230PM-Listening to Ants Marching by DMB
I am waiting for the UPS angel to arrive with a magic delivery, so I thought I would write about a Facebook conversation, I had with a friend of mine, today.
I love Facebook, when friend's starts chatting with me.Isn't technology wonderful? To be able to communicate from my hilltop above the Puget Sound to a friend on a hillside in California, in a moment surprise? A type touch, so to speak.
When I was working on my degree in Mass Communications, I often wondered, why I had chosen that track. After running into a few great astrologers, the reason was clear, since I am a Virgo, with Mercury as the planet running through my heady life. Mercury is the planet of communications, so the degree choice was not so crazy.
I've spent a lot of time in the field of communications, working from lots of angles, both technological and planetary. Satellite communications, Software/Hardware copyright law, certifications in Microsoft platforms, Cisco Networks, XML development. What interested me was the sociology of mass comm, how and why groups communicate, the societal impacts of those communications, and how do you create them and keep them going, and control mass consciousness.
Control mass consciousness, sounds very Hitler-esque, however, my question was how did that guy in Northern California ever get tens of millions of people to buy his pet rocks? Do you have a bumper sticker on your car? Do you have one of the Jack-in-the-Box bobble heads on your antenna? Why do you watch Survivor, Dancing with the Stars, The Super-Bowl Half Time Bands, or American Idol?
How do you make money from them, how do you control the mass consciousness to watch your story, sing your song, and how do certain media angles and products allow me to get the biggest bang ,for my efforts, and capture the most ratings in whatever media I am using.
Mandala |
I can design a survey, using certain sentence construction, visuals,and diagramming, to get anyone to agree, or at least remember me or my brand. Heady stuff.
The important thing, I learned, is how incredibly important personal contact is on an ongoing basis, despite access to media. Personal touch, personal interaction lead to important understandings about who I am and who you are, and are the most intriguing aspects of sociological communication research. How do we affect one another when we communicate?
My friend and her family are experiencing some challenging financial times, in their lives right now. A mass communication from the cosmos about human sustenance and what is really important to sustain us. We have had abundance, righteous and extravagant spending frenzies, lifestyles of the rich and over-fed ego icons for the past 50 years.
Affluence, of such a degree contrasting against abysmal, world poverty, the dichotomy of the insane wastefulness against horrendous, global misery, finally, like the tower of Babel,fell. Affluent habits are torn apart, as universal consciousness re-balances the gross negligence of world greed, along with blocking the wastefulness and destruction, of all natural resources , to fulfill outrageous fantasy. Higher wisdom energy created by those who were strong enough now to say, 'enough waste!', began annihilating the imbalance, by re-balancing our use of what is on the earth,with "Just Enough"consciousness inspiring many of us, in order to survive.
People are learning what "just enough" is to survive now.
How many wished they had saved their abundance, so that they did not have to work so hard now to survive?
How many wish they were not living in their cars, because they paid so much for a mortgage, as they wanted to be accepted by those in a higher caste?
The family, I read about that had 18 big screen TV's for purchase at the bank auction of their home, I felt no sorrow for, as the wife stood next to her red Mercedes, and complained how difficult it was going to be not having her Range Rover, to carry her 3 poodles to the vet, anymore.
I just had to shake my head, staring at those 65" big screen monitors. 18 of them! I know many of you will say, 'well, if she could afford it, why not?'. How about because it is insane?
Well, my friend and her family are creative, trying to figure out what to do next. They are seeking solutions to problems that are frightening, and exquisitely daring, which will enable the change for a family's lifestyle, becoming a great adventure, eventually.
Like the Hebrews, leaving Egypt, packing up the sheep and goats, leaving behind the houses and jobs, and heading out to somewhere across the Red Sea and the desert, not knowing where they would end up, what they would do to provide for their families, but knowing it was time to go. Leaving was better than staying, in the fetid atmosphere of freedom-less lives.
I noted excitement and yearning in her short, Facebook messages as she talked about moving to Europe, the Caribbean or Central America. I could feel the wheels moving in her life, that would be unlike anything they could have imagined, before the financial tremors crept into the day-to-day life of their past.
I knew they would be well, and in their new creation, which they have total control over,and their new life will be more amazing than they can now imagine. I look forward to that future for them.
3PM -UPS is still not here-Listening to My First Kiss by 30H!3--
She asked if I could head down to San Francisco for Thanksgiving. Told her I did not know, since I am planning a big adventure over Christmas. It would be great to see everyone in SF, however, I am not so quick to jump on airplanes, right now. Sometimes it is just a knowing that my higher self is guiding me and saying, "hey, you will be doing something else then and,wait until the reason arrives". Do you know what I mean?
I just listen to my heart-It is always the best direction, in anticipation of my ephemeral, futuristic adventures coming up.
Sectarian, myopic analysis sometimes is best left in the past, otherwise you will have no clean slate to write the next chapter of your life on. S
Sometimes the past is better left where it is, like not trying to resurrect an old, love relationship. Usually, returing to an old love still involves the same personal issues and personalities, only it takes a little bit longer for them to arise again. You did learn some lessons from the past, didn't you?
The same fears and inhibitions may not exist for you, yet, they could still be active in the other's paradigm. Sometimes the past memory includes the good stuff, until the bad stuff resurrects, its wafting odors, quietly, softly. You may have both changed, however, you fall into the old patterns ,of past dreams of the relationship, and you dream the old dreams together, until one of you wakes up and sees the truth. Most returns are to settle an unknown, or out of fear of the unknown future.
It is all communication, in different worlds, dreams and fears. It rarely survives between two people, as the resurrection morphs into the ascension before your eyes, and you begin to realize the end has come.
I sat behind a man with two ex-girlfriends, on either side of him, one weekend at a relationship workshop. I went because I wanted to hear men talk about what they were feeling about women and relationships. It was one of the those 'feel-good' workshops, where people, like myself, divulge experiences and understandings about their lives.
The workshop leaders, a couple, filled the room with goody-goody lectures about love and forgiveness, yet, they themselves were cold to some of the participants, when they were not on stage. The woman was very jealous of interactions of other women, with her mate, when off-stage, and also fearful of other women's power.
It was evident to a few of us women, in the audience. There were people there with current loves and spouses, who had brought ex-loves and spouses to the event, so they could show how well they were able to overcome their issues and, now were the best of friends. There was something very sad about it all because whenever two ex's were talking about their old relationship, one of them was still hurting; one of them was pretending it did not hurt so much to have lost in love and be sitting next to the new partner for 2 days.
It was palatable in the air and throughout the hall. It was very heavy energy, and sad in many respects.
I asked one man, after he and his ex-wife had spoke about how wonderful it was they had forgiven one another and now were friends, why they had divorced. He got so pissy with me. He said that she had cheated on him. I asked him if he wanted to get back together with her, and he said, "Never, I can never trust her again."
It is a statement which should have been added to their group reveal. She was high on her current love affair and, I think, was cruel to ignore that her ex mistrusted her. How could you not know know he was still hurt and jealous? Oh, EGO! She was sitting there between 2 men who she had claim to. There was a lot of incongruent love-forgiveness babel from workshop leaders who, at the end of the workshop, declared that their teaching syllabus descended from the Landmark Forum.
That pissed me off because Landmark from which est training was developed, by Werner Erhard(aka Jack Rosenberg), the founder of Landmark, which was the offshoot from Scientology's, L.Ron Hubbard., created huge international and national legal battles, IRS suits, and was banned from Germany. Erhard(Jack Rosenberg) was portrayed as a wife abuser and child rapist (incest with his daughter), during a CBS's, 60 Minutes show in the 70's. [March 3, 1991, Program#2325]
The daughter claimed that CBS offered her $2mm dollars to say he was abusive with he and her mother, which CBS denies. Large Group Awareness Training are/were workshops developed by Landmark, which were allegedly stolen from the Church of Scientology, and luckily for me, I had studied the Scientology and Landmark issues, after a personal experience, with a Scientology member, in Washington, D.C. Makes my skin crawl just thinking about the mind-verbal controls of both groups.
Hunter S. Thompson called est in Fear and Loathing, “a pricey, psycho-babbling series of long and demeaning behavior-modification sessions that preached the virtue of selfishness.” Pretty much says it. If you want to read a little on the topic, and why it makes me sick to think about being sucked into this 'feel-good' weekend, only to find out that these folks who "created" the workshop, based it on the Landmark/Erhard Warner/L.Ron Hubbard model, check out Tim Boucher's blog and walk around some of his links: http://bit.ly/bwkUs
The problem with Landmark and how it influenced the relationship workshop is both trainings alienate you from your emotions, and responsibility for your actions, just by the re-definition of language terms, which no one but those attending understand as they are assigned new definitions by the organization.
[In Landmark, they seem to focus on the idea that you create the meaning of events. They also go to great lengths to try to teach you that events are essentially meaningless in and of themselves.-Tim Boucher]
UPS, still not here-5:02PM-Listening to Little Lion Man by Mumford&Sons
So, this guy with 2 ex-girlfriends, on either side of him, is now dating one of the ex-girlfriends. Based on the excerpt above, their previous relationship and the fact that they didn't treat one another with respect, is meaningless, because not until they attended the seminar and disemboweled the events of their relationship, all 3 began to believe that their actions were meaningless, and come up with an agreed upon meaning of what actually happened, making none of them culpable for cheating, and then create a false,goody-goody, I -feel-so-good-because -I- am- not- responsible-for- my- actions meaning, and you can't blame me for anything mind-set.
Scientology, est and Landmark has grabbed your mind, repelled your soul and humane ethics, and you start a new, blank slate with no responsibility for your actions, because you get to ignore the past actions and meaning of events, and get to re-write your history by coming up with a false meaning of the relationship events that you created. In other words you get a mental lobotomy, and no longer are resposible for the harm you have done.
Maybe that is why the longest IRS lawsuit ever in the US was the IRS vs Church of Scientology. No respoibility because the meaning of why they did not pay taxes, supercedes their action, of failure to file correctly.
5:40PM-UPS-Not Yet Here.
I love surprises. Going to that workshop was a great experience and I shared a lot of my experiences, with perfect strangers who, like myself, had no idea that there was a reused, cult-ish paradigm operating through the energy of that room. Do I regret it? No, since I was reminded again how easy it is to fall into a somnolent state, dictated by feel-good hype and mind-set. In the end, it was a wonderful weekend and, happily, none of my ex-boyfriends were there. I relaxed and enjoyed the stories told and, watched how 2 people were able to contrive a communication incongruity, which failed to provide what the masses needed. It is rare you get to see a massive failure, in a communication environment, of a sociological paradigm.
I waited a few weeks and contacted some of the people I met there to find out what they thought of it. Luckily, I was encouraged with my analysis, since they all said the same things:"something was missing" and they "felt uncomfortable about the fact that the workshop leaders were hiding something", or,they "were not being truthful about their relationship".
So what is the point to this blog today? Well, sometimes the medium is just a massage, and has a subtle message. In this case, it was a way for me to spend time analyzing some feelings about that workshop. It was also a way, for me, to wait for the UPS truck, which is not arriving today ,because there were weather issues between Kentucky and Seattle. S
So, instead of waiting for "IT" to arrive, do something to pass the time. It all is rewarding in the end, even though the cosmic X-factor is spinning around you.
So, what did I learn today?
I should have gone to the source of the basis for the workshop, before I flew to LAX. I shall go exam the source of my desire to buy things, before I rush out and buy them. I shall go to the SOURCE, instead of blaming UPS for not arriving today, as the SOURCE controls the weather, and the SOURCE never hides the truth if you are willing to reach for it, even when it hurts. Once the pain is gone, the healing has already occurred.
7:54PM-1 DAY Air Letter to arrive Monday, 4 days late.
Time to make some dinner and love my garden.
Listening to Vaporize by Broken Bells.
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