Monday, June 27, 2011

Singing, Dancing, Laughing

copyright2011, Danise Codekas

Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come:
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon me proved,
I never writ, nor no man ever loved.- William
Shakespeare, Sonnet CXV1


Woke up at 6:15 and began reading and brewing coffee. Turned into one of those days where looking for a piece of paper, turns into a major cleanup of a previously solitary section of the bookshelf that had not been touched since 2009. Why are all those airline reservation sheets still holding space, along with some old utility bills and website passwords, whose sites have never again been clicked upon.

I did add 20.00 to my Good2Go pass for the Tacoma-Narrows Bridge tolls, so it was a productive morning, for this lazy, rainy, summer day. Solar eclipse on Friday, so I expect somewhere on the planet there will be shakes and rumbles.

The energy will effect our brains, and shed light on confusing, immobile situations on our lives. You might want to burrow in Thursday and Friday, so that whatever the universe is trying to lead you to, through illumination, on your hidden desires and needs, gets to you, without unbalancing your hard-headed nature. 

Continuing down whatever path of destruction, you are walking on, pretending not to know, where you  should be heading, will be stopped suddenly by the great cosmic energies, balancing out the earth, with you on it.

4th of July parties abound, however, if you have noticed, parties are not the same anymore, since you began to realize happiness is something different than what you once believed, when you were 22 or 33 or 77.

As you drop your load of bullshit, which was used to seduce, inveigle, and charm strangers and lovers, the realization that you are still seeking that which will bring you happiness, begins to incite you to be real and let it all hang out. It being, your true nature and profound words and songs.

Why aren’t you happy? Maybe you are afraid that you cannot have what you want. That man or woman you once saw in a crowd, you thought about for a long time, lives too far away; has their own life and you are afraid to bump into it; or, you truly believe you would make a mistake about someone who could be perfect for you.

It applies to all the dams of existence in your life that you are desperately trying to keep from collapsing by putting your finger to hold it up, rather than your heart and truth. I even feel like I am full of crap, sometimes, and then I realize it arises out of a fear to engage and pursue something my heart desires. We all experience this paradigm.

Only now, in this time of change, we are being thrown out of our beds in the morning, by a cosmic scream to get real with ourselves, get into our true lives by releasing the false in our lives.

End the pain of false relationships, unfulfilling creative endeavors, homes, or locations on earth, which do not support your need for a healthy existence, and the belief, that if you cause pain to someone, because you know the two of you have finished your karmic dance, and you depart, that you will be admonished, and cursed, by that person, or those that know you.

WHEN, it is time to leave, a wise person realizes it is  the best course of action. It is not my, nor your, responsibility to be the singular source of happiness, for anyone on this planet.

It is up to you and me, individually, to be happy through our own free-will choices. Only then, can two souls join, in wholeness, to enjoy the gifts and efforts, of their lives.

God help anyone, who believes that carrying guilt, and accepting humiliation, cast upon them, by those, who fail to see their soul’s wisdom followed. If you heard your soul scream, “hey, you, this relationship is over. Go!”, Please do not wander the planet thinking you are screwed, and return to the one you left, if it gets too lonely or harsh out there. The Cosmos is just cleaning you up and polishing your heart up.

Relationship patterns are being re-run quickly, in our lives now, and completing old, karmic relationships, help you to understand, that you cannot go back, again, to her/him/it,  because you have graduated karmically. Your lesson; your karma.

Go back, and you both will click that rewind button, on your psychological disabilities, and have to muck through, again, with her/him/it for a few months, years or lifetimes. Let it go. It is done.

Pain, guilt, unfulfilled expectations, that both of you keep sharing with one another, bury you both, until you finally succumb to your need to support one another’s dysfunctional habits. You could marry someone, simply because you are accustomed to their pain, and how you both inflict it upon one another.

You will marry, or live together, because you were afraid that someone else would be no better. What a useless, wasted life, even though it is your choice and lesson.

Two people with half-hearts, and addictions to one another’s pains, always look for happiness, elsewhere, by cheating, lying, stealing one another’s life energies, or by burying themselves in materialistic wanderings around the planet.

I guess, you, paragons of unhappiness, are serving humanity, by showing me that I never again want to be with someone, who is with me, because he is uncourageous, and cannot walk away, without guilt.

I was usually the one, who left a relationship, because the men were not able to admit they were not happy, or the both of us were too frightened to admit, our time was over. Being with a brave man, who has the guts to leave, no matter how hard I may cling, will bring balance to us quicker, than staying together, out of loneliness, guilt or habit.

There is something that is trying to come out of my brain and heart today, on this topic, and I am probably explaining it, in a convoluted way.

My apologies.

There are too many couples clinging to one another, even though they are unhappy, unfulfilled, killing one another’s creativity, drowning each other in unrealistic expectations, financial security demands, or just plain possessiveness, and they do not want anyone to have the object of their desire, ever.

Passive-Aggressive, Dysfunctional Caregivers who are draining the life-blood from their partners, and calling it LOVE. A woman I know has lured her wealthy boyfriend back to her 3 times, over the past 8 years. She sucks his blood, and as he tries to build his life, then she lifts her mask, he sees her true self, then, he breaks off with her, again. I think I will use the Sanskrit phrase: too much fire. They burn together and never fall to earth, to help new plants grow. Too much fire always smothers new life.

She plays at being his friend, for a year or two. Then, like the prow, of a destroyed sail boat, she floats back to his beach, and offers him solace, on what is left of her bulkhead.

She mimics him, to seduce him, again, and pretty soon, his soul starts sighing, for happiness and wholeness, because she burns faster than he. Then, the games begin, since she is not getting what he cannot give, as he does not love her. He is simply addicted to her seductive dance, and when he begins to hear the tunes in his head, rather than her sirens songs, he leaves again.

I guess Odysseus was lucky to escape the Sirens’ song, wasn’t he?oddyseus-herbertjamesdraper

"Their song, though irresistibly sweet, was no less sad than sweet, and lapped both body and soul in a fatal lethargy, the forerunner of death and corruption."-W.C. Perry

You get the idea.

Hope they can both be happy, apart, and wholesome soon. I guess their patterns bother me because I hope none of my old one’s, from the past, if a man brightens my life again.

I think my writing, especially the work on my books, brings to the surface of consciousness, the subtle, psychological nuances between humans that I am noticing now. Or, maybe I just need to go to a Rock Concert. That must be it.

If you have a Box Seat available, in the VIP section, for the MUSE, August 7 concert, in Mountain View, CA., please send ticket, RT plane fare from Seattle, ASAP! of course, my life is guided by unexplained occurrences, wonderful serendipities, and the belief I was sent here to be happy. This woman needs some singing, dancing and laughing!

(DC, DSCF0260 POB 594, Gig Harbor, WA. 98335)



WINDOWS, Venice Beach, CA.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Sing Your Death Song

copyright2011 by Danise Codekas

The Subaru had its emission test today. The car wondered why some guy was sticking a hose in the gas tank that tickled, and did not emit liquid into its hoses and pipes. Then, the car became a little tight-hooded, when some woman stuck a strange pronged instrument into its brain cells, under the dashboard.

My car and I are always upset when someone touches it that is not me or a certified Subaru mechanic. You just never know what kind of computer viruses can be transferred between American, Japanese, German and British cars at the DMV Emissions Stations. Maybe has done a show on it and it is another black  ops program, fostered by the One World Government coalition, without our knowledge.

In any case, the SUB passed with flying colors. I am so not going back to Toyota!

Choices we make determine our lives and the quality, thereof. I love that word, thereof, as I do the word, cherish. I also like my last name which translates from the ancient Cretan, as code of of the soul. Kas, is soul in Greek.

I am at my favorite coffee place, Forza, today, checking the emails, glancing at jobs in California, Hawaii and Washington, and just made arrangements to head to a prayer wheel, tomorrow, that is taking place around the NW and Canada, with the epicenter in Olympia, WA.

I was invited and guess it is time to step into the intentions of the Native American tribal elders, who are calling for a gathering to balance the earth and the wild, destructive meteorological and energetic energies, bombarding all. Heart, minds, souls, earth ohm’s, radiation levels, illness, and maybe a comet or two heading this way, so I may as well get out of the chair and stand by the waters of the Puget Sound and drum.

Whatever the intentions, they are for the good of all and it is time to step out and hold some energy, with those who are well-intentioned and aware, of the powers which are colliding against one another: forcing all of us to make choices and decisions, unexpected in time.

These choices are forcing us, you and me,  onto our true life’s missions, with better intentions, holding no more guilt about what we have to do, and who we choose to do it with.

You are all changing partners, companies, homes, notes and words, that demonstrate you are walking your true lives’ paths.

It is hell for some. Nerve racking, stepping out onto those limbs, and the incredible thing is, that it is you and me and the connections to our hearts and souls, that we are finally listening to and following, which make it impossible, to miss the mark or the face, of our true love, work, mission and location on earth.

The dreams are coming true now, as braver we become through each breath. We have been stripped, beaten, submerged and exhausted, by the toils and pains of our labors.

We are through the birthing process of our lifetimes, and giving birth to our new lives. We are creating, as Creators, not students of the universe.

Celebrate your history, your scars and revel in the fact that you are creating the life, with the people and tools, you know are the right ones for you.

Yes, I am scared about the unknowns of my life, however, I am not regretting any parts of my life. I have not lived my life with ill intent. I have fucked up, made mistakes and screwed up royally. However, it was never with ill intent. I was learning about my heart, soul and this place I landed on, so long ago. I came to a planet, and had to deal with you and all its vagaries. I was sent here to be happy. So, I have believed, perhaps foolishly by some. But there is more joy and beauty on earth, when I follow my heart.

What an incredible place it is, isn’t it? I love this earth. Love the sun, water, mountains, lakes, animals, and most humans met. To be able to lay on the soft grass and gaze at an entire universe, while spinning at 25,000 mph, is pretty cool. Gravity is cool.

Applying to the earth to keep us stuck on, and now applying it to our lives and choices brings us to a more cohesive and caring community mind-set. It’s nice here. Hope you are enjoying your day today, or at least the part of it where you breath, laugh, and know you are alive.

The other best thing about the Olympia, WA. gathering, tomorrow, is another farmer’s market and organic, miniature carrots.

“So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view, and Demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, Beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and Its purpose in the service of your people.  Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, Even a stranger, when in a lonely place. Show respect to all people and Bow to none. When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the food and For the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, The fault lies only in yourself. Abuse no one and nothing, For abuse turns the wise ones to fools and robs the spirit of its vision.

When it comes your time to die, be not like those whose hearts Are filled with fear of death, so that when their time comes They weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again In a different way. Sing your death song and die like a hero going home.”-Tecumseh - Shawnee

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Doe and the Rose Bush

copyright2011 Danise Codekas

What is it about dreams that seem to follow you about the day? Had one last night and it was all too real. I could touch myself in it and it was me as an old, old woman, sick and dying. Just an internal memo from the higher self to kick into gear my new exercise program now. Not that it was a scary dream, only that it was so clear that if your body is not cared before, you won't be able to care for yourself when it falls apart and you are still breathing. Simple data, no?

I did a lot of driving today, through valleys and up mountain roads and realized I need a chauffeur. There is a point where holding the wheel after 2 hours seems pointless. Would be nice if the wheel was mind controlled. I could sit in the seat and give the name of the exit I want to get to, and the car would go there. We have expanded the technological advancements in the automobile. It is now time to hook up our bodies and brains to those computer chips under the hood.

I watched a friend fry eggs and bacon, the on hood of his old Chevy pickup, in the middle of the Sonora desert one day. If you can cook eggs and bacon on a car hood, then surely they can install a mini-micro oven behind the back seat of my Subaru. The back seat should fold down to reveal a laminated top,with utensils sheathed inside plastic tubes along its sides. Instead of a back of a seat, a mini oven warms some brie, roasted red peppers and french bread, for snack time.

The ability to have what we need, when we want it, seems to be stalled in human development sequence. The reverse is more true, during these times of world financial keep-your-eye-on-the shell games. Now, most people want something and have no ability to have it. More people are beginning to pull away from the false impressions impressed upon them by their social groups, friends and fans.

We are crawling into ourselves and away from preconceived ideas of what we are to others. Trying to satisfy what someone thinks I should be doing is a futile exercise in madness. You may know about this experience. You decide to be with someone, for instance, and before you know it the next thought about where a relationship is headed is dictated not be your personal insights and true beliefs. It is guided by an other's ideas, of what your life or commitments should be like, which become staid, de-evolutianary and uninspiring, if you are not able to pull you head out of your butt, in time, to realize you are doing something you really never wanted to do.

Of course, some of this is your fault, of course. Like you were lonely, scared, frightened, thought it would boost your career or sell some books, or Cd's. Thought it would be cool. I rode a number of waves, in ocean's created in other people's minds. In the end, thank god, the undertow grabbed me and held me down, until everything put in my head, by other's words or beliefs, was gone. The first breath became filled only with my own air. No one else's.

I am really pushing myself to the edge this past month. I create scenarios with these old beliefs stuck in  my head, and ingrained into the cellular memory of my body, and kind of just let go of being rationale, reliable, responsible and retaliatory. I am being peaceful.

Maintaining breath in the whirl of self-created immolation and destruction, in order to arise without anyone else's beliefs dictating any of my personal movements or decisions. It is really hard. I am thinking I might appear a bit crazed to some people.

My body always reflects, to the outside world, exactly what is going on internally. even yours does. Trying to hide what is in your eyes, or tension in your muscles, is impossible. The acuity to read one another, physically and emotionally, over the past two years has expanded exponentially in our human psyche's, as we race toward another leap in human development.

Anyone still eating fruit and vegetables covered with petro-chemicals and grown on land pumped full of agri-business bio-waste refuse, needs to wake up fast. What you put in your body, feeds your mind. Failing to put the most natural into your body, holds the entire human race back from achieving higher potential. What we put in our mouths and chew and use for energy, either brings about genetic evolution for the species, or holds us all back until a un-specified millennial, DNA evolutionary event.

I sat and watched as a tractor gathered the new felled wheat from a large field near Grand Mound, today. They had rolled about 20, 25 ft. high, round wheat bales. They probably had another 200 to go, based on the acreage of the field. It felt really good just sitting and watching them gather and roll the bales, into ever larger rounds, like big, thick cinnamon donuts, with the hole filled.

Watching a part of my food chain process became a moment of wonder, for a few minutes. I know some of you like to sit and watch your tomatoes grow, moment by moment. For me, watching a baler roll hay, or a group of wild horses jump across a gully, is how nature gets me to honor it. Today, a young doe, feasted on my two rose bushes beside the front door. I looked out when I say this long, sleek tan hided body, standing on the front porch.

Her head was just rocking back and forth as she went from from rose to the other, and by the time she left, about a dozen roses were gone. I didn't care. I have loads of roses. She was getting the best meal of the day, by the way she was eating with her eyes close, totally blissed out. I had never seen a deer on the porch before. I am glad my roses are a delicacy for the deer kingdom. I sat in my chair, by the door, and watched her for about 10 minutes. I was as happy as she was because she was beautiful and happy.

Simple elegance, food, emotions, relationships are what I seem to reaching for now. What about you? Too much drama? Not enough peace? Smell the roses, do your tai-chi, walk barefoot across the creek, and keep your hands on the wheel, until you come up with something better, that keeps your life, as your life, and not a stranger's dream.

If you love someone and still cannot tell them, then you may as well quit kidding yourself about the fact that it was meant to be. It will never be until you take action. If they were the one for you, the only one the universe sent you and you walked on by, then stop kidding me and yourself, you are still looking. True love comes rarely.

Once in a lifetime is a humongous event. Twice, in a lifetime, beyond any equation. If you are with someone, you realize does not meet you as a whole, 100% heart, then they will drown you, until the big undertow comes to rescue you, again.

Never regret ending a relationship that your entire physical and emotional system says is toxic for you and your mission on earth. Most people stay in toxic relationships and you know many of them. Bravery and Courage is always required when acknowledging true love. They are also required when it is not anything else than an illusion, created by you, because you were afraid to do the right thing. 

All that is happening in the world is we are creating our own reality and finally we all know it. No one to blame for your unhappiness, depressions or fears, except your own failure to follow your heart. In order to follow your heart it would be a good idea to keep it as healthy as possible until you give yourself permission to become a whole, loving person again able to receive love from another, as you. You cannot use a group's mission, another person's needs or your past history as excuses for that which you know you need in your life now.

You or I do not have time to fool around with the speed with which our cosmic destinies are coming at as, every day a new one hits me, and I do not have time or energy to hold onto the past and grab the present. either take the present moment and make it what you are, give it what it demands, love that which it offers, or head on back to the farm, and plant some new seeds, if there are any left. This cosmic dance is you and me dancing together with every molecule across the universe.

Affecting one another and loving each other. Evil always seeks to destroy itself which means that once it is gone only love exists. Go for love, health and staying in present time, with your heart and feelings. Anyone comes along who is willing to walk along side of you, without requiring you to carry them, that's the one you want to be with.

That is the one you will be having fun with and the one who will understand the real meaning of joy. Joy is good. That is what we are made of and it is that which you and I stop and feel in those moments in the fields of regeneration and expansion and while we gaze in delightful amazement, smelling the rose bushes of life.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Big Sell

copyright2011 Danise Codekas

“Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; and by knowledge the rooms shall be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.”

Where is the wireless network router? Sitting in Starbucks and cannot grab the connection. Do I walk around the store with laptop in hand and try to find the connection that sticks? I see the bars blinking in the bottom left hand corner of the screen but the red X’d monitor icon keeps blinking on and off.

There is a man trying to sell his company’s positions to 3 men, in their 20’s. He is building their desire by mentioning the flights they will taking to the East Coast and how he flies into Miami and rents cars driving to Ft. Lauderdale and Palm Beach and hooks up with girlfriends in San Diego. Slick.

You can see the excitement in the men’s faces as they are hoping to catch a job that not only pays them millions, it also allows them to escape their uninteresting lifestyle. He is really selling the job, however I am waiting to find out how big the check is that they will have to up front to latch onto this incredible opportunity.

As is true, women sometimes know when a guy is selling something that smells like dog doo. A woman is sitting at the table next to this guy, and she is now openly listening and staring at him, and right before she became so obvious, grinning, she said, “Yak, Yak”. I cracked up. This Starbucks is small and has about 15 tables. We can hear the spiel.

How many times have things been offered to you that seemed to good to be true? And admit it—you jumped on some of them. Seems there are a lot more carpetbaggers wandering around the depressed suburbs, filled with empty repo’s. Cities slick with lights, money and valets are dimming lights, as rows of empty business fronts no longer light the way.

Restaurants lush with the laughter of those affording the $800 dollar bottles of champagne and cognac, offer split bottles of $160.00 wine now. And favorite patisseries and elegant chocolatiers are cutting business hours and elegant paper doilies that once lined the Spode china.

I am depressed as this things made me happy. Spoiled American woman deprived of her favorite blueberry éclair and Starbucks lacking an extra router for the corner I chose to sit in. How can we live without such necessities?

Outside Madras there is a fabulous garbage dump that if all the garbage was spread out from west to east, it would reach half way to the moon. I once visited a man and woman who lived in the garbage dump. They raised 4 of their children there. They were also raised there and so the city on the dump became a place where, once in a while, politicians visited because a large number of their constituents resided there.

How I came to meet such a family is one of those stories travelers store up because if you travel, there is always an experience which is unlike anything previously encountered.

Their home had 3 rooms, made out of refuse, consisting of wood, metal, cans, paper and things which were indefinable. I had tea and we ate rice and vegetable soup before I was escorted back to the city streets of Madras, where I boarded a bike taxi back to my hotel.

There were men and women with little stoves selling food and tea and juice in the dump. Some had oil burners to light their location. Like Union Avenue in San Francisco, one garbage street had mini-lights lighting the way. They had a generator that 100 or so families shared use of and funds to buy kerosene whenever a high caste person came for tea.

If you did not realize you were standing on one of the most filthy, largest refuse places on earth, you could imagine a smiling maître d’ seating you at a table made from upturned baby bed, 63 upturned and glued soda bottles for a table top, and a chair which had a mickey mouse emblem on its back.

The lady who was working at the café proudly had me walk behind the makeshift shack which served as the café kitchen, to show me the 8 refrigerators lined up that held various teas and other implements and cookware, salvaged from the dump. There was no Wi-Fi, unfortunately. So, I had to downgrade their Michelin Rating from 4-star to 3, that day.

Yes, we have all tried to make more money, or find an easy way to get more, sometime in our lives, and lived to tell the tales of failure. We have married, dated and seduced by flashing bank balances, May Bach's, and 23 carat diamonds that would lead one to our un-realistic beliefs about what a comfortable and peaceful life is for us.

I knew a man once who actually told me that he would not date me because he wanted to buy me things, he could not afford. When I asked him what things he was referring to, he mentioned things that were evidently seen by him on Lifestyle’s of the Rich and Famous. It was our 2nd date and all I really wanted was another chocolate mousse.

Unfortunately, he was wrapped up with lawyers and bankers and arguing with his mother about increasing his monthly allowance from 6,000 to 9,000 a month, because Stanford was such an trendy, expensive place. I think he was nuts.

But then, unfortunately, I always ran from me n who revered money, or talked about what they owned more, than what was in their hearts. They are too high maintenance. And yes, I never asked him, for anything more, than another chocolate mousse.

So, I have the right corner to sit in, here, at the café, the router is over there. The 4 men, who were trying to see if they could increase one another’s wealth, have left and I am left with an empty vanilla latte cup, and a 10 minute ride home.

Maybe you could remember a time when you faced someone who was poorer, dirtier, less educated than you, who, surprisingly was more generous in their treatment of you, kinder in offering you more than you needed, and wiser realizing that joy, when shared, no matter the amount, becomes that which, when remembered, enables you and me to not wish for what we do not have, but be grateful for what we do.

There is nothing worse, in my mind, than to be looked upon as if I needed sapphires, diamonds and gold. When all I, and probably you need, is love and a cup of tea. Oh, the tea that was served me in the Madras Café? Earl Grey, because they thought I was British.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What Do You Really Need? It's On Its Way

copyright2011 Danise Codekas
Some days seem like "no" days. Negatives arise which prevent you from rolling through the 24 hours, easily. Issues which affect me, and others, begin to eat away at my confidence as I try to understand what it is that I ,and those who know me, need from me. After all, they would not love me if they did not see something love able in me. Right?

Today is one of those days, when everyone I dealt with did not want to give me what I wanted. It felt as if every time I tried to make an appointment, get a quote or pay a bill, a negative would arise. When this happens, more than three times, on the same issue (in this case getting my hair washed and blown [so girlie, I know]), I decided to let my long red hair, rest quietly in repose. I would not walk into another hair salon, and my 2 favorite stylists would have to remain booked for another few days.

When you have hair that is 2 feet long, you have to understand it takes 40 minutes to blow dry, and that is if you are a professional. I faint dead away holding arms up, and flat iron and dryer after 15 minutes. These hair stylists are my hair angels. Someone suggested that I cut it. Go on, get it cut. You'll be much cooler this summer. My answer was that air conditioning was invented for me and my long hair. That is why  I paid an extra thousand, for installation into my Subaru, and why that lovely hum, revolves around my home, during the summer's deep heat, above the Puget Sound.

It all comes down to a matter of love. I love my hair and I love the fact that after years of short hair, I finally let it grow and the hell with people who wanted my curly, red frock to remain on my head, because that is how they knew me best.

I feel sexier, healthier, and smile, at myself, in the rear view mirror, as it flies out the car window, when I am blasting the stereo with calypso, rock, Chicago blues or a fine mind expanding CD from St. Martin's in the Fields recordings, from London.

I purposely re-routed a trip to Rome, one frigid Christmas Eve, in order to attend the evening Christmas Concert at St. Martin's. It was worth every penny to sit in the ancient chapel, candle lit and ivy covered, and smile from the balcony as the wonderful symphonic musicians thrilled us all to Bach and Beethoven. Even the 200 dollar cab ride back to the airport, didn't cause me any stress. The experience was worth every penny, as are all dreams, when answered and fulfilled.

Love is like that, sometimes. Love of self is  important and having to walk away from something or someone, that you know no longer satisfies you is a good thing to do.

It saves your heart from feeling as if there is something lacking in it. It leads you to the one, or the thing, the next note, the next word, that will better satisfy you  with happiness. Sometimes, you wander in doubt and hurt, for a while, until that which is meant for you to love, that person, or animal, or life's mission, reaches you. Embrace it and understand it was always meant just for you. Let go of the fear. Then you realize you were always expected, it was meant to be for you.

I thought about love, last night. I do not know who that man is that will love me. He might already love me, super-consciously, and is just afraid, as I, to say those words, seek me out. It just seems as if all these twists and turns of my life are leading me closer to that dream, which once met and fulfilled, will be understood and recognized as the only path to love I could have walked down.

Isn't real love like that, though? Those words, forsaking all others, come to mind. I believe he is out there and, like my hairdressers, who are busily taking care of other clients, today, he has other things to do before he arises before me. I hope though, he loves himself well, before he arrives and is not looking for his other half. I do not want to be an other half, for him. I have been with other half's and I was always half unfilled and half-seeking something to fill that part of my heart that was half empty.

Whole man, whole heart, 100% flinging his energy into the world. That is my dream of who he is. No more warning signs flashing around us. Just recognition of a changing world around us, that we both embrace as we stand with arms around one another. Sunshine and bliss.

So, what started out to be a day of  the universe saying, "no hairdressing, today," becomes a realization that something or someone else is destined to arise before me. So, I will head down to the Steilacoom Farmer's Market, this afternoon, and seek out my favorite goat farm, farmer's cheese. Hoping, that after a year apart, the chevre goat cheese still exists.

If I had my hair done, it might all be gone by the time I arrive at the market. So another reason for knowing that today's "No", was just the universe showing me there is a great big piece of "Yes" waiting for me to spread on a rice cracker.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Get It? Game Over!

Copyright 2011, Danise Codekas

A very great vision is needed and the man

who has it must follow it as the eagle seeks

the deepest blue of the sky. --Crazy Horse

What a life this is! Never know what is going to happen next. Felt like a whole lot of shaking was going on and then instead it turned out to be that water pipes were blocked under the house. I think it was those field mice, getting back at me, who I scared off this spring, exacting some revenge for losing their little nest off the mud room, behind the sinks.

Now it seems that it has a more universal cosmic meaning. You did not think anything that is happening in your life right now is anything less than a manifestation in the physical to show you where you are going if you stay on course or move off course, did you?

I have stopped the outflow of energy because it is time to balance internally in order to operate with due diligence in the world now.

With volcanoes erupting at violent force in three areas, no four, today, storms and rivers destroying entire food production areas of the world and ongoing bereavement ceremonies for the destruction of places on earth humans once held as safe, did you really think that a simple thing as a pipe being blocked under a house does not have significance to my internal, spiritual enfoldment?

Think beyond the material reality you are seeing and realize it represents something your soul is trying to understand, heal or manifest. It has nothing to do with simple explanations, any longer.

What I am learning is the amount of water I can subsist on without depending on outside sources. Because the flow is blocked out of the house, cutting down on water usage became an immediate act. Now, water is flowing from bathrooms fine, however the kitchen sinks seem to be where I am wasting the most water, as I think about not being able to pour water into the drain.

It has forced me to stop buying any boxed foods. All food coming into the house for the past 9 days are simple, organic forms of life. Washing pots and plates take on a new dimension, so cutting down on preparing cooked (loses healing properties) and using knives to cut fish or meat, requires that my intake of fruits, vegetables increases and also the elimination of most forms of breads, crackers or pasta.

So, my body is incredibly lighter which is something I am always in tune with, anyway. However , now, should an earth changing event occur I do not need to rush away in order to gather food or water for needs which have been lessened and replaced by simpler requirements, due to a water pipe blocked from the house to the sewer in the street.

I waited until I understood the reason this blocked water pipe situation was created by higher self. There is hardly any situation which occurs in my life,especially in the past 6 weeks, in which I fail to ask the question, What is the real meaning behind this, what am I trying to see in my soul? Why am I calling this situation into my life?

None of us have time to fool around playing our games of the old paradigm, any longer. It is time to  “Get It” and time to say, “Game Over”, when we see that our lies, no longer serve us.

Who are you, today, without looking back into the past to drag up old, ancient histories about cruelty, slavery, atomic bombs, old wars, old hatreds. Now, today, with this energy in this moment, in this moment, what is the choice and action you must take to create peace in your soul?

Make it. Pick up the phone and make the call. That person, family, business who you failed to commit to, say you love them to, remove them from pain, help them to live a little longer, remove a little stress, buy a can of tuna for the next meal.

You know what you should do. You know who you need to tell that you love them as you know who you need to say good by to. These events are being taken out of your hands by Mother Nature’s eruptions because nature is no longer allowing destruction or giving us any more time to make excuses for a few more government agency votes, to conserve a few more gallons of water, to stop making plastic bottles.

Nature is no longer waiting for any of to Get It. There is no 2012 destruction coming, as so many are wailing about. Honey, it is here now. Earth, Wind and Sky are erupting, storming, drowning, cycloning across, within all points on the earth.

We are all in it. No more wake up calls, for our appointment with mother nature’s attacks, and ministrations,  to save herself. The planet shall not be destroyed in 2012. It will be cleansed and in doing so those who cling to her shores, mountaintops and ocean bottoms shall be caught in her ministrations of cleansing.

Class is over. The real life results, of what we have all caused lies before you and me,  now.

If you close you eyes to what you are creating, because of your actions, every moment you breath now, you face falling back onto a chaotic, insane field, joining those who are marching, in fear- based cadence,  to the  Mass Chaos and Delusional Beliefs Symphony, Number 2012.

It is about evolving into higher consciousness and acting from those sights of self and soul. It was always about you. It was never about them. Enlightenment first; then share.

The belief that the earth, and the soul of the universe, support  old paradigms, held in place through fear, jealousy, blindness to corruption, destruction of nature, blindness to human and animal misery, show you to be a fool.

To believe that you will not be touched by all the current earth changes and depravations, allowed on this planet, by all of us (we are all in this cosmic dance together and our joining produces what you see in your backyard, the news, and at the bottom of a land mine) through  silence and failure to act from our hearts and what our intuitive voices are trying to lead us to now.

If there is anyone you need to tell that you love , you might want to go ahead and do that. People are not waiting for you to catch up to their transformations.

If you love someone and you are using their past and your past as excuses, to not grab them and run through the new paradigm together, we are swirling in, now,  at millions of miles of hour you might miss the greatest adventure, and the only love of your life.

We are all on one hell of a ride now. The Cosmos, and all of Creation, are rushing to heal, from our lack of personal responsibility, faster than it has ever done before.

Earth School is closed for the summer, and summer lasted about 3 billions years.

Tools are here, in our hands and voices to stop lying, hurting, and destroying one another, and the earth and its creatures. If you think that that old paradigm, of fostering guilt upon everyone because of past hurts, still works with everyone on the planet, get over it fast. We are becoming wise and separating from those surrendering to those who seek destruction.

The sheep are in the abyss and more are following everyday. If you rebuild your house in the same place the flood destroyed it at, it shall be destroyed again.

This present moment holds all the possibilities of bliss, health and peace. Sitting in a yoga posture for 3 hours no longer is effective since you have the power, now in this increasing cosmic energy system energizing Earth,  to bring peace into your life and body in a single breath now.

Joining large groups with one agenda or another, no longer support the universal request that each individual perform right action, act on life missions, from the center of their soul.

You do not need a group to tell you what must be done, do you?

You know what you are supposed to do next. ( I will call the plumber, as the blocked drainpipe experience occurred in order to write this blog. It was time to heal a past belief which blocked my flow into a higher, conscious paradigm).

Quit hiding inside your old history. The old pains caused by old lovers and spouses. The awards and recognitions not awarded. The life you should have had which will never be. The man you wish could love you, but will never because you never spoke your heart. The woman you desire more than breath, but are afraid to be loved, by her. The friend who deceived, the accident which destroyed a life.

They are all in the past. You are in the present. What or who do you want in this moment with you? Who do you want to hold, kiss, make love to or touch, in this moment now? Do you even know if the next moment will come? Of course, you don’t.

Get it? Game Over!

Dear Spirit, tell me what it is which I must know first.-Kyron