© 2012, Danise Codekas
Not sure where to begin, tonight. 10:25pm here in the high desert. Quiet filled with crickets. Darkness against mountainside seeps into my eyes faintly tinged with chartreuse and blue, deep blue. I avoid the words.
There is no one to report to in my life. Freedom, a word I cherish, spoken to me by a friend tonight, from 1500 miles away, eases my temerity about the next step I shall take on this journey.
Does seeking a place, a community, an enlightened gentry who united change the world’s view that no longer supports our evolution, seem unusual to you, at this age?
I am not satisfied with the way the world works. Nor, am I satisfied with the way I live so as was mentioned to me earlier, I am looking for my “golden” city.
It is more than a city, though. There are people, who are creating the new paradigm of health, electromagnetics, eco warriors whose homes reflect sustainability and enhance the eco systems they intrude upon.
Perfection was never my goal. That is a goal for hubris, demented humans. Harmonic relationships, gracious respect of nature, intense collaboration supporting ideas and inventions that no longer deplete natural resources.
Instead, my new gang, utilize the known powers of those resources, much to the dismay of the old order, whose livelihoods shall be depleted, as my “golden” city thrives, and influences humans.
These enlightened, fearless new friends encourage other humans, governments, mega corporations, to do a 360 degree turn in their production, law making insanity, before all the trees, and waters, and foods are corrupted, by the old ways of doing things.
So many transitions over the last few days, for people around me and myself. Yet, the cleansing of many of these relationships was necessary in order to create a new way of communicating and expressing our true desires and needs with people who may not even be in our lives yet.
I am letting go of all those who no longer mesh with my paradigm, my understanding that in order to survive I must be around healthy, brave and inventive and intuitive people. The amount of sadness reflected in people’s eyes in the area I am currently visiting is overwhelming.
Seattle and its environs, people are still able to fool one another that their situation is not as desperate as it really is now. Here, in the Albuquerque area, the unhappiness, hopelessness is unable to be denied in those walking the streets.
No, not all. However, there is very little laughter anywhere around me. Stores, restaurants, parks, even spending time in Santa Fe, there was a morose undertone which overshadowed the beauty and power of Santa Fe. It was there in all my past visits, over the years. Not this time.
There is a reason the Hopi’s have descended into the Kiva’s and many of the ranches and sacred areas are not so easily accessed as once they were in the past. The Native Americans know that the darkness which has overtaken much of the world, due to the economic crashes which are still crashing after 5 years, brings many people to do things in order to save themselves, feed themselves, en mass.
It is better to be out of range of the protests, the anger which is becoming more obvious daily with foreign governments being over thrown due to the their harsh financial tactics toward their subjects.
I think many are blind to the true depression and the acts of depravity, many incite, because a world economic crash continues, after 7 years, and not any government can support the losses which continue to plague the nations and humans of the world.
Wake up. See the hopelessness around you and if it is over-whelming in your village or city, then perhaps you may want to go out and find your “golden city”, too.
You might enjoy being around happy, enlightened individuals rather than a city who is going bankrupt, a business model which has collapsed, and people who are afraid to try something new, elsewhere, and will pull you down with their negativity.
If you need a wake up call, maybe you should re-read, Heinlein's, Stranger in a Strange Land, again. Sometimes, to grok with others over literature is a very enlightening experience.
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