Thursday, January 26, 2012

Close Enough, Radical Explosion

copyright 2012 Danise Codekas

Solar flares are driving me to drive too fast, in the sunshine, with the radio blasting, 15mph over the speed limit. Have to figure out why my computer is not talking to my printer, this week. New drivers? A disconnect which encompasses all my current social, physical, and mental accumulated wisdoms, to this point in time.

The unequivocal truth about the current time, in the universe, has to be the fact that that the current cosmic time is referred to as when all our past which no longer serves our growth, needs to be evicted from our lives.

So many lies I have told myself about me. All those negative beliefs about who you are, what your purpose is in the universe, need to be let go now. You have amount a year to do it, given the way cosmology is impacting all our lives.

There is not a lot of time to re-arrange our lives, o reach and strive for that which I truly want and can have, has shut me down in quiet unbelief while sitting in 14 inches of snow, and an ice storm without electr4icity, in order to process it. The massive solar eruptions, the past few days, of course, disturbed my complacency and contemplation, for which I am eternally grateful.

When earth changes, economics and personal revelations arise in the blink of an eye and a decision must be made, in order to advance, or vegetate, as we are now.

I thought I was safe for a while from impromptu, important actions, in changing my life. What a fool have I been? No? Yes! Unimaginable awareness of what life events meant in my life, and how refusing to own my wisdom,and the struggle is has taken to get to a point of clarity.

A half a million people have been wiped off the earth in the past 2 years, from natural disasters alone. Just wiped away, along with homes, animals, earth and man-made objects created for our survival. It took minutes to wipe off these souls fro the face of the earth. minutes, seconds.

The last 2 years have been hell, for most of us, if not all.  The ability to adjust to our new understandings, which involved moving, leaving, going, abandoning, waking up, or hiding away.

When the sun shines, when the joy breaks through in those seconds of momentary brilliance and awareness, all this crap I am enduring, struggling with, disappears, in a minute, a second.

The false reality which I hold onto appears clearly inside my head. My mind and heart know what the truth is, even though, my current physicality on the earth, in my office, in my living room, remains unchanged, until I begin to release stuff, clean up and re-arrange, and begin to divest myself of also the objects and stuff which have served well in my chapel of life, here in the Pacific NW.

Along with self-awareness and enlightenment, comes the appreciation of different, art,music, writers, vistas and revolutionary men and women, who, like myself, are battling themselves out of their old egg-shaped energy forms and auras, because the old forms do not sustain, exist, or allow growth into expansive new lives.

I find myself taking different roads, meeting new people synchronistically, and enjoying and celebrating those friends and families who are doing incredible new things, in their own lives, yet, seem to be in shell shock, that they are doing them. They believe it is unlike anything they have ever done before and do not know why they did something.

I cheer them on because knowing the why of doing something new, bringing something new into their lives, based on a gut reaction , rather than fear-based analytical, hierarchical social customs, they are breaking out of the mold and terrors which have enfolded them in pasty grays and ribald fluxes.

Clarity and joyous possibilities arise and learning their own value and worth and wisdom flies into their lives, and mine, with incredible speed and accuracy. The universe is responding to desires based on self-revealing truths, and anyone who is hiding inside their cars, houses, playing the classy voyeur, or virile stalker are being identified and identified.

We are becoming our true selves, as a massive group cosmic awareness overtakes us all, on the planet. Like the earth expands and breathes, as New Mexico land mass expands because of underground earth changes from the underworld of geysers beneath Wyoming, our bodies are also boiling away the dross of our old lives, that no longer serve, and we expand into things we could never have imagined which change our lives, quickly.

We are bursting to experience that which we have wanted to for a long tine, only difference is that many of know that now all the power to create our lives, as we see in our hearts, is possible and is occurring in 2012.

Sitting here, at 230pm, in blazing sunshine, hot sun, solar flares coming directly at me from 93 million miles away, blasting my third eye, and 5th chakra wide open, without a coat, and wearing sunglasses, leads me to believe that perhaps my time in the Northwest is at end.

I need more sun. It is time to go back to Hawaii or California or Santa Fe and the fear I feel dissipates, about many changes and grows in others. I will simply have to throw it back across the cosmic Grand Canyon, and take a new breath.

The time is not far off when I will leave this place,where I live. It can be measured in months, I think. Not many, not few,however 2012 is the year of transition for me, in so many ways, that I see now, and in so many others which, I await their arrival.

“make a radical change in your lifestyle and begin to boldly do things which you may previously never have thought of doing, or been too hesitant to attempt. So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservation, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun. If you want to get more out of life, you must lose your inclination for monotonous security and adopt a helter-skelter style of life that will at first appear to you to be crazy. But once you become accustomed to such a life you will see its full meaning and its incredible beauty.”

                                     ― Jon Krakauer, Into the Wild

Monday, January 9, 2012

Extremities of Courage

© 2012 Danise Codekas

“Absence diminishes mediocre passions and increases great ones, as the wind extinguishes candles and fans fires.”--Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Well, did you think it was going to be easy slipping over the edge into 2012? Personally, I did not think about it until my life and the lives of those around me starting intruding into a quiet, well manicured life, which we all seemed to deluding ourselves about for some time, it appears.

“No human being will ever know the Truth, for even if they happen to say it by chance, they would not even known they had done so.” ---Xenophanes

Not sure what you are about now, however, given the tragic events which encompassed universal notoriety during the past few months, my guess would be energetic seeking of your new private dream, scooping up the detritus of last year’s screw ups, which you so denied meant anything at the time you screwed up.

The immediate understanding, at the moment of impact, the results of the words, actions and masks you wear for us, out here, as you hide, still, the results of behemoth attempts, to become that which you are not feeling, you can become, as your soul screams out for you to become and grab onto those things you really want, really are, now.

Really, what do you want? If you know, this is the time to go get it. Banging your head on the seashore is getting old, when you want to let go of the familiar and move into the unknown horizons, which you close your eyes to because you do not deserve them; you have not suffered enough, completed enough penances, paid enough in pain and loveless lifetimes.

“I didn't have anybody, really, no foundation in life, so I had to make my own way. Always, from the start. I had to go out in the world and become strong, to discover my mission in life.”--Tina Turner

Guess what? No one cares. No one is asking you to get on your knees and beg forgiveness, pay a price, or deny yourself dreams, or even explore illusions which you were so frightened of, so sure something or someone was not real, yet you never reached out to touch, or ask, or journey to discover.

“If you just set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.”-Margaret Thatcher

No one cares, since everything you have now, or do not have, has been your choice. You and I both live in a free will universe. Everything you are now, is what you have chosen to be, and I am not asking you to pay a price or penance for what you have done, since, should we meet, all those experiences from the moment we look in one another’s eyes, are who you are in that present moment.

“You take your problems to a god, but what you really need is for the god to take you to the inside of you.”--Tina Turner

We may not connect; or, we may. Regretting that which you fucked up, in the past, yesterday, does it affect you today, this moment?

If that which you have desired ,your entire life, is offered you, right now, and you turn from it, because you do not believe there are other humans who are compassionate,  and understand that there is only serendipity and random synchronicity, which has import for a meeting to have taken place, between you?

There are grander, cosmic themes in our lives, in 2012, only because the lessons and clarity you received last year, is going to be put into action this year.

If you sit on your hands, and don’t make the phone call, run away and hide somewhere, bury yourself in excuses to not explore that which has laid festering in your soul, for a few years, because you lacked courage to pursue someone, something, then your life will be less than it could be.

“It pays to know the enemy - not least because at some time you may have the opportunity to turn him into a friend.”--Margaret Thatcher

You are not going to die if you pursue someone or something which you know impacted you with FORCE. How many people in your life affected you like that? How many ideas, have sat in your soul for years, which you keep smothering, keep pushing down into that dark corner of soliloquys,  enamored of its own voice, and passionless fears?

Pathetic? Is this a word you can ascribe to an attempt to touch someone, work for something, create something, in the past few years which you, still, to this day, are still castrating yourself over?

“Nothing is as important as passion. No matter what you want to do with your life, be passionate.”--Jon Bon Jovi

Either connect, create, or be afraid for another year, another minute. Free-will universe is where you and I both exist. Together.

So, perhaps, a fool, I appear to be. Perhaps, a woman who speaks in circles and confusion, from a mind and heart that is tired of self-created mindlessness, which created loneliness, confusion and fire and rain, all of which seemed to block out the truth, I hid, inside.

If you could walk out that door, right now, without any consequences to your livelihood, or structured relationships, to see and talk or examine that person or situation which you desire the most, or fly to get the answer to a question, from someone, which you have thought about for days, years.

Call someone and ask the questions, without fear or reprisals, if you had a no-impact universal free-pass, would you go, call, try? This is what 2012 is all about. Your opportunity to reach clarity and recognize lies and truths. No more masks are needed to pretend, to hide who you are and what you want.

Why not act from depths, rather than fears?

“Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent then the one derived from fear of punishment.”--Mohandas Gandhi