Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fear, Writing and the Ganges

coyright2011 Danise Codekas

All is connected...no one thing can change by itself.--Paul Hawken

There are still miracles, shamans, faith, creativity. I have the knowledge that spiritual, psychic, alternative realities and supernatural powers are occurring and influencing us, at all times.

If you seek a deeply creative, powerful and life-changing event that will show you the pathway to your soul, go to those places, in the world, that are still protected and honored by the indigenous peoples and healers, on this planet.

Those, like myself, who constantly seek spirit andchimney_rock_ghost_ranch2 understand the power of universal consciousness, as we march toward the end of the Mayan, Aztec, Hopi and Hebrew calendars from 2011-2013, are heading to those places now, like Chimney Rock, NM.

We are burrowing into places that hold the energy of healing on earth, and enable the clearing of mind and body, in order for us to access higher levels of conscious awareness, without the infiltration of negative, world mind sets.


When I was in Santa Fe, I met a Hopi jeweler on the square, by the name of Chimney Rock. He made an incredible silver, turquoise and Peruvian, spiny oyster shell ring for me. After being in Chimney Rock, then meeting Chimney Rock, how could I not accept his ring? chimney_rock_ghost_ranch3

It was one of the those meetings, where I knew we were pulled together, in order to jump start, a new part of my journey, maybe his too.




It was an  illuminate moment, for me. Since I do not believe in coincidence, my journeys and encounters are part of my soul search, here on earth. I had to accept his gift, of his art.

My friend, Bonnie, wrote me today and wanted to know how far my book was along. I was baffled and also fearful of appearing Less Than, and my explanation, that the book is still not done, made me realize,   that some part of my path on the journey, to complete it, was still being walked now. Perhaps overcoming fear is part of the lesson. It has been a week of Fear stalking me, via my bank account. It is, also, I realize more than that, alone.

Art is like that, since to assign a time for IT to be done, is to deny my soul’s collaboration with my creation, across a laptop’s screen. It is not going to be done, until the information needed for my soul to complete it arrives, and is acknowledged, and my fear of writing the words, about things, that are private now, has to be let go of for my sake and the book’s completion. 

Sometimes, I create things, like my oil paintings, and hide them from the world. Yes, I oil paint. Painting is unlike anything else, that I do, like dancing, playing music, swimming, or writing.

Another part of the body moves, and the mind throws itself into a super heightened state of awareness. The shapes and colors that arise express me, at the moment of creation. When I look at my creations, completed, I look at something, seeing myself, in a new form. Unexplainable, yet present.

When I was in Calcutta, I felt unlike myself, the first few days, I was there. My second trip there to the Black Hole of India. It is called that by India Nationals because it is their example of the poorest, large city on the sub-continent. It also memorializes the people who died in the Black Hole cell, after the capture of Fort William in 1756.

Then, I went swimming in the Ganges.

slums calcuttaA few days later, I found myself in the slums along the river.

As I go through life, I see  a choice to accept  life, as it is, or lie to myself, about what it is not, until I experience my true light, again. victoria memorial calcutta


Seeing the Victoria Memorial, the juxtaposition of it against the slums, on the same river, brought me back to center, recognizing beauty and grandeur, in the world.

Forgetting the beauty, after feeling the sorrow about those in the slums, beget a realization, that bringing wisdom, bestowing kindness,  and creating beauty in the world, is what we need to do before we leave it behind.

Some bestow it on us, through their art, architecture, music and words, others through their work helping those who are poor, ill, or dying, as this man dying on the streets, in Calcutta.

dying man calcuttaTake a  walk to Mother Teresa’s Memorial, after,  and get a sense of calmness, again, if you need it. 

I believe it is important to maintain respect for my body. Without it, walking through the world is impossible.

A man, who journeyed with us, in Calcutta, would never eat anything served from street vendors.

Buying fruits from them, he would never do, and he reminded us, of the danger of disease that may be attached to it. We ignored him. There is nothing more enjoyable than a freshly made glass of coconut milk, poured from the hands of a street vendor in Calcutta.fruit vendor calcutta

Or, a glass of fresh orange juice, pounded across wooden slats, by a woman who had oranges to offer me, in the sweltering heat. If there is a memory of sweet, orange juice to be carried through my life, it will be the orange juice of Calcutta, by blocking out the fearful lectures of a fellow traveler. 

Sometimes, I forget to be grateful for these things of the earth. The strangers and animals, who spend time with me, on earth’s journey. I am grateful for my experiences and being here, writing this, now.

Perhaps, more than ever, in the ever dwindling Puget Sound daylight, veiled by Japanese , nuclear meltdown sunsets.

If you want to make peace with that which is challenging you, I offer one of my favorite groups: The Center for Non-Violent Communication: https://www.cnvc.org/

One of my favorite people on this planet is Pema Chödrön. I have spent time with her, reading her books, listening to lectures. If you ever have the inclination to go to Nova Scotia, visit Gampo Abbey, her home. http://www.gampoabbey.org/

Should you be so inclined, read her book, Smile at Fear. http://www.shambhala.org/teachers/pema/index.php 

Here is a story, about facing Fear, from her book, When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times.

"Once there was a young warrior. Her teacher told her that she had to do battle with fear. She didn’t want to do that. It seemed too aggressive; it was scary; it seemed unfriendly. But the teacher said she had to do it and gave her the instructions for the battle. The day arrived. The student warrior stood on one side, and fear stood on the other.

The warrior was feeling very small, and fear was looking big and wrathful. They both had their weapons.

The young warrior roused herself and went toward fear, prostrated three times, and asked, "May I have permission to go into battle with you?" Fear said, "Thank you for showing me so much respect that you ask permission."

Then the young warrior said, "How can I defeat you?" Fear replied, "My weapons are that I talk fast, and I get very close to your face.

Then you get completely unnerved, and you do whatever I say. If you don’t do what I tell you, I have no power. You can listen to me, and you can have respect for me. You can even be convinced by me. But if you don’t do what I say, I have no power."

In that way, the student warrior learned how to defeat fear. "
Pema Chödrön (When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A New Beginning

copyright 2011 Danise Codekas

It has been a hell of a week. Some crazy things happening for me that are causing a bit a stress. Stress forces me to sit down and ponder, for about an hour. Then, get outside for a drive and do something else.

I listened to the Dalai Lama talk about meditation to a group of world class soccer players, and posted it on the blog, a few days ago. It always is a good thing to remember the tools I have, when things start to go awry. It is going to be a challenging month, this April, however, by Easter, my life should be a bit more in balance.

You have the same things going on in your life. Mirror images, we are now, as life’s surprises and the fruits of actions past, catch up. I had to let go of some habits, these past few weeks, and this stemmed from my decision to also begin to question what it is in my life that I really need.

Once the cleansing, cleaning, down sizing mentality begins to take hold, the parts around your life, that you were not looking at, also stand up for acknowledgement, and in my case, I really did not like them doing it.

This is a money issue for me. You know that one, I am sure and if you have engendered balance in that area of your life, then you are a lucky and wise person. I was once like you and then everything changed, in order for me to understand how tenuous life is, and what is it that is really important for me, now.

No, I know some of those things, however, I also realize this is the beginning of even bigger changes for me. It is like a thousand little earthquakes, shaking me up, everyday. Reminding me that change is here and I should just get my coat on, and be ready to move along where the next indicated thing is landing.

I like this quote from an old Tibetan monk of the 8th century: When tragedy comes, if there is something you can do to balance it, then do what you can; however, if it so great, that nothing can be done, then accept it.

My monkey mind races around the room, trying to find a resolution, and the bits and pieces that can help some are there, however, in the end, there are many things that I do not have, so I accept what has to be let go. Why make myself crazy. If I do not have that which is needed, to remedy the situation, I would be foolish to beat my head, and cause more pain and suffering. Accepting it, eases the stress.

My front door faces West-South West and there before me is Japan’s east coast. There are a half million people, tonight, in shelters without their internet provider, their cars, their beds, their tea pots, or their clothes, their houses or stores. Everything they had is gone.

Someday, in the future, they will have a new teapot and a bed, and internet and TV. But now, tonight, with the little they have, they are alive and are going to move forward in the months and years, to come aright, and be well, again.

This messy, challenge, I have created will also be appeased by the realization that I screwed up, and the actions I take to remedy it, will be the best I can come up with, with what I am able to do.

I shall give it my best effort, and know that the universe is a miraculous place, and there are angels and humans and animals that have hearts, who I can turn to, in my dark times. I have great faith in the universal consciousness, for some reason that stems, from the fact, that I am still here, alive, with food, shelter and a mind that has not lost its ability to reason or recognize truth or love.

I was listening to Fox Elipsus sing today, and I posted his song, on the blog earlier, and on my Facebook page. There is a line in his song, Nowhere Left to Run, http://youtu.be/OmBQqLs6cAQ , where he says more people in the world pray to win the lottery every day, then they do for those who are suffering.

In my case, this weekend, I would have to agree. However, after watching his video again, I realized the hubris of my imaginations and prayers. There is no excuse to think that money is the thing that will solve my problems. The only thing that will solve my problems is going out into the world, knowing I will be led to that which is best for my spiritual evolvement.

That is what I am doing here, that is why I came here this lifetime. To evolve into something greater than I was yesterday, or 10 years ago. Wisdom does not come from fear, but from actions taken, which do not stem from fear. That is how we feed a half million people in shelters in Japan. Fearlessly walking into hell and knowing it too shall pass, as we head toward a new beginning.

YouTube - Fox Elipsus - Nowhere Left To Run

YouTube - Fox Elipsus - Nowhere Left To Run

This video from Fox, may cause you a little thought, tonight.
Love his music and he always tries to show us the story behind the music.

axle whitehead satellite

Andrew Bird's one-man orchestra of the imagination | Video on TED.com

Andrew Bird's one-man orchestra of the imagination | Video on TED.com

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fresh Vegetables Without Radiation

copyright 2011 by Danise Codekas

Well, it has hit inland here above the Puget Sound, that first dose of radiation from Japan’s Nuclear Reactors. Never thought I’d see the day, since I figured we were too far inland from the Pacific Coast. But I was wrong. So, ridiculously, insanely wrong.

All those radiation monitors along the ring of fire coastline, from Alaska’s Aleutian's to the tips of Baja, are registering heightened levels of radiation. Oh, “THEY” say it is only a minute level of nuclear fallout radiation, equal to a simple x-ray exam. What they fail to mention is my body is getting a 24/7 X-Ray now and will continue to do so until there is no longer any radiation fallout.

No one can tell me when that will be, and if they did pretend to be able to predict that, they would be a bigger fool than me. The only thing anyone on this planet can hope for is that the wind blows another way, away from them, to another country or state. Does anyone realize how delicate the balance of space is, the microbes of life, the life of bees, the skin, flesh and atoms of a human body?

Do you not see how we have screwed up the balance of life, again, by building a nuclear arsenal of reactors on earth, in Japan, so we can turn on the night lites and big screen tv’s? How silent will you stay if the NRC decides to plant a nuclear waste dump or reactor 100 miles away from your home, now?

Do you understand why so many people decided to crawl over high fences and barbed wire in the 70’s, of the nuclear plants and labs? They were right. They are dangerous, unsafe, and destructive of life, and not one of those scientists and electric company executives in Japan, can control or stop the destruction that is being released by their creation, greed, and disdain of the horror released on humans and the environment. They have been paid, and paid well.

Let someone else get radiated. Ha! Sorry, my dears, there is no way to avoid it since it has even made it to the North Pole, now, 12 days after it all began.  Blocking light from the sun and changing the colors of the aurora borealis, the particles of light reflected from the sun, on earth. The radiation particles are blocking light and destroying upper atmospheric light waves.

No rest against the radiation hitting me, here, outside or there, amongst the fresh dandelions and tomatoes and apples, in their baskets, outside Harbor Greens, here in Gig Harbor.

I am watching nuclear reactor radiation drift down on top of my favorite dark red, sweet potatoes, drinking my vanilla latte on the patio, here at Forza Coffee, and I feel like running inside and taking a shower, to get the radiation particles off my skin. Ironic that my favorite coffee place is named after an Italian phrase, Forza di Vita, force of life. Force of life challenged by force death. And so it is.

Do you truly believe that nuclear fallout from Japan is not affecting minute microbes of life, throughout the planet, and beyond? We have destroyed our heritage, once again, by foolishly allowing fear to dictate the building of multiple nuclear reactors above dangerous ground.

The shelf of the continents below the lips of sandy shorelines, throughout the ring of fire, are now the holding platform for nuclear disaster, as earthquake and tidal waves continue to continue. Is no one going to say that we are mad?

Mad, so mad, to continue to buld and operate nuclear reactors built on ground that is known as the ring of fire?

Mad is what future generations will call us, like so many other fallen empires, of the past whose greed dictated their demise at their own hands, because they coveted power. We coveted nuclear power this time around. Our  Hands raised to vote, we chose the emperors, presidents, dictators and queens who agreed, with us that nuclear power would be our self-chosen way of oblivion.

I am sitting here, next to unplanted Japanese pines, awaiting purchase and planting, realizing that their cousins in North Japan have been wiped away in a violent earth conflagration, March 11, and they could be the last remaining connection to health seeds, healthy stock, as the radiation from the self-destructing reactors, destroy their DNA beginnings, on a small island, in the Pacific Ocean.

Millions of years of development, creating these magnificent trees, and their seed lines are being destroyed because a man built a nuclear reactor in their midst, above a dangerous fault line, in a country known for daily earthquake activity. Mad, Mad, Mad Insanity.

And me, I am sitting here in 60 degree weather, gazing at the blue sky and floating clouds, while US Military and UN fly up into the stratosphere to take radiation readings from the effects of this nuclear disaster in Japan.

They have been given the pills at the bases around here, yet us, the populace are sacrificial lambs. Unlike the Japanese govt. who is handing out pills now, to everyone, the US govt. and its Health experts sit and smile and tell us we do not need anyth8ing , right now. It is not dangerous enough, although military and government officials all receive pills. Hmm.

The Hopi were right about how the evil would come from the air, the birds would fall dead from the sky, and darkness would hide the energy of the sun, from earth when the times of change were upon the earth and Man will poison himself, and all those four-footed that walk with him on earth.

Enough of my rambling. My latte is cool and the sun is shining, the trees are showing the new apple blossoms, and my niece and sister have arrived safely in Southern California, with Hercules, the thoroughbred and are enjoying the delights of those So. Cal hills above the sea, above the San Onofre Nuclear Reactor, 25.7 miles to their west.

And, I am excited because I will be there soon, enjoying the splendor of those hills and vistas, and another favorite coffee house in Fallbrook, where perhaps my concern and anger about nuclear fallout will be lessened, because maybe between now and then, a matter of a few weeks, a miracle took place to remove this radiation blight and horror from the earth. A miracle of the cosmos, that has the possibility of giving me, again, fresh, organic, vegetables without radiation.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Edge of Destruction

copyright 2011 Danise Codekas

9,079 deaths confirmed, 12,782 missing, about 318,213 people living at 2,060 shelters.

The ever rising Japanese body count climbs, which, we all know, from pictures of waves of wood, metal, cars, slammed six kilometers inland, thanks to a wall of water, traveling  the speed of a jet, slammed into their loves, the landfall and nuclear plants, on a fine winter’s day, after a 9.0 earth movement.

Disturbing and realigning 2 earth faults, pushing the rising sun island 8 feet to the west, and unbalancing the earth’s axis, and its course through space, March 11th.

We, still typing, walking, riding our bikes, doing our morning yoga, still breathing, lived through it. While those pulled out to sea, smothered under the waves, will never be found, since we are not looking for them, meters below the sea.

Many humans and animals will never be included in the death count, found, cremated or buried,  for the simple fact they were caught in a tsunami, and carried out to sea, or are quickly decomposing beneath tons of earthquake debris, which will take months to move. Left undisturbed in their violently spawned tombs.

A triad of terror from nature and man: oceanic tsunami, violent earth movement and radioactive cellular, molecular degeneration from foolishly placed nuclear reactors.

Nature and man-made triumvirate of terror combo, with one-third of the event, preventable, caused by multi-national power companies, and  greedy politicians, who promised the nuclear reactors can survive a 7.0 earthquake, foolishly constructing them atop an area of known, moving tectonic plates.

Obama, Japanese emperors,  and power company directors, all lying, swearing it is safe energy, safe ground, and in the face of this massive destructive radiation event, Obama states the US will move forward to construct even more of these human nuclear threats.

The hubris of their actions will, one day, cause more death and destruction, as earthquakes and tsunamis grow in size, as they have over the past 15 years.

California senators began hearings + testimony, today, from various nuclear energy experts and plant officials, on safety and disaster preparedness plans, for Southern California's San Onofre plant, below Fallbrook, 60 miles north of San Diego,  and the Diablo Canyon nuclear facility, near San Luis Obispo. The politicians and nuclear plant builders aren’t prophets, so they cannot predict what will happen. We all sense,  one day the earth will shake and waves will claim the dirt hills and beaches, as it has for millions of years.

san onofre plant

A 2008 NRC report revealed that battery powering safety systems at San Onofre had not worked for four years. Hmm, do you think there are any more “systems” that are not working in the The San Onofre plant, located near the Rose Canyon Fault, Elsinore Fault, Newport Inglewood Fault, and San Clemente Fault? Concerns about seismic safety have plagued San Onofre for decades. In Southern California, there are an estimated 10,000 earthquakes per year.

I was on the freeway, the Saturday morning in 2009, after the Indonesian earthquake and tsunami event, during a Tsunami warning, driving by the San Onofre Nuclear Plant, heading down to  Oceanside,California. It was frightening, for a moment, when I saw the nuclear reactor,  a few hundred yards away from the Jeep.

I will be heading down to Temecula, Ca., visiting my niece, who is  working with her thoroughbred, Hercules, training for her riding events. She and my sister, with horses in tow, are driving there now, from Gig Harbor.

The ranch is 25.7 miles away from the nuclear reactor. My plan is to stay in Fallbrook, when I go down. My car will have a three day emergency food supply, a bottle of potassium iodide pills, a sangean emergency radio, and Joe Bonamassa, flicking my R&B strings, with his sexy guitar. This was one of my favorite concerts in London, with Joe and Eric Clapton:  http://youtu.be/VEEfDdJyxPY

Love Fallbrook and Lake Elsinore, and the beaches which are an easy ride from Fallbrook. Looking forward to a favorite coffee house, in the early morning, and spending some time around the barbeque grill, at sunset, with some old friends, and their avocados, at their place in the hills.

Future. I plan a trip, that is going to happen in my future, and think about those who lost theirs, a few days ago, on Japanese beaches and hillsides, as they watched the edge of destruction slamming in.

If you want to see how close you are to one of the reactors, here’s the link from Mother Jones, created from the NRC’s documentation.

http://bit.ly/ihJrhE .

Joe Bonamassa - Further on up the Road (Featuring Eric Clapton) - Live a...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Women and Grace

Copyright2011 Danise Codekas

Women are trying so hard to balance things now. Our personal, spiritual, and career lives are intertwined and stretching all the time.

Bodies' health, bills, cleaning house, keeping and making friends, communicating with family and mostly, just, dreaming about what the next indicated step is part of our journey. Finances, lovers and dreams are part of our crescendo.

I have a lot of things going that are challenges. Reducing, reviewing and re-purposing years' worth of papers, manuscripts and music, for instance. 

I wrote a lot of music over the years, and when I bought my new, handmade electric guitar from the incredible designers in Mexico, I began writing music again. 

The Roland Electric piano and software I have is making it easy to record, edit and put down digital recordings of these songs, written over the years. 

When I lived in San Fran and Santa Barbara, I met, dated and hung out with a lot of musicians, recording studio owners and record producers. I also sailed a lot. So, two passions of mine were equally satisfied over the years. I took classical guitar lessons from Sophocles Pappas when I lived on Dupont Circle in D.C.

Writing music has also come naturally to me, ever since I took piano and classical guitar lessons. I hated reading music and practicing, over and over again, the songs of my teachers.

So, I began writing my music and words that arose out the vast unconscious, which we all draw upon for our creations. It was easy. Let alone the intense, travel logged life I lead and led, writing music drew from the experiences, and tell my story in a different way than writing books or blogs do now.

When I lived in San Francisco, I spent a lot of time in clubs, or walking the street late at night, gathering posters off walls and telephone poles of the bands playing around town. One of my boyfriends rented large abandoned buildings, for the night, south of Market, and would put together musical extravaganzas, where hundreds of people would show up, pay 20$ and dance the night away.

Byron became well known in the music underground, and even more so famous in the LA music producer milieu. He was the connect between bands and agents, or bands and producers, but mainly between musicians and new fans. 

I saw the best and worst of what a music life could be for someone, on their way up or on their way down. I met assholes and prophets, clear-sighted stars and stars who were so in love with themselves, that their ego's destroyed relationships and connections.

The one thing that impressed me were the musicians who practiced, wrote, and lived their passion. There are some who simply had the genius for playing and writing, but not the desire to live the demanding musician's life.

There has never been a time in my life when music was not a part of it. Never a time when listening to someone strumming out their heart strings, or me, trying to put together some chords, that I was unhappy with the gift of music. All types or musicians and singers, in a lot of different countries, in many unusual and remarkable voices, has moved and inspired me. Dancing was always the inevitable response to those sounds, over the years.

Yes, women have a lot of decisions to make about all the possibilities in our lives. 
The International Day of Women says a lot about us. Is there an international Day of Men, also? There should be, since they make up the balance to female energy. The Yin and Yang for creation can only be with both acknowledged and respected.

Holding, this perfect guitar, in my hands, made by two Mexican brother savants, makes me forget everything going on in my paradoxical life, other than what comes from the strumming, creating,  and words coming into my consciousness, for the music. Writing and playing music, on the guitar, piano, organ or harmonica, is  a musical massage for my brain and heart. 

I cannot explain it except that I know, like writing, painting, and photography, in my moments of creation, all that exists is me and the creating.How do I exist in a world of such incredible amazements, without bowing to the power which sustains me? 

Once, when meeting Marianne Williamson, she said something that helped me realize the power of the gifts and passions, I carry around in my heart, and frustrations,I experience, when my art, writing or music does not feel as if it is complete in expressing my awareness. 

"There is often hidden power in the times when nothing seems to be happening at all. The times when the material world takes less precedence are times when the holy has time to breathe."

We all have been breathing for a long time. Sometimes, when doing my Yoga, I forget about my body. Forget I am a cellular form and feel part of that which is beyond human understanding. When I have that same experience, writing or playing music, I am in the flow of that at-one-ment with all that is. 

Those are the times, when I bounce back into my body, I realize, that what I have just written or played is the finest part of me, the part which came about from the past, and which will remain true and good into eternity. 
Women and Life are ever changing. Nothing which comes of anger or hatred is uplifting for the rest of the human race. As much as the arguments and lack of communication exists between men and women, there is always a way to bridge the other side, without ego, and with love and compassion. Trying to make someone love you, regard you, respect you is foolish. Retribution, revenge and hatred drain everyone on the planet. 

Nurturing your soul does not arise from others' lives, lips or ideas, if your heart is not ready to accept who you are and what your purpose on earth is now. Acting from that purpose, jumping into the life you want to live can only come from a sense of what you wish to give to the world. What you want to share which can help, heal and uplift others, on this planet. 

There are women and men who have caused me pain, anger and excruciating painful circumstance. There are situations which I have lashed out against over time and in my writings. I cannot apologize for those feelings however I can grow from them and realize I called those experiences into my life in order to evolve. 

Hopefully, each day, I pray, to evolve into a more compassionate woman. A woman without guile, with more perception of the pain I see in the world, and able to diminish its necessity on the planet. Today is a better day than yesterday and if, you cannot say that tomorrow, you must look into your heart and touch that part which is still fearful so others can experience the grace of your being.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Egypt, Fame and Emoluments

copyright2011 Danise Codekas

“The charm of fame is so great that we like every object to which it is attached, even death”.--Blaise Pascal


There seems to be a lot going on in the world, that I am hooked into, these past few weeks. I find my interest in world issues fans and wanes during the year. Sometimes I do not turn on a TV for weeks, and then, the remote finds itself imbedded in my palm, and I lose touch with my manuscripts, daily chores and philosophical minuets.

Looking back, my attention to world events began one morning, a few weeks ago, when a reporter was standing in Cairo with the backdrop of a great pyramid, behind him. Whatever was going on, at that moment, did not matter, as it was the Egyptologist in me that was mesmerized by the TV screen.

The shadows of hundreds of humans,running through the streets, and tanks lining up in front of the National Museum took form and substance, as the realization that a human rights uprising was occurring in Egypt, and it was the Egyptians this time, not the Hebrew race, of thousands of years ago, seeking to run into the Red Sea, with Pharaoh's  armies in chase across that ancient coastal lagoon, the Lake of Tanis. Moses-parting-the-red-sea

It was mesmerizing to watch as country, after Arabic country, threw off the yokes of ancient control, as the people wailed, for freedom, as if to say, “let our people go”, once again.



It had a lot to do with many no longer desiring to suffer silently for the right to be treated with respect, dignity and the freedom to discuss publicly, whatever they had been threatened against speaking about, in the past. The voices rose, as those of the old guard and secret police were challenged by brave people, willing to sacrifice life, in order to gain freedoms.

Once the unrest began, it spread like flood water, across the Arabic world. Those in control can only head for their off-shore banking centers and secure their ill gotten gains, if they are smart, before the international community begins to take action against them.

These  hands that fed them for so long, the oil mega-corps and defense industries, of foreign nations, now have to appear to be disgusted by the actions, of their paid dictators, who co-conspired in oil trading and Suez Canal barters, so all parties would benefit, at the hands of dictatorial enslavement of their populations.

The graves hiding horrors of torture, and the death of thousands of voices, screaming for equality and freedom of the press, are being marched upon by the protestors, and the same politicians and CEO’s of oil oligarchies, who remained silent with their bankers, in order to gain the trillions of dollars from oil and military equipment sales, and strategic bases for military,  secured for world dominant control, within the Arabic countries’ borders.

Protecting the masses, from evil world dominators, maintaining a balance of power, in the Middle East, with the help of democratic, world countries, made sense for a while, at the end of World War II; at the end of the Gulf War; at the end of the Iraq War.

At the expense, of those murdered, tortured or threatened to not fight the dictators, to not speak of the things, not right in their countries, because writing the truth about these dictators and the companies and armies which supported them would cause financial failures sooner for the dictators and the international arms cartels.

How many trillions they all made at the expense of murder, silenced bodies and raped citizens? It is a joke, to see sons of Libya’s leader pay American singers millions of dollars for a few songs at their parties. The fact that singers, like Mariah Carey, Beyonce, Usher, and Furtado, decided to refund their millions in fees, to the Gaddafi family, is a little too much, too late. Some of them are donating it to charities, however, they already knew that Muatassim’s father, was a dictator and a murderer, that night they sang at those  parties, didn’t they?

Please, the only reason their  million dollar fee’s are returned or recycled is because of  world opinion, recognizing the rape of Libya, and its resources. The sons of its leader,  are unconscionable, in their acts of hubris and murder, toward humanity.

They partied and were associated with them, and now they want to pretend they knew nothing about Libya, Gaddafi the father, and what a suppression, the Gaddafi regime created through the demoralizing and destruction of hope, for Libya’s citizens. The reason they are returning their fees is because the loss of record sales, public outrage, bad press. Perhaps now stars should be  required to go “green” in choosing their venues and who writes their pay checks.

The British press is having a field day about the US superstars who feigned an, “I didn’t know he was a murderer, and his sons, lynch men” apologetic mewling. We knew for a long time Libya sent in the terrorists, that brought down the Lockerbie Pan Am flight  #102 in 1988 and ordered the death of 243 passengers.

Carey, Usher, Beyoncé and Furtado all skipped off the stage with millions in emoluments (paychecks) for entertaining the terrorists, who probably attended the Gaddafi boys’ parties. No excuse, absolutely none, will I accept from any of these greedy, American performers.They know who Gaddafi was, is and where the blood money came for their payrolls.  They entertained the murderers of those 243 passengers.

Mariah Carey knew who Gaddafi is and I am sure she consulted attorneys and advisors before taking the Gaddafi payment. Like she does not have the internet, an agent, and a whole company of publicists who know exactly what Libya and Gaddafi represent.

I am so tired of these stars climbing on the backs of international and national political movements, who are trying to be recognized, legitimately, like the gay marriage movement.

Artists, like Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Jason Mraz and Tristan Prettyman, are now standing on the backs, of the gay rights organizations’ efforts, hoping to attain more ticket and record sales, by their claims of, “We aren’t getting married until the gays can have legally recognized marriages, too.”

What fools, these performers must think we are now.The sickness that pervades political chameleons also  pervades, the artists of our day. Nothing new, there. Right?

What a mockery of the gay marriage issue and the infamy, legal losses, injustices and cruelties suffered by gays to obtain the right to marriage, that these stars make and use those abuses suffered by gays, to further their own publicity avariciousness now.

If you don’t marry, Brad, you cannot help the gays politically? What, Mariah, if you did not sing songs, for a million dollars,for the Gaddafi terrorist brothers, no one else would hire you?

These stars do it for the press and fame, they get, and their acts are based on a lack of courage and a  fear of commitment. Spineless and unable to stand up at the altar, craven and fearful to take the lead and denounce and deny a homicidal dictator, and his son’s invitations, to perform at their parties.These are the artists the world worships now?

Disgusting, to say the least, and these hetero-sexual stars make a mockery of those people who do marry, bravely, and are able to take part in humanitarian efforts, to help the gay-rights agenda along. They pretend to align with the suffering and  the same discriminations and prejudice, as gay’s do, by declaring they are standing side-by-side with gays. This gets them a wonderful new audience and higher ticket sales, and maybe even an invitation to an Elton John party or two.

And these movie stars and singers,  can not support the gay-marriage rights cause married?

They just don’t want to marry, argue over their pre-nups, and they have found a way to not marry their fiancé, by bastardizing the gay-rights marriage agenda by their lack of courage and their desire for media attention.

My take on it is that they, in some small part of their heart, are still waiting for the real love of their life to show up. 

How much more powerful is it for a married hetero-sexual couple to walk alongside gay protesters, than it is for a famous star, to mock the institution of marriage? Why even get engaged if you were never planning on marrying. If you are famous, why wouldn’t your voice carry weight in the world? No, you just had to make the issue personal, and truly it was never personal because you are not gay.

I am not gay, either, however, if I were engaged to be marry, I would make sure, to make sure my husband and I let everyone know we supported their rights and walk right along side of them in protest until these laws are changed.

No apologies on my ruminating, today, just something to write about while my furnace is being repaired.

“Fame has also this great drawback, that if we pursue it, we must direct our lives so as to please the fancy of men.” --Baruch Spinoza