You know it has been a good long time since some of the planets, that spin through my astro-world, have been exalted for me. Being a Virgo, I tend to pay attention when the folds of the universe contract or expand. Our lungs, hearts, skin, and even the pupils of our eyes are always contracting and expanding. Sometimes, the universe says that it is time for shifting, to the point of extinction, if the actions and thoughts of my being, no longer serve my Celtic, Cretan, and Merovingian Blood lines' motivations.
Profected Chart_Danise 9/9/2010-9/9/2011 |
Like a rainbow of galactic M&M's, this month the sky is showering variegated rainbows across the horizons for me. I have a number of Exhalted positions in the stars, which astrologers love to talk about.
There is even a Final Significator in the chart, which has always been amazing to talk about over the years.
This year, going from month to month, many new things are expanding in my life, because so much star and planet energy is changing above me now.
The walls are coming down, as planets drift away from where they have been sitting, over my head, for the past 7 years, holding me in their movement and light, in order to influence me to understand more about my ideas and life.
I am feeling rather refreshed, and many of the planets will not be back into my chart for many decades, and, even then, they and I will be different, as the changes in me and, the time of planetary and asteroid movement, will be in different degrees and houses of the chart.
ADHARA is my favorite new astrological and astronomical touchstone to study, this week. Sirius is one of the brightest stars in the heavens and ADHARA is one of the other 2 stars, with Sirius, in the Canus Major constellation. My sweet Mercury, one of my major planets, went direct on 12 Sept. and Mars left my 2nd house on 14th Sept, so things are going well.Saturn and Uranus were battling it over my head since 2003, and Saturn left in July, and Uranus will be hitting the road in March. A lot of the challenges I have weathered in the past few years are completed and even Pluto will head direct on Nov. 14, which means my social life will be rocking again.
Saturn has been in my second house for the past couple years, and it only happens 2 or 3 times in a lifetime, and it is moving on now. The last time for my lifetime. To say I am happy about what is occurring overhead would be subtle. I am so happy things are moving out of my orbit now as the past is done, lessons learned and new energy to support my current life and enjoy new projects is here.
Power is being restored and the unveiling of shadows is happening now.New energy waves are lifting my spirit, formulating new ideas and dreams to be realized. My psychic collective well is full and when Venus hits me on 28th October, a remaking of a new persona begins as it provides options to emerge from the shell, like a Botticelli Venus.
I know many of you do not believe in astrology, and that is your thing. But take a close look around November 2, when Pandora's Box opens, in the sky, and all the monsters of the past, all the shadows are exposed since it is the end of a major cosmic cycle of a T-Square of planets. Remember, though, the reasons Pandora opened the box, and allowed all the monsters of the past to fly out, was because at the bottom of the box was the Winged Angel of Hope, and that is a very wonderful thing to release into the world.
I am the Queen of Pentacles, in the Tarot. My mythic astrologer, Steve Nelson, had me pull the cards for every month of my birth day natal chart. So the 1st month, began on 9/9, and goes around the astro houses for 11 months, which tells me what type of energy is running overhead, based on my natal chart, progressed chart and my Profected chart. Lots of good information from Steve, since he is such a master of the charts and skies above, in this 11th house year of my life.It means that I will be formulating ideas to be realized, and drawing from the psychological, collective well and remaking my persona, with the new inter-relationships with people. In other words, my 2 books are getting done. The energy and wisdom and ideas are there for their completion now, this year.
I could not understand why I felt like I was in Limbo, these past few months. Now, looking at what was going on this past year, which was a re-alignment with my deeper self, and removing all the fear and blinders needed to complete these books, it all makes sense. I think of it as a psychological and spiritual vacation, across new ideas which could not crystallize, until the old stuff evaporated, or morphed, into that which it was trying to produce. Deep thought, meditation and release of old ways had to happen before the understanding of the information needed for this book could be written down, benefiting those who will read the books.
Having this energy sent me on a path of not one, but two manuscripts, one fiction, the other non, which now I see perfectly coalesce into one, lyrical movement. I could not write a book about male energy, without understanding the energy of our past, female patterns. Keep an eye on Nov. 2, and let's see what is released by mass consciousness, into the universe, and what thoughts change in you, by Nov. 3rd. Anyway, this is just a rambling about my astrology chart, which will never be clear to you, since I did not reveal all. However, although we walk on earth, we are spinning across the universe at about 22,000 mph. Hold on, then let go and enjoy the dance among the planets, asteroids and constellations of your world.
You might want to contact Steve Nelson in North Carolina. He is an incredible mythic interpreter of life's movements, through the cosmic heavenly dance we are all attending now. You can call him at (704)-375-3759 EST.
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