“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” – Walt Disney

It is, you know. I have no idea how I am going to juggle and balance the challenges in my life, over the next month. It seems almost impossible, right now. Yet, the urge in my 3rd chakra and 4th, the heart center, is knowing it is time to move, change, let go of the old.

So, I need to take a Chakra Test, which is something I do once in a while, in order to see where I am blocked, open and over-exerting myself in my life.

I take it when the void is opening up and the changes are starting , and I have stopped trying to stop them. Nothing that came up surprised me, and if you understand your cosmic connection to the universe, not only from a physical sense, but also eternally connected to all that is, was or will be, you might want to take one too.

Relate it to what is going on in your life. It helps balance things out, when you can see that everything you do, affects where you are at ,what your body and energy system is revealing and reflecting from the outer to inner worlds and back again, and who is now walking along side you or who will be coming to walk with you.

Wisdom and love balance us; self-understanding and courage, lead us to miracles.

“You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Results from My Chakra Test , 7-14-2011

(Chakra test and explanations, copyright E. Berkers)

1. Root Chakra –Fear-The right to be here

Root: under-active (-6%)

The Root chakra is about being physically there and feeling at home in situations. If you tend to be fearful or nervous, your Root chakra is probably under-active. You'd easily feel unwelcome.

2. Sacral Chakra –Guilt -The right to feel

Sacral: under-active (0%)

The Sacral chakra is about feeling and sexuality. When it is open, your feelings flow freely, and are expressed without you being over-emotional. If you tend to be stiff and unemotional or have a "poker face," the Sacral chakra is under-active. You're not very open to people.

3. Navel Chakra—Shame-The right to act

Navel: open (38%)

The Navel chakra is about asserting yourself in a group. When it is open, you feel in control and you have sufficient self esteem.

4. Heart Chakra –Sorrow -The right to love and be loved

Heart: under-active (-12%)

When your Heart chakra is under-active, you are cold and distant.

5. Throat Chakra—Lies -The right to speak and hear truth

Throat: over-active (69%)

If this chakra is over-active, you tend to speak too much, usually to domineer and keep people at a distance. You're a bad listener if this is the case.

6. Third Eye Chakra—Illusion -The right to see

Third Eye: over-active (69%)

If this chakra is over-active, you may live in a world of fantasy too much. In excessive cases hallucinations are possible.

7. Crown Chakra –Attachment -The right to know
Crown: open (56%)
The Crown chakra is about wisdom and being one with the world. When this chakra is open, you are unprejudiced and quite aware of the world and yourself.

Percentages go from -100% to +100% .

---end of Chakra test data

The thing about chakras, they always show you exactly where you are moment-by-moment in connection to the cosmos. As below, so Above. As within, so outside.

So, my crown chakra, 7th, is open and I am feeling aware of me and the world. I am telling the universe I have the right to know everything and I am getting all the answers and hints I am ready to digest, utilize and put into action. Nothing is being denied me at this time.

6th chakra, sure I am a bit in fantasy land, as I am imagining a new life, and seeing new possibilities for what I will do with it.

5th chakra is over-active as I am asking questions of the universe, ignoring those who are fearful, for me, to make changes, so my ears are kind of slightly closed for some rest. I have always been aware of my right to speak and hear the truth about myself.

Knowing when people are giving me good advice vs. people, whose advice is based on jealousy, fear of letting me go, or outright stupidity, is being not-heard, in my self-preservation mode.

My energy, which I need to get me to an entirely new life style, geographic location, and network of human interactions, arrives at its true desire, resonating with all the life inside of me, to the new life I have chosen.

I need to know the right advice will be given from the right guides sent to help me, no matter what form they take. Watch the signs, pay attention to symbols, recognize when the same place or number keeps appearing before you. A  new cosmic map has arrived in consciousness. Read it, follow it

You do realize we are in a full moon cycle? As I have French ancestors, it is also independence day in France, so my body, mind and spirit are celebrating the tri-color, in powerful, self-independent fashion.

4th Heart chakra is cold and distant and that will change as I re-balance, once the destination is clear. I don’t know who is there to help, love and assist me in that new location.

Leaving those I love, for those who will have to learn to love me, is kind of scary for my little heart, right now. However, I know love is there. It exists for me wherever I go, in many forms, including a male .

3rd, 2nd and 1st chakras are saying I have the right to change my life, since I have the right to be anywhere on this planet. I am getting a bit uptight, as my feelings for wanting to uproot myself are being called to account, and so I am shutting down, pulling away now since I have to let my heart and soul lead me.

I understand what is going on and, like you, it will be an incredible new journey, with unplanned stops, incredible vistas, and a wild ride at light speed. Nothing is ever created, nor destroyed. It is simply re-arranged by our hearts and souls.

“One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching.” – Unknown


Chakra test link below.

Monday, July 11, 2011

A Life That Got In The Way

copyright 2011 Danise Codekas

I am reading about food in SF restaurants. Chocolate cake covered with chocolate, coconut ice cream. Long noodles and shrimp, grilled to perfection from a favorite restaurant over near South Beach. What is it about summer, that starts the taste buds dreaming,even though surrounded by fresh strawberries and Dulce De Leche covered alfajores, on this warm summer's day? Could it be that my life got in the way, and I forgot about those tastes which have led me to some amazing places for food, around the world?

I once spent an entire 3 weeks chasing and eating ice cream by driving down the Wailua Canyon Road to Kappa for a nightly, taste orgasm, for scoops of  Lappert's White Chocolate Macadamia Nut. I spent this weekend visiting a goat farm to meet the goats and meet the cheese making family,  because I fell in love with their family-made dill goat cheese. I am planning on spending a weekend learning how to make cheese, and get to taste different local wines, with fresh French bread spread with creamery butter which is made by a relocated Parisian baker, from the Marais district in Paris.

A friend has signaled me to join he and his new love, in San Fran, for a few days in order to partake of some food events that they will attend from SF to Mendocino. I asked him, why me, when they have all those rapid foodies jumping up from the mushroom patches, up and down the coast. He said that I make the most appreciative sounds when I eat or drink something superb. He said I look like I had really good sex and they can always tell when food is good, through the moans I make.

Yes, I moan when I eat. I come from a family of food connoisseurs. Chocolate and ice cream makers whose stores and restaurants, on the east coast made dentists very rich and happy. We owned cookie companies, too. My mother and father, in their travels around the planet, chose the best wines and ingredients for meals, which we still beg for on our birthdays. I have eaten on 5 continents, and remember meals, or drinks, finished under a rising sun, waning moon with a satiated smile.

I have eaten in places recommended by food editors, only to be sadly disappointed, since the one or two dishes reviewed, did not include the Chicken Dijon, which proved to be yuk. Yuk is a good word for ill-prepared, dry chicken that cost 45 Euros. Cheap, I know by some Arles standards, however, it was my dinner. The bad dinner garnered an invitation, to a local, family-owned gastronomical wonder, who prepared one of the best roast goat, cooked with pears and apples, ever tasted in Southern France. This dish jump started moans and beatific facial expressions for an evening, which earned me a wonderful, perfect creme brulee.

Sometime life does get in the way.You find out there was something it was leading you to, that you would have missed, had you not been disappointed, which led you to get all fired up about finding that perfect meal, or perfect word. Life is supposed to get in the way. How else do you know you are alive? I see a lot of women complaining about men who are breaking up with them.

The women fake light-heartedness, joy, and cop an attitude that it was a wonderful experience, and so much learned, and we are going to be such good friends and keep doing tai chi together. Then, a few weeks later, the break down occurs and they start making the guy feel guilty so he might re-start with her, and save her from her lonely, sad self. Of course, a lot of men do go back and then after a year or so, it all erupts again.

I think they are fools, since the reasons they broke up were always evident. They chose not to look at them because of the high they were both experiencing with bragging to all their friends on Twitter, or lots of sex, or glowing in feeling like a power couple. They crash and burn so fast. They were never in love and simply in love with the idea of love and not being alone. It takes a really strong man to admit he made a mistake and back out of an engagement, when he realizes the truth about the woman.

Realizing it is not love, is just as hard as knowing when it is. The trick is to understand you can make a mistake with the old paradigms in your head, and a woman can walk around with a fairy tale prince ideal for her entire life. She will adore you, give her identity up, to lure you into marriage, and then if all else fails, post bikini shots on her web page, tell people you weren't ready, and act like she never had those insights into the fact that the relationship was not working from the get go, especially after having 4 or 5 repeat performances, with you, across the years.

Do men just get tired of looking for the right woman, for them, and give in to anyone who will close their eyes to the discordant notes of the relationship? Maybe men do get tired and just settle. God, you could be with someone who settled for you because he was too tired to go after exactly the woman he wanted and be happy. I have screwed up relationships.

I am a human, remember. I cannot imagine choosing someone because he was rich and famous and good in bed. True, I would be a fool, not to, however, it all comes down to that real connection stuff, that no money, fame or sex buys. That moment of looking in someone's eyes and making that connection from the pit of your existence.Does that happen anymore? Or are we so excited about how cool it is to be read by so many people, on our web pages, which attracts some pretty cool people, who may be highly interested in meeting and hooking up, for a while, that we forget that it really does have to be human touch. There has to be a meeting and a standing in front of, in order to know if the energy is real between the two of us. Doesn't there??

A Life Got In The Way of mine, many times. We were drawn to one another for various reasons, attractions, needs. Those lives which got in the way of mine were there to help me get to here. I stopped and spent time with them for a while, and cannot say I regret those stops along the way, because they do not matter any more. It was just an experience which my life needed in order to grow, bend, stretch, dissolve and renew. Just like a yoga pose.

Here in the first position, then bend my flesh around my bones and bring more breath into my lungs and heart, and feel pain somewhere I cannot touch, and release a breath, relax and take in an entire new gulp of air molecules which blast me into the heavens. Kind of like a taste of Gracias Madre's perfect Chocolate Cake with cacao-cinnamon sauce and toasted coconut ice cream.

It all looks good, tastes delicious, however, sometimes you need to sample each part separately and see how it all fits together. I have made some great choices in my life, too. I like to remember them. I am glad a life got in the way, so that my taste refined, my body drew towards true attraction of a man, and there is one less sad woman's blog, stating "it was his fault he was not ready" crawling around the internet.

If a life gets in your way, well, you stopped at that cross road, on the road you chose to meet that life on. Quit blaming someone else, who did not love you the way you needed to be loved. It was your game that produced the results.