Sunday, August 8, 2010

Inspired by a Mandala

mandala image_by_G_Stefanik It rained most of the day today. Finally steady, summer rain and coolness for all the plants and animals in my forest. I forget sometimes that the animals need water, out there in their world, when I am in my air conditioned palace, wrapped up in superficial needs and ego. Nothing worse than being hot and thirsty in the forest.

I realized this afternoon, after moving most of the potted plants into the lovely summer rain showers, the mole hills in the front and side yards disappeared. Then I realized those 6 inch high mole hills disappeared as the moles move further into the earth, as the sun gets hotter daily, since the heat began about 5 weeks ago.

The 3 rabbits were out again, as they are every day in the morning and evening. There is some type of sweetness to my grass and clover and daisies they love to gorge themselves with now. I wonder how long they will be alive, if I will see them again, as the coyotes and deer are now running through the yard, from my forest most evenings.

IMGP0643Hope they live long and happy rabbit years. When they sit outside the house, they exert a calmness on me that I cannot explain, except that in the ancient Chinese Horoscope, I am  the sign of Metal Rabbit. I do know that they have very sharp teeth, which surprises a lot of people when they get bit by them. This is the smallest one of the 3, who let me get pretty close and we had a little rabi-hum communication going on for about 10 minutes.

I spent the early morning cutting back my blackberry bushes. You can see part of the house,and the forest my land resides on, which grows closer to me each year, unless we have some agreement as to how huge the blackberry bushes can grow. This morning I was using the sheers to cut back the vines, which are about an inch diameter wide, that have entwined themselves around my apple and plum trees. You can see the forest, the house sits in, and it is so lovely to sit on the decks and drift off into a little solar nap, gazing into the forest, while the birds sing.


You can see the front part of the property is getting dry now, however, I think the summer will begin morphing into early Fall-like weather now, in about 2 or 3 weeks.

Whatever is going on in the world now, as far as earth and weather changes, whatever that process is, that you want to call it, which I refuse to argue over, the energy of the animals, the weather extremes, and just the overall surprises in new earth patterns, here in the Northwest, since I am here this week, a noteworthy, major pattern is here now and we need to pay attention to it. Mama Earth is not giving hints anymore, like little puffs from volcanic silos,. Mama Earth and Father Sky are smashing their cymbals so hard together, the warnings no longer warnings, but significant, volatile, treacherous reprisals against human failure to understand we are nature, also.

The significance of the huge ice island breaking off from Greenland's 2 main glaciers today, is earth shaking, if you think about it.

You think you and your airline were inconvenienced from Iceland's volcanic eruption this year? You should really think about what happens when that ice island begins blocking shipping routes between the US, Canada, and Europe, and Northern Africa in a few months. You do see the significance of 2 major earth change events emanating from that sector of the globe? Iceland and Greenland?

I do not think a lot of people get it. Get the fact that we are destroying ourselves as we insult and destroy nature outside of our homes, careers, and bank accounts, oh, and love lives too, and addictions. We think too much of what the next thing is that we want, to fulfill the emptiness in our souls, which can only be healed through nature and compassionate understanding of the universal law of balance.

Many people are spinning tops. Spinning away from their center of gravity, health, wisdom, and responsibility for every living creature on the planet, and the planet. I am on a roll tonight and it is almost 3 a.m., PSE. Everything is going nuts right now with this planet, you, and the solar system. Things are getting lined up for bigger changes, that are already in process. If you think about it, what happens when an electric tea pot is boiling, and you click open the little spout, to pour water out? The water, at the surface, cools quickly.

How about this supposition--just play with it. The Greenland Ice Island breaking away, happened because of all the hot gases and oil, the billions of liters of hot liquids, pouring out of the British Petroleum oil spill which displaced the earth's heat, and shot out beneath Greenland?

Think physics, magma movement, air and liquid release, and take a look at ley lines and fault lines under the areas from the Gulf Of Mexico to Greenland. It is all interconnected.

The weather has changed because of 3 big events, that meteorologists do not want to connect.Nothing on the airwaves anyway. The Icelandic Volcanic Eruption, the BP oil spill (no one in jail for it yet!), and the wildfires raging around the US Pacific Coast and Russia. We have red suns now above the Puget Sound. The animals are migrating already. The geese are leaving now, and deer and larger animals are not on their customary feeding trails for the past 2-3 weeks. They know something is going on, and whatever it is, it will be unexpectedly violent, and cause disruption, and hopefully, bring some people back into their bodies from their egoistic fantasies.

I don't know what it is, where it is coming from, meaning a slice of the sun barreling down on us, a piece of a comet, and earthquake, or a dramatic change in the weather so profound, it is frightening. I just know the floods in Pakistan are not common, meaning, nothing like this in decades. You need to look at the patterns. If there are none, then get some food stored up, get your water supplies, bandages, toilet paper, alternative heating source, and a gun and some bullets, alongside your fishing poles and some cash.

Be mindful if you do not know how to get from A to B alone. You just may need to know how to do things, for yourself, for a while. Don't be foolish. Pay attention to what the earth and the animals are telling you.

If you don't know how to do that, then pay attention to the increasing acts of violence among your neighbors, in your state, in the world. A insane impetus takes over because of the disharmony of the earth, which affects you and me, and literally short-circuits our brains, energetically. A lot of humans are going insane, because they are acting mad, and doing cruel, insane things against one another, and anything on this planet that they cannot understand.

Well, just some ramblings from someone sitting about 800 miles from a nuclear power plant; 200 mile range from four of the largest, active volcanoes on earth, and 7 blocks from one of the deadliest, fault lines on the planet, and sitting on tip of the Pacific continental shelf,which is right underneath the chair I am sitting in right now.

So, don't get crazy, don't get lazy,

Just pack up some supplies and take it easy.

Whatever Earthquakes, Volcanoes,

Solar Flares and Floating Ice Islands are transcending into now,

We won't know when, or how,

We will experience the change from their releases.

Preparedness Info:

Now, I shall listen to Mozart's Camo Trio in G.

Goodnight, my friends.

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