(copyright2010) by Danise Codekas
Not sure what is going on for all of you, now. Seems some are flying all over the place or else burrowing in, for the winter, and awaiting the universe to respond to calls for assistance and guidance.
There have been some shut downs of all communication, with a few friends and family members, in the past few weeks, and I could blame this all on Mercury, being in Retrograde mode, however, I think it is a little bit more emotional and intense, for us all, than just blaming it on Mercury.
When Mercury is Retrograde, or appears to move back across its direct path, re-crossing the heavens, it is signaling that we need to re-look, re-think, and re-read, any actions, invitations, proposals or commitments about to be made, while it is in reverse/holding pattern mode, and halt in making life-changing decisions, that include other people's karma, intertwining forever with ours.
A lot of people got married or proposed marriage, during this time period, and that is because the energy leading up to Mercury going Direct, is one in which our mind is working furiously to decide something of importance, and then, unable to sit in silence, we find it necessary to move quickly, take an unplanned trip across the planet, for instance, in order to keep the illusion, which we will use, to make a life changing decision. Movement and travel is what you do NOT want to do when Mercury is Retrograde.
You need to sit with the truth that is trying to erupt from your soul, which is generally your soul saying this is something you do NOT want to do. But, you listen to ego, and charge out wildly, grabbing car and truck keys, buying an airplane ticket and whisking off into the hinterland, hoping your soul will become silence as you are amused by the things of earth, rather those of heaven and your soul.
Mercury is screaming at us to re-think, and even, let go of the old karmic ties, we are still ensnarled in, that we are using to make another un-satisfying decision, a karmic retrograde to our development, causing us to repeat old karma, with an old love, return to an old city, or ignore our real mission, deny a true love, because we are afraid to walk the path alone, for a while, until we can finally accept our true love, work or mission, even though it seems insane, to all around you.
It is best to wait at least 9 days, after Mercury goes direct, before signing the document, offering the engagement ring or putting the house on the market. 9 is the "god" number, and is always mentioned in archaic, ancient works used by cabbalists, astronomers, astrologers, shamans and monk-warrior societies who were the keepers of truth, for ancient cultures.
The number 9 represents wholeness and 108, when added together equals 9. 108 represents the whole of existence. Interestingly, if you multiply 9 times ANY number, the answer is always 9 when you add the numbers together. 1x9=9. 2x9=18. 1+8=9. 285x9=2565( 2+5+6+5=18, 1+8=9).
9 represents wholeness or God.The 9 planets travelling through the 12 signs constitutes the whole of existence. 9 x 12 = 108.
The universe is made up of 108 elements according to ancient texts.The diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the earth. It is the Triple Triad - Completion; fulfillment; attainment; beginning and the end; the whole number; a celestial and angelic number - the Earthly Paradise.
It is the number of the circumference, its division into 90 degrees and into 360 for the entire circumference. 2, for instance represents 2 dimensional reality, 3 signifies, 3 dimensional reality. My birthdate is 9/9, so, hence, the life I have chosen and the lecture.
In any case, a lot of people got tied up in communication and electronic breakdowns, as experienced with the inability for the planes and airports to function, during the snowstorms, floods and fires, these past weeks. A total breakdown for billions of people, around the world.
Hope you maintained balance and were able to manage your frustration at the events, which involved balancing your energy, these past few weeks.
This is a time period, when the past will arise to seduce you into believing your choices are connected to a 'Magnificator', i.e., someone or something which magnifies your fear, suppresses needs of your heart, and gets you to fall into your deepest dream of connection to them, perhaps someone who is not your soul mate,for instance, because, they also are afraid to be alone.
A lot of people proposed marriage, decided to have a child, not change, when their soul whispered a truth, because they could not walk forward, into the new consciousness, which required supreme balance, unswerving courage, and release from the past, and in so doing, missed the one who is meant for them, in this cosmic renewal we are traveling through now, to 2012.
Holding onto the old, outmoded past relationships, and believing it is your destiny, is a way to disrupt the evolvement of humankind, and will continue to cause rifts, in the evolution of new, higher levels of consciousness, and you will still question your choices because it is not what you need; it is what you know.
Sex with a familiar person, fearing you are going to be alone, has led many of you, in this past month, to run back to those, who no longer serve your development, but satisfy your need for safety, even if they will smother your creativity and ability to be with a more powerful, righteous and aware human.
It is time to align every aspect of your life, not based on fear of being alone, or based on their illusions of a happy life, and deification of you, or your fear of dying without any progeny, or your seeking acceptance, in the eyes of your tribe/families, as now being responsible, because you got engaged or will now become a wife or husband. You return to the imbalanced male-female paradigm, again.
You pretend to love, yet you are not with the real love of your life. You have lost hope, and are grabbing a life line, that is being held out by old, outmoded beliefs. Those who seek to keep you in place, by fear, and debased societal controls, applaud your decision to stay, in the web, of their fears.
Perhaps, it is time to trust that you will be with the one who is meant for you and you will not be swayed, on your life's mission.
They are on this planet, now, to assist your development of higher consciousness, and every movement you make in fear, away from them, you lie to yourself and the one who is with you, that you know is not really the one.
There is a question in your mind, which is why you had to run from them for a while, and silence your soul, in order for your ego-mind to control the situation, again. You cannot fool yourself.
Many are now able to see sadness in your eyes, and know, a lesser road was chosen and travelled by you. We are all on this journey together, and the wise ones are saying goodbye, to that which no longer serves them.
They are dismantling their lives, while friends and family shake their heads denouncing it as foolishness and childish. They, like the Hebrews, are packing up their belongings, and crossing into the unknown, knowing the voice inside will guide them to the right place, person and circumstance.
They choose to defy the old ways and know if they continue to believe the lies and promises of others, they will cease to exist in their own hearts.
I, and maybe you,are aware of our power and there is nothing to lose, except the suffering of the past. We are reaching for the unknown, the incredible, the joy of that which was always meant for us, because we listen to our hearts and have faith our heaven, it is here, on earth. We are spiritual beings having an earthly paradise experience.
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