Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Preparing for Travel, Again

It is early morning, here in the Northwest, and I stepped outside to look at the moon. The moon will be full on New Year's Eve, and through the fog tonight it glows brightly behind the clouds. There will also be a lunar eclipse on the 31st, so the intensity of emotions will influence us all, as the clock marches toward 2010.

I am tired, yet unable to sleep tonight, as I correspond with people in Kauai, who I will spend time with this week. Usually, I travel Christmas Day, however, this year traveling on New Years Day seemed to be the right time to depart. Flying into the new energy of 2010 and leaving the challenges of 2009 behind is what my flight is all about, planned in advance by super-consciousness. Thank you, higher self.

This year was a year of changes for many people. Life paths were re-routed as corrections in emotions and soul purposes urged us to new places in our lives, both geographically and spiritually. As I head down my path toward 2012, I find myself calmer and encouraged by the changes I am making in my life. Some of these involved little action on my part, as past actions accumulated and forced change because of the nature of energy I had created over my lifetime.

As changes occur, my reaction to them swirls toward confusion, for a time, and then the understanding of the spiritual meaning reveals itself to me. It is then, I can breath and laugh, realizing I am heading to a better place inside my head and heart.

Unplugging from old patterns and dis-assembling mental constructs that no longer serve my soul, hurts in a number of ways. How else could I recognize joy, if not for that moment when I finally allow the attachments and controls to dissolve into the ethers?

Becoming grounded quicker is the result of allowing that which needs to be let go of, go.
Seeing the fear and pain caused by the inability of many humans, now, to recognize that which no longer serves them has been an strong undercurrent in the human dramas, this past year, has it not?

The interesting thing is we all, at some point, let go of the same things in our lives. Apart from our bodies, when we die, we also let go of homes, people we cared for at one time, people we still care for now, pets, cars, careers, relationships, addictions, and eventually that which causes disharmony which brings sorrow, illness, death or poverty to our lives, over time.

There are no beings on this earth that seek suffering. All sentient beings seek peace and harmony. How we go about it can be destructive, insane at times. In the end, before we breath our last breath, the breath of peace, hopefully, in that moment, as our last release of all the stuff we have accumulated in our lives, there is a final recognition of knowing our self as we truly are and always have been at our soul's core.

I will spend time on one of the most beautiful and powerful islands on the earth, for a while, in the next few weeks. The Garden Island also known as the rainiest place on the planet and the most remote island on earth. I will enjoy a ride in a helicopter across the Na Pali coastline and into the valleys which are so mysterious, in many ways. Sacred pools and waterfalls I shall sit by and swim in. Hoping to release some of the pain and emotional scars that I have given myself in this lifetime is the goal or at least the joy from those swims and meditations in beauty.

It is an honor for me to be taken into these places by healers and some will witness and understand the beauty of our mutual release of energy and rekindling of new energies that occur as you walk with someone who understands the healing powers at sacred places.

Something will change in me. What that will be will be revealed in my life, my actions and my writing. It could cause me to make a radical change from what I do now, to doing what I need to be doing at this point in my life because of my experiences and growth. It could also send me down that steep, slippery path of deep introspection, like when I sat in my home for 3 months, after my first trip to India, trying to assimilate all that had happened to my consciousness from that journey.

I never know the impacts these journeys have until I return and there is not any reason to worry about it anyway, because amazing and miraculous events happen at the right time, in the right place for each and every one of us. Some of the events, the meetings, what we see or experience are so profoundly intense, explaining the event to ourselves, once our soul enjoys the beauty of it, can take a long time.
The shift happens so quickly, when we walk into a forest, or across a desert, or swim in an ocean, never again returning as we were before we first entered into the power grid of nature.

Change happens in every second even though we may not recognize it. So, I do not know what will happen to change me on this journey. I so know it will be intense, I may release some tears, there will be laughter, dancing, and deep conversations with new friends that I am about to enjoy.

I know the universe supports me wherever I go, with whoever I encounter and it is up to me to figure out how important it is for my soul's purpose to keep the connection going and use the power for good.

I wish you all a wonderful new adventure for 2010. If you leave the planet before 2011, bless you on that journey also. Remember, matter is neither created nor destroyed and whatever you have created well on this planet will remain, and that which you have not managed well...Well you may get to come back and fix it next time around. Depending on what you believe about God or Spirit, you might even know your fate at heaven's door and recognize your foibles then andnever have to come back. We all have different ideas about the next part of the journey, when we close our eyes in that final flutter.

One reason I love to take myself on these journeys is to hear and see the richness of the Creator's hand across the universe, in minds, in deeds and in beauty. Namaste and Blessings for the New Year.

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