© Danise Codekas, 2012, Resonance and Physics
"Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be." — Thomas a Kempis
The entire time I became involved with this journey into the space of my mind and the empty space outside of it, I realized that the only extemporaneous event that would relax me would be the constant challenging that I am required to face , every day when I awake.
I think it is imperative we challenge ourselves on who we meet, how we interface and what we do with the new information we have about ourselves and if it applies to a current situation that needs resolution.
For me to say, I’m tired, is ridiculous at this point in time. There is too much to do. There are too many places to see and whatever it is that I am trying to exemplify in my inner questing for something that is indefinable. “Tired” cannot be part of the example that I use, when I become unalterably conscious, of all the various ways, that I am beginning to change.
Change occurs at the deepest level of consciousness and sometimes, as in my case, it can take years,months, minutes before it hits the surface cellular membranes, that surround the brain.
Internal change is the unspoken voice of soul and when you allow it to come to the surface, through quests, challenges and soul searching; or, ignoring the voice, as I try to do from time to time, eventually, it will explode into your mind. Bang, the new direction is set, much to your joy, or, as in my case a physical quest.
"That which you or I think is most unique about ourselves we hide. In ordinary discourse, in the normal state, we share our common self, our superficial self. Yet what is most unique about us is what has the greatest potential for bonding us. When we share our uniqueness, we discover the commonality in greatness that defines everyone on the planet." — Robert E. Quinn
Those people, places and communications you seek with others only come about if it resonates with you and how you resonate with them. Trying to find the right job, story, picture, home, right mate, only comes about when the resonance field around both objects draws you together. Basic physics 101. The part everyone forgets is that 2 objects cannot occupy the same space, at the same time. How that relates to love making, I will leave that up to you.
In time whatever it is you are searching for will or won’t show up and that all depends on the self-speak you tell yourself. if you say, “it’ll never happen” hoping it will, well, friends, it/he/she will not show up.
I know this type of reasoning upsets some of you, however, remember I speak only from personal experience, and a decades long perusal of ancient texts and spending time with a lot of mystics, healers, alternative health providers and shamans, and of course years with Tibetan monks.
Do I do it right? No, not all the time, it takes practice on my part and some people get it in a second, and those people are called enlightened beings. I do recognize one thing though, talking to people on this adventure of mine, some are seeing their desires, their thoughts manifest quicker now.
The veil between the thought and the manifestation has become thinner as we move closer to an understanding of our effects upon one another.
We become closer to one another through these communication tools we are experimenting with in the social media world, and in the places we take ourselves, listening to those inner voices.
Trying to figure out the right words and thoughts which will generate that which is the most resonant to me is taking some time. Place, relationship, story, photograph,car are all part of my journey now.
The things I am seeking, enjoying, looking at closely even though they are not in physical form. Many attempts at touching them, yet elusive, until that resonant wave brings the polarities into the same place. The new physics is really the old, as anyone who has studied the ancient texts of old cultures.
"The great paradox of the 21st century is that, in this age of powerful technology, the biggest problems we face internationally are problems of the human soul."— Ralph Peters
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