Saturday, September 24, 2011

It’s All Changing

© Danise Codekas 2011

“The past went that-a-way. When faced with a totally new situation, we tend always to attach ourselves to the objects, to the flavor of the most recent past. We look at the present through a rear view mirror. We march backwards into the future.”-M.McLuhan

Walking to my car, today, a man parks, in front of me, gets out of his car and yells across the parking lot: “Fuc*in’ Dumbass!!!”.

He looked a little upset, and wasn’t directing it at me, so I asked him what was wrong. Sometimes, it helps diffuse angry, stressed humans. It’s how I communicate my concern about a cosmic tribesmen’s angst.

He calmed, smiled at me (I was looking good in jeans and sandals), and told me that a man was speeding down the one-way driveway, the wrong way. My parking buddy nearly lost his front end. 

You’ve encountered idiots like this, I am sure. You may be one of them.

We all screw up sometime, n’est pas?

I told him that I thought he might have encountered, a Washington State driver, that opted out of the Turn Signal Equipment Option Package, at the dealership.

He cracked up, when he figured it out what I meant. We both laughed and his anger abated, immediately.

FYI: If you ever drive in WA. State, be aware that there are a lot of drivers, who are stoned, drunk or brain dead, who DO NOT use turn signals, ever.

Vans that have the, BABY ON BOARD stickers are usually the main culprits, in my driving experience, here. I think a lot of people here just do not take any driver education classes.

Which reminds me about McLuhan’s statement that, anyone who tries to make a distinction between education and entertainment doesn't know the first thing about either.

If you want a good laugh on a freeway, come on up here, and let me take you for a drive some Saturday evening on I-5, between Olympia and Seattle.

Hence, please be prepared to laugh and shake your head when you see our driving screw ups. McLuhan’s brilliant sociological theories about communications and technology is what made me decide to switch degree programs from anthropology to mass communications.

When I read McLuhan’s comment that, art is anything you can get away with, a light was illuminated in my consciousness, and I had to decided to head to UC Berkeley, to study the sociology of communications, and, who better to study under but someone who used to be a leader in the SDS at San Francisco State?

Todd Gitlin, Chair of the PH.D Communications Program, Columbia U. and NY Times Author. Todd’s latest book is:  UNDYING

He laughed, nodded his head, and then asked me how my day was going. I find my curiosity grows daily, as to why people are angry in the streets, since it appears more people are expressing their frustrations, openly.

Maybe there are more people, however, I think the internet has something to do with the diminishing embarrassment we all feel to express ourselves openly, whether it is a parking lot or on our blogs. We do express without fear in our Facebook or Twitter pages.

The ability to sound off across the globe has grown exponentially in the past 10 years, since the US attacks in September 2001. There was no Twitter, then. If there had been I am sure the servers would have crashed, a lot, all around the globe.

The “medium is the message” seems to be more true today, for me because of the spike in technological advancements, than when Marshall McLuhan's sociological analysis of mass communication ideas, hit the world, in the 60’s.

“The medium is the message. This is merely to say that the personal and social consequences of any medium / that is, of any extension of ourselves / result from the new scale that is introduced into our affairs by each extension of ourselves, or by any new technology.”-Marshal McLuhan

Marshal’s publisher’s failure to spell check McLuhan's original book title, The Medium is the Message, proved his theory perfectly, when the cover for the 1st printing fell off the press, as The Medium is the Massage.

[Wikipedia: The Medium is the Massage demonstrates how modern media are extensions of human senses; they ground us in physicality, but expand our ability to perceive our world to an extent that would be impossible without the media. These extensions of perception contribute to McLuhan’s theory of the Global Village, which would bring humanity full circle to an industrial analogue of tribal mentality.]

Once I understood what it was all about, thanks to Todd Gitlin, who was my advisor, and the head of the mass comm dept. at Berkeley, McLuhan’s idea, that we become what we behold and we shape our tools and then our tools shape us, complemented with my studies of Tibetan Buddhist and Hindu Vedic texts, Cosmology, and indigenous tribal spirituality. 

Quantum physics theories provide scientific proof of ancient Vedic texts,  that  explain, in explicit details,  that the observer affects the observed reality, and both change during the experience, at subtle energy levels. Anything that happens in the universe affects everything in the universe at a subtle energy level.

Well, I have no idea where this blog came from today. It may have something to do with some hesitation about starting a new book, this week. Yes, I am working on a new book, or, rather working up to begin a new manuscript which I created an outline for about 7 or 8 years ago.

What is it about? God only knows. I know it has to do with cosmology, technology and relationships. So, the hardest part could be figuring out a title.

You know we are all trying to create a new way in our lives. We are trying to change, let go, clear out, start again, and do things we love doing which enable us to live a fulfilling life.

If there is anything in your life which is not going the way you want it to go, or you are consistently unhappy because you cannot find, cannot be, or cannot see, then know you are banging your head on the past, or a future based on a reality which is an illusion. The heart, the dream, the desire is where you need to find your breath and your direction.

If you are feeling guilty because you have ended bits and parts of your life that did not serve your soul, and are thinking about going back there, walking back in that door because it is the only door you can find safety behind, after being out in the cold, for so long, you may want to re-think your return.

Stop. Do not go back to the old, the familiar, the thing that makes you feel safe, the person that you think is the only one who understand you now.

You will know you made a mistake when you walk through that door and you worry it will be the same, you feel guilty that you walked away, you are made to feel ashamed for your leaving.

Those feelings should not be present when you walk in the door that is full of possibility, generosity, grace, and you are in a new paradigm, which people from the past cannot destroy, crush, or make you question.

There should be no question in your mind or heart about the next step, the next relationship, the next mission. You just know. Fear dissolves, your life’s mission draws your tribe to you, empowers your creativity.Spiritual quests become the norm, rather than a life’s, last moment regret.Relationships arise before you, that are unlike anything from the past: unimaginable, peaceful, unquestioned, inspiring.

“As the unity of the modern world becomes increasingly a technological rather than a social affair, the techniques of the arts provide the most valuable means of insight into the real direction of our own collective purposes.”-Marshall McLuhan


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Birthday Ruminations

© 2011 Danise Codekas

“God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me.” ~Author Unknown

The gathering of the tribes is taking place as I type this evening. It is peaceful here at my favorite cafe, FORZA, in DuPont, WA. Love the music they play and at 6pm there is no one here except me, looking out over a park, and a new building project which will block the view of the forest that winds down to the Puget Sound.

Time to change locations, mayhap. One thing I have noticed over the birthday weekend, and sitting under this September full moon, many of us are un-plugging from old ways, old friends, and people we no longer vibrate to emotionally, psychically or spiritually. We are nomads, many of us, unplugging from the old tribe, and wandering the earth, city, or mountaintops and oceans, connecting with the new tribe that sustains our personal mission, beliefs and ideals.

People we no longer have to explain where our hearts or heads are at, let alone, hide our true selves from any longer. False images of ourselves no longer need to be used since the people we used them on, in order to maintain a semblance of communication, are being left behind, blessed and spinning off to their tribes, who they are most comfortable with, also.

The final goodbye’s we speak, silently, are not forever, since we could end up in a next life, or meeting up with them at a dinner party, or an awards event. However, we have un-plugged from them emotionally, and in doing so, our hearts are  lighter, lesson learned, and blessing placed on wherever their hearts lead them.

The realization, for me, this birthday weekend, happened unexpectedly, however recognizing what was happening with the people I interacted with, was swift, gratefully acknowledged, and, best of all, their was no sadness. Just a realization that the relationships had run their course, and we all had accomplished as much as we could together, this lifetime.

I was complete and whole. They, also, complete and whole. Realizing our energies and paths were headed in new directions, based on free will, and what it was our souls needed now, brought joy and gratefulness, once the realization that our paths had diverged, clarified before me.

The universe sent me a great birthday present, as these 6 people, from different places, and walks of life passed time with me, and we said goodbye, in our heart, after recognizing our differences. For the short time, we spent interacting with one another, over the years, the experiences we shared, it is time for me to move on.

“There is a certain relief in change, even though it be from bad to worse!  As I have often found in travelling in a stagecoach, that it is often a comfort to shift one's position, and be bruised in a new place.”  ~Washington Irving

The agreements we made to spend time together, to learn from one another, to see myself through their eyes, are unbound, and I walked away from all these people with reverence in my heart, gratefulness, and knowledge that the time of our journey together had come to an end.

The structure of our relationships had changed, and perhaps, they had noted it earlier, than I. However, I understood what was happening and reacted with calmness, peace and turned to face the new friends I would meet, the next adventure which would arise before me.

I go on, knowing that I am not the woman I was, when we met across the years. Nor are they.  The veils have lifted for me. seeing people and situations clearly, knowing that only the ones that call to my heart, touch my heart will be the ones I am led to, play with, heed, and build the new paradigm of my life.

The new beginning and it is also all starting up for me in my first house, in the sign of Virgo. 9/9 was an amazing birthday and the old energy which no longer serves is slowly returning to sea, as the new energy wave comes crashing into my life. I am so grateful.

Saturday, 17th, my yearly reading, with astrologer, Steve Nelson, in North Carolina, will take place. Steve seems to think this is going to be one incredible, knockout of a year for me. He has never been wrong in all these years.

The foolish acts, which lead me to dig a little deeper into the why’s and wherefores, hopefully, will be understood, in this paradigm I am creating with every breath, and this full moon above me, here in DuPont, and above you on another continent, brings wisdom, awareness and change. Another day past, and, hopefully, another to come. Enjoy your time on earth. Fill it with those who understand you, and what it is you came to share with us, this lifetime. Do not spend it with those whose teachings and actions no longer inspire, fulfill you, or inspire you. Do not be fooled by false promises of love or gold. When you find it, see it, know it, grab it, follow it, tell it you are with it for a while. Fly with it.

“All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another. “ ~Anatole France

Friday, September 2, 2011

Do Not Hide

The strange things in the universe seem to be popping up a lot lately. Anything unusual and anachronistic pop up in your life, recently? Anachronistic defines as the representation of someone as existing, or something as happening, in other than chronological, proper, or historical order In other words, did your plans change without consulting you? 

Did someone try to take control of your mind, life or travel plans who was not expected or, for that matter, known to you? Are you running away from someone or something, not realizing you are actually heading to someone or something new that your mind and soul are screaming for instead. 

Feel like we are all traveling now to things unknown, places which will help divest of the burdens, fears, and embarrassments we created around ourselves in the past 2 years or so. 

Ready to drop our pain, sorrow and the sadness, so that the people we know and love us are no longer confused about seeing us in present time. So many of the people in my life remember my past, rather see me in the present, because I stopped hiding.

Last night, when I was thinking important, philosophical thoughts, around midnight, the universe did a shout out at me. One of those moments when I put my feet on the floor, grab a pad and pen and write down what I heard in the silence of the Northwest night. "Do Not Hide!".

The universe and higher consciousness always give succinct and simple instructions to me. Probably to you also. We expect long diatribes, multi-sentenced advice dialogue, and fail to see the simple symbols at our feet, or in the license plate in front of our car before us.

That instruction, last night, was the most unexpected, accurate advice I could have received, on the first day of my birthday month. Something has been broiling inside me for the past few months. 

Old traditions, beliefs and ways were shaken up and I knew that everything was about to change about how I felt, thought and acted and change was unblocking those things that no longer are needed by me. 

Those old beliefs, places, people, habits you are trying to break free from today, are the same ones I was dealing with over the past few months, since May-June. The directive to me -Do Not Hide-means that it is time to show the world who I am, without any fear. 

No embarrassment to say and do those things which are not shrouded by what someone will think of me. A new way of being was enabled and my truth was discharged into the universe, because, like you, I have a mission to complete before checking off this planet.

The world and those who understand we are all engaged in a mass upliftment of consciousness, with major alignments to planetary and energetic systems which support our transformation from the age of domination and war and earth's destruction, to the age of cosmic communication and enlightenment. We no longer need more lessons to remind us we are the ones who are the creators and instigators of change. 

We are doing it. We are on the mission today as we head into tomorrow, more inspired, dedicated and creative. En masse, we inspire, support, and push the wave of change to the limits of the cosmic center, of the universe, Hunab Ku (if you know Mayan glyphs). 

You can substitute whatever, for you, is the power which keeps all that is, expanding and creating. God, Buddha, The Oracle, The Wisdom-Keepers, Allah, Yahweh, Kwan Yin, Zeus, Odin, Mother Earth, or the gods from Sirius B, which is where the Mali believe they were sent from to earth. 

Unless you realize the power you have inside, to bring change to the earth, and all of us who know you are the only one, on the planet with a special, unique gift which we need to evolve, together, into higher enlightenment, we will all have to wait until you can speak your truth which will enlighten us and change all our understanding so we may live in harmony and fulfillment. 

You are the only one who can teach what you know. I do not have your gift. You do not have mine. We are co-dependent on one another to change the world, bring enlightenment to all beings, and stop the destruction of everything and everyone on this planet, including the destruction of mama Earth.

Stop hiding your gifts. Please speak your truth. Write your blogs, books, words across the walls and newspapers of the world. You and I cannot hide any longer. We have to reveal ourselves to one another. How else will our hearts bond and bodies heal if we do not come out of the caves of our minds, which we have been hiding in, healing, gathering energies to us so we can share them with one another and the world?

The tenor and cadence and power in the words the universe spoke to me last night, I shall never forget. My thought was that it was a call from all sentient beings on the planet, last night, to me. My writing schedule has changed in one day, and the intensity I feel deep inside me, now, to get you to join me in revealing your gifts, your ideas, your solutions for this mass transformation of consciousness, we are all co-creating in this time period, is excruciatingly passionate. 

Please do not hide anymore. We need to be honest about who we are, what we think, who we choose to love and live with, and we need to know that none of us know what the results will be, but they will be more amazing than any of us, collectively, can imagine. Yes, there will be pain, sorrow and trajedies. Men and women who seek control and power will seek to silence and destroy. 

They have been on the earth for a long time. However, it is time to stop hiding who we are and pick up our hands, hold one another in light, send blessings to all, and do your work which we came here to do, now. 

If you are still lying to yourself about what is important to you, you are now being challenged by economic, political, and earth changes, which will grow in magnitude and severity. Nothing will be the same as it is now, in a few years. Even mother earth is no longer holding back her displeasure at the atrocities committed against her nature for millennium. All cells are responding and demanding holistic treatment and respect. 

"Do Not Hide!" --cry to me from the universe, 12:01 a.m., 2 September, 2011.
To Hide, def. :
1. To put or keep out of sight; secrete.
2. To prevent the disclosure or recognition of; conceal: tried to hide the facts.
3. To cut off from sight; cover up: Clouds hid the stars.
4. To avert (one's gaze), especially in shame or grief.
1. To keep oneself out of sight.
2. To seek refuge.
We have been doing all the above, in our lives. Hiding from things we have done, feeling guilty, accepting blame for decisions, made, after listening to our hearts and souls. You are en enlightened, super-conscious, electro-magnetic being who has all the answers for your questions inside your DNA, now.  
We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. -Albert Einstein