Thursday, March 3, 2011

Egypt, Fame and Emoluments

copyright2011 Danise Codekas

“The charm of fame is so great that we like every object to which it is attached, even death”.--Blaise Pascal


There seems to be a lot going on in the world, that I am hooked into, these past few weeks. I find my interest in world issues fans and wanes during the year. Sometimes I do not turn on a TV for weeks, and then, the remote finds itself imbedded in my palm, and I lose touch with my manuscripts, daily chores and philosophical minuets.

Looking back, my attention to world events began one morning, a few weeks ago, when a reporter was standing in Cairo with the backdrop of a great pyramid, behind him. Whatever was going on, at that moment, did not matter, as it was the Egyptologist in me that was mesmerized by the TV screen.

The shadows of hundreds of humans,running through the streets, and tanks lining up in front of the National Museum took form and substance, as the realization that a human rights uprising was occurring in Egypt, and it was the Egyptians this time, not the Hebrew race, of thousands of years ago, seeking to run into the Red Sea, with Pharaoh's  armies in chase across that ancient coastal lagoon, the Lake of Tanis. Moses-parting-the-red-sea

It was mesmerizing to watch as country, after Arabic country, threw off the yokes of ancient control, as the people wailed, for freedom, as if to say, “let our people go”, once again.



It had a lot to do with many no longer desiring to suffer silently for the right to be treated with respect, dignity and the freedom to discuss publicly, whatever they had been threatened against speaking about, in the past. The voices rose, as those of the old guard and secret police were challenged by brave people, willing to sacrifice life, in order to gain freedoms.

Once the unrest began, it spread like flood water, across the Arabic world. Those in control can only head for their off-shore banking centers and secure their ill gotten gains, if they are smart, before the international community begins to take action against them.

These  hands that fed them for so long, the oil mega-corps and defense industries, of foreign nations, now have to appear to be disgusted by the actions, of their paid dictators, who co-conspired in oil trading and Suez Canal barters, so all parties would benefit, at the hands of dictatorial enslavement of their populations.

The graves hiding horrors of torture, and the death of thousands of voices, screaming for equality and freedom of the press, are being marched upon by the protestors, and the same politicians and CEO’s of oil oligarchies, who remained silent with their bankers, in order to gain the trillions of dollars from oil and military equipment sales, and strategic bases for military,  secured for world dominant control, within the Arabic countries’ borders.

Protecting the masses, from evil world dominators, maintaining a balance of power, in the Middle East, with the help of democratic, world countries, made sense for a while, at the end of World War II; at the end of the Gulf War; at the end of the Iraq War.

At the expense, of those murdered, tortured or threatened to not fight the dictators, to not speak of the things, not right in their countries, because writing the truth about these dictators and the companies and armies which supported them would cause financial failures sooner for the dictators and the international arms cartels.

How many trillions they all made at the expense of murder, silenced bodies and raped citizens? It is a joke, to see sons of Libya’s leader pay American singers millions of dollars for a few songs at their parties. The fact that singers, like Mariah Carey, Beyonce, Usher, and Furtado, decided to refund their millions in fees, to the Gaddafi family, is a little too much, too late. Some of them are donating it to charities, however, they already knew that Muatassim’s father, was a dictator and a murderer, that night they sang at those  parties, didn’t they?

Please, the only reason their  million dollar fee’s are returned or recycled is because of  world opinion, recognizing the rape of Libya, and its resources. The sons of its leader,  are unconscionable, in their acts of hubris and murder, toward humanity.

They partied and were associated with them, and now they want to pretend they knew nothing about Libya, Gaddafi the father, and what a suppression, the Gaddafi regime created through the demoralizing and destruction of hope, for Libya’s citizens. The reason they are returning their fees is because the loss of record sales, public outrage, bad press. Perhaps now stars should be  required to go “green” in choosing their venues and who writes their pay checks.

The British press is having a field day about the US superstars who feigned an, “I didn’t know he was a murderer, and his sons, lynch men” apologetic mewling. We knew for a long time Libya sent in the terrorists, that brought down the Lockerbie Pan Am flight  #102 in 1988 and ordered the death of 243 passengers.

Carey, Usher, Beyoncé and Furtado all skipped off the stage with millions in emoluments (paychecks) for entertaining the terrorists, who probably attended the Gaddafi boys’ parties. No excuse, absolutely none, will I accept from any of these greedy, American performers.They know who Gaddafi was, is and where the blood money came for their payrolls.  They entertained the murderers of those 243 passengers.

Mariah Carey knew who Gaddafi is and I am sure she consulted attorneys and advisors before taking the Gaddafi payment. Like she does not have the internet, an agent, and a whole company of publicists who know exactly what Libya and Gaddafi represent.

I am so tired of these stars climbing on the backs of international and national political movements, who are trying to be recognized, legitimately, like the gay marriage movement.

Artists, like Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Jason Mraz and Tristan Prettyman, are now standing on the backs, of the gay rights organizations’ efforts, hoping to attain more ticket and record sales, by their claims of, “We aren’t getting married until the gays can have legally recognized marriages, too.”

What fools, these performers must think we are now.The sickness that pervades political chameleons also  pervades, the artists of our day. Nothing new, there. Right?

What a mockery of the gay marriage issue and the infamy, legal losses, injustices and cruelties suffered by gays to obtain the right to marriage, that these stars make and use those abuses suffered by gays, to further their own publicity avariciousness now.

If you don’t marry, Brad, you cannot help the gays politically? What, Mariah, if you did not sing songs, for a million dollars,for the Gaddafi terrorist brothers, no one else would hire you?

These stars do it for the press and fame, they get, and their acts are based on a lack of courage and a  fear of commitment. Spineless and unable to stand up at the altar, craven and fearful to take the lead and denounce and deny a homicidal dictator, and his son’s invitations, to perform at their parties.These are the artists the world worships now?

Disgusting, to say the least, and these hetero-sexual stars make a mockery of those people who do marry, bravely, and are able to take part in humanitarian efforts, to help the gay-rights agenda along. They pretend to align with the suffering and  the same discriminations and prejudice, as gay’s do, by declaring they are standing side-by-side with gays. This gets them a wonderful new audience and higher ticket sales, and maybe even an invitation to an Elton John party or two.

And these movie stars and singers,  can not support the gay-marriage rights cause married?

They just don’t want to marry, argue over their pre-nups, and they have found a way to not marry their fiancé, by bastardizing the gay-rights marriage agenda by their lack of courage and their desire for media attention.

My take on it is that they, in some small part of their heart, are still waiting for the real love of their life to show up. 

How much more powerful is it for a married hetero-sexual couple to walk alongside gay protesters, than it is for a famous star, to mock the institution of marriage? Why even get engaged if you were never planning on marrying. If you are famous, why wouldn’t your voice carry weight in the world? No, you just had to make the issue personal, and truly it was never personal because you are not gay.

I am not gay, either, however, if I were engaged to be marry, I would make sure, to make sure my husband and I let everyone know we supported their rights and walk right along side of them in protest until these laws are changed.

No apologies on my ruminating, today, just something to write about while my furnace is being repaired.

“Fame has also this great drawback, that if we pursue it, we must direct our lives so as to please the fancy of men.” --Baruch Spinoza

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