One of the best things about living here is that I have a couple of great beaches a few blocks from the house. However, the nice thing is that the Pacific Ocean is only 90 minutes away, and this weekend my sister and I are headed to one of the wonderful places on earth.
The area we are headed is quiet and magnificent ,in that ,on one side of us is the ocean and on the other side is the mysterious mountains of the Olympic Peninsula, which reveal their fox and raccoons in the evenings as we sit on our deck and watch the sun set.
There is something incredible about wild mountains that run down into the sea, and knowing that there is only a two lane highway which ends about 30 miles north of our little hide-away.
We are taking bathing suits since there is an indoor heated pool and looking forward to having a little Mai Tai and some red roasted hummus with baked garlic chips, as soon as we unload the car. 2 sisters hanging out together and talking about those things that sisters do, sometime.
Mom is coming with us and she will have her favorite bedroom that looks across the yard and over the cliffs, and take her favorite walk along the beach to the general store and the great fish restaurant that some old friends of mine now own. They gave up their high tech jobs a few years ago and escaped to the simpler life of wild winds, sandy beaches and wonderful cooking.
The horses are ready to carry us across the sands and there is nothing better then saddling up in the early morning, when there is low laying fog and race up the beach to the wild boulders and crazy seagulls, diving for the last vestiges of the previous nights wave deposits.
The Tsunami Warning signs will be thought about as we drive along the quiet coast road and the signs of last winter's mud slides will threaten us and our 3,000 lb car, as we negotiate 90 degree turns, with the cd's playing a little Brazilian, some Parrot Head, and probably some jiving Jamaican beats along the way. How else can we ignore the possibility of tsunami and rolling off the edge of the continent?
The big decision is what book to bring. What to read at the beach? A spy thriller, a little murder mystery or something along the lines of 5th Mountain by Coelho, which I just finished reading this afternoon. Maybe, no books will be brought along, since the adventure of running through the waves, and swimming in the pool will more than shore the silence between conversations of a mother with her two daughters. Family issues, secrets and dreams of 3 women will be delved into and laughter over our past lives which we have resolved, escaped or hoped no one remembers.
In any case, I am looking forward to the road trip and the recollections and
the new memories to be made with the two women, in my life, whom I love the most. No matter the weather it will be a refreshing time and one that the three of us will remember, and hopefully repeat again next year, as we do every year.

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