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White Pines on the Mountain |
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My Puget Sound View from the House |
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Susquehanna River |
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White Pines on the Mountain |
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My Puget Sound View from the House |
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There seems to be an energy around us all now that prevents the body and the mind from reaching into the darkness without hesitating, as if there was something frightening that could attack all that we are trying to hold onto in our lives. I begin to hesitate when I look around me and see the wonders and abundance that is in my life, since I have lost it all, at one time in my life. Other times, I gave it all away as I headed off to a new place on the planet, like when I moved to D.C., or Hawaii, Santa Barbara, or Washington State.
One time, all my precious goods were destroyed, inside a storage facility in San Francisco, and to this day, years later, there are a few things I remember, that wishes cannot return. A lot of my notebooks, with stories and diaries were there, which represented about 20 years of my life. All gone, all destroyed. Suffering through that loss, of things, of memories, froze my life for about 2 months. Anger arose in the middle of nights, as I remembered treasures lost.
The things, we own, we hold onto, we expect to be there in our homes when we return to our driveways, balance the daily confusion and work we do outside our homes. The things, the plants, the dining room table, are our ballasts against rocky human interactions and frightening futures we create out of nothingness, which are born in those moments of knowing that we are not all-powerful or eternal.
Today, I am walking though a fearful moment which I drew to me for a learning experience. Yet, here I sit, able to do that which I love to do the most: my work, my writing. Somewhere in my past, there was debilitating injuries, life-threatening illnesses, and from them the understanding that health was the most important of all the gifts of the universe, as without it, nothing else could be enjoyed. Not love, not work, not even reading. To be able to walk without pain, as I do now, years after a head on car accident, is a miracle. To be cancer free, 11 years after it waltzed across my life horizon, is also gratefully enjoyed and respected, for what it was: a lesson, an opportunity, a check-in to present time and reality.
Love now, that revolves in me and around me, no matter how I feel or what situation I am entertaining in life. I know who loves me, and am able to love them. I will say, though, even during pain and illness, sometimes thinking about those you love, takes a back seat to pain, prescriptions and nuclear radiology labs.
What is the touchstone? What is it that brings you into a realistic understanding of who you are, and what it is that you should be grateful for, in the days and nights of your life?
People I remember, who made changes in their lives, as I changed mine through theirs are memorable. An elderly woman on a train from Frankfurt to London, who had a nose bleed, as I sat across from her in our compartment, comes to mind. She did not talk to me when I entered and sat across from her. A smile, a head bow to acknowledge my presence was all that took place. Then a few minutes later, blood poured out of her nose, and she became frightened.
I grabbed my tissues from the backpack, and then sat next to her, placing her head back to stop the flow. She shaking, afraid, as I gave her tissues and then water once it stopped. I helped her clean her jacket, and she speaking in German and me, with my English, sat there together, holding hands, as she had become cold, and shaking, across the German landscape of cows and mountains.
Many people helped me, in my travels around the world. People I will never see again, but where there when I needed an angel, or directions. People who went out of their way, gave their time and energy, when I had none, when I was frightened. It all balances out in the end, I think.
The people who gave me their time and advice, like the Dalai Lama, Mother Theresa, Don Miguel Ruiz, Lama Tharchin, and, even, Roger Daltry. People who looked at me and realized another human was there to ask questions, or needed a little encouragement, even though, sometimes, the advice was unasked. The advice, spectacularly profound, whipping me from my daily thoughts, to the knowledge I am worthy, to be here, on this planet.
Men I married, divorced, dated and ended relationships with all had something to teach me, as I taught them, in the whirls of consciousness. Men who where trying to understand themselves and the life they were in, which included me, for a short time. We were all trying to find the answer to what does IT all mean.
Sometimes, there is no answer. Sometimes you meet people, spend time with them, understand yourself better, or simply walk away confused about their actions, your needs. Sometimes there is no answer at the time it all ends or begins. Usually, it was just the next indicated thing the relationship was directing you to as your path converged from theirs.
The one thing I have learned is that until I have fully grieved something, can I let it go completely. There is no time on this one. It is personal for each of us. No timeline lets you know when it is time to end the grief, anger, fear. It happens, though. Eventually, the grief stops and the limbo period begins while the heart and mind suspend action, slowly revolving toward the next indicated thing.
Marianne Williamson said that, "every situation is just a corner of an infinite universe. No corner is really so good or so bad, as it is simply a place the soul is in need of experiencing now. Whatever it is, it will not last. Whatever it is, it is leading to something better. And whatever it is, it is something perfect."
So, my perfect universe which I walk through every day has no answers for me. It is because I am able to play in an infinite universe, where all is possible. I am grateful it will not last, since the new experience will be even more revealing, deeper, clearer, as my soul injects the experience with its needs for my life. There is something larger than me, as I look at the sun and moon and the abundance of life on this planet. I am just part of it and because of my part in it, it exists for all of us.
What does it all mean? I cannot answer for you. Only your actions will tell you when you are happy, when you have screwed up, when you have left behind the fear, the past, the attachments, which no longer are necessary for the next part of your journey.
We are all related already, says Williamson, in her book, Everyday Grace, and with every human encounter we get a chance to re-create our world. I would have to add that with every human, animal, and mountaintop I stand on, I have a chance to re-create my world.
A friend of mine has always said that her current relationship with her boyfriend, is incredible, because he lets her be herself. Free is her favorite ideal. She is free to be herself with him. I asked her once if she had changed because of him, and she said, No. She was still herself, and did not have to change at all. She could do whatever she wanted and he did not influence her into changing.
I have thought about this for a while now. I think she is missing something. She is more fearful of changing because of him. She believes that if she does, she loses something of herself in the changing. I think she would become something grander, if she allowed him to change her. It is a matter of trust. It is not a matter of loss of freedom. She is not free with him. Two together, meld into one, and become a testament to true love and faith, in the relationship. I do not think he is the passionate, love of her life. Once she finds that man, who she allows to touch her soul, drop her fears of loss of her freedom, she will be content.
Strange, so strange to see an old mirror image of myself, in her life. They keep bumping into one another. They were together a few years ago, broke up, and now are back together. Something was not learned, in the past, and now they are both pretending it is perfect again. He sits and waits for her to come to him, ready to change, give up some of the freedom she claims is so precious. He is slowly becoming a ghost of what he could be, but is fearful of the next woman.
The woman who will give up her freedom, to be completely one with him, is what he desires, but is fearful she will never arrive in his lifetime. He does not have to change for her either. It is like watching the stallion and mare, separated by the fence. The fence of freedom, which neither of them can break down, because they are not meant to be together, forever. Their souls are simply trying to teach them that freedom is not the point. Love, is the lesson, and once they let go, walk away from one another, then they will find the deepest, richest love they have desired, always. But the lessons of the soul, take time.
What does it all mean? I don't know right now. I do know if we stop searching for the answer, we will never be content, be loved, be brave. Sometimes the only thing it all means is in understanding our fears, we are able to walk away knowing, hoping, the next indicated thing brings joy and unimaginable love. Freedom to be who we are without fear of being changed. It is the changes that answer the question, What Does IT all mean.
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Today the day started slow and early. Drinking coffee, looking across the horizon at the Olympic Mountains which hide Vancouver, B.C. to the North, I opened the Dalai Lama's book, Ethics for the New Millennium, which had been ingratiating itself, into my life, paragraph by paragraph, this past week. For some reason, to read it from beginning to end has not materialized, yet, and instead I find myself just opening to any page and beginning there. Usually when a question about my Self arises.
It is a book that every few paragraphs, stopping and contemplating the words and ideas, leads to realizations about my life which are hampering me from moving forward. It also brings realizations about the past and shows me where my actions are blocking me from fulfilling the life I see in my dreams. The life that is mine. A quote from the book which started today's blog:
If you can try not to think of yourself as better than the humblest beggar.You will look the same in your grave.
That simple statement envelopes his actions, daily. It helped me to break through a part of the book I am writing which has given me unnatural fear about completing the book. After I read that comment, the equanimity of my interactions with others on this planet was recalled and jump started me into a new chapter.
As mornings go, I traveled across the internet to my Twitter account and read some Tweets from Paulo Coelho and found the card above. I truly love him, for the writer and human, he has become, and for sharing his wisdom with the world. His new Declaration of Principles can be found here: http://bit.ly/brxAcf
Paulo Coelho, Declaration of Principles
1] All human beings are different. And should do everything possible to continue to be so.
2] Each human being has been granted two courses of action: that of deed and that of contemplation. Both lead to the same place.
3] Each human being has been granted two qualities: power and gift. Power drives a person to meet his/her destiny, his gift obliges that person to share with others which is good in him/her. A human being must know when to use power, and when to use compassion.
4] Each human being has been granted a virtue: the capacity to choose. For he/she who does not use this virtue, it becomes a curse – and others will always choose for him/her.
5] Each human being has the right to two blessings, which are: the blessing to do right, and the blessing to err. In the latter case, there is always a path of learning leading to the right way.
6] Each human being has his own sexual profile, and should exercise it without guilt – provided he does not oblige others to exercise it with him/her.
7] Each human being has his own Personal Legend to be fulfilled, and this is the reason he is in the world. The Personal Legend is manifest in his enthusiasm for what she/he does.
– the Personal Legend may be abandoned for a certain time, provided one does not forget it and returns as soon as possible.
8] Each man has a feminine side, and each woman has a masculine side. It is necessary to use discipline with intuition, and to use intuition objectively.
9] Each human being must know two languages: the language of society and the language of the omens. The first serves for communication with others. The second serves to interpret messages from God.
10] Each human being has the right to seek out joy, joy being understood as something which makes one content – not necessarily that which makes others content.
11] Each human being must keep alight within him the sacred flame of madness. And must behave like a normal person.
12] The only faults considered grave are the following: not respecting the rights of one’s neighbor, letting oneself be paralyzed by fear, feeling guilty, thinking one does not deserve the good and bad which occurs in life, and being a coward.
– we shall love our adversaries, but not make alliances with them. They are placed in our way to test our sword, and deserve the respect of our fight.
– we shall choose our adversaries, not the other way around.
12A] We hereby declare the end to the wall dividing the sacred from the profane: from now on, all is sacred.
14] Everything which is done in the present, affects the future by consequence, and the past by redemption.
15] The impossible is possible --Paulo Coelho
There are many things both these men write about which not only inspires others: it also reveals their souls, their fears and their pasts. That is what writing is about really, for me. A singular act of courage since words, songs, art reveal not only the soul, it also allows others the power to criticize, demean, praise, honor. Any of these actions can imbalance the creator, you and me. It takes courage and compassionate understanding of others to continue sharing one's gifts with the world. Share yours today.
It rained most of the day today. Finally steady, summer rain and coolness for all the plants and animals in my forest. I forget sometimes that the animals need water, out there in their world, when I am in my air conditioned palace, wrapped up in superficial needs and ego. Nothing worse than being hot and thirsty in the forest.
I realized this afternoon, after moving most of the potted plants into the lovely summer rain showers, the mole hills in the front and side yards disappeared. Then I realized those 6 inch high mole hills disappeared as the moles move further into the earth, as the sun gets hotter daily, since the heat began about 5 weeks ago.
The 3 rabbits were out again, as they are every day in the morning and evening. There is some type of sweetness to my grass and clover and daisies they love to gorge themselves with now. I wonder how long they will be alive, if I will see them again, as the coyotes and deer are now running through the yard, from my forest most evenings.
Hope they live long and happy rabbit years. When they sit outside the house, they exert a calmness on me that I cannot explain, except that in the ancient Chinese Horoscope, I am the sign of Metal Rabbit. I do know that they have very sharp teeth, which surprises a lot of people when they get bit by them. This is the smallest one of the 3, who let me get pretty close and we had a little rabi-hum communication going on for about 10 minutes.
I spent the early morning cutting back my blackberry bushes. You can see part of the house,and the forest my land resides on, which grows closer to me each year, unless we have some agreement as to how huge the blackberry bushes can grow. This morning I was using the sheers to cut back the vines, which are about an inch diameter wide, that have entwined themselves around my apple and plum trees. You can see the forest, the house sits in, and it is so lovely to sit on the decks and drift off into a little solar nap, gazing into the forest, while the birds sing.
You can see the front part of the property is getting dry now, however, I think the summer will begin morphing into early Fall-like weather now, in about 2 or 3 weeks.
Whatever is going on in the world now, as far as earth and weather changes, whatever that process is, that you want to call it, which I refuse to argue over, the energy of the animals, the weather extremes, and just the overall surprises in new earth patterns, here in the Northwest, since I am here this week, a noteworthy, major pattern is here now and we need to pay attention to it. Mama Earth is not giving hints anymore, like little puffs from volcanic silos,. Mama Earth and Father Sky are smashing their cymbals so hard together, the warnings no longer warnings, but significant, volatile, treacherous reprisals against human failure to understand we are nature, also.
The significance of the huge ice island breaking off from Greenland's 2 main glaciers today, is earth shaking, if you think about it. http://bit.ly/aWKthn
You think you and your airline were inconvenienced from Iceland's volcanic eruption this year? You should really think about what happens when that ice island begins blocking shipping routes between the US, Canada, and Europe, and Northern Africa in a few months. You do see the significance of 2 major earth change events emanating from that sector of the globe? Iceland and Greenland?
I do not think a lot of people get it. Get the fact that we are destroying ourselves as we insult and destroy nature outside of our homes, careers, and bank accounts, oh, and love lives too, and addictions. We think too much of what the next thing is that we want, to fulfill the emptiness in our souls, which can only be healed through nature and compassionate understanding of the universal law of balance.
Many people are spinning tops. Spinning away from their center of gravity, health, wisdom, and responsibility for every living creature on the planet, and the planet. I am on a roll tonight and it is almost 3 a.m., PSE. Everything is going nuts right now with this planet, you, and the solar system. Things are getting lined up for bigger changes, that are already in process. If you think about it, what happens when an electric tea pot is boiling, and you click open the little spout, to pour water out? The water, at the surface, cools quickly.
How about this supposition--just play with it. The Greenland Ice Island breaking away, happened because of all the hot gases and oil, the billions of liters of hot liquids, pouring out of the British Petroleum oil spill which displaced the earth's heat, and shot out beneath Greenland?
Think physics, magma movement, air and liquid release, and take a look at ley lines and fault lines under the areas from the Gulf Of Mexico to Greenland. It is all interconnected.
The weather has changed because of 3 big events, that meteorologists do not want to connect.Nothing on the airwaves anyway. The Icelandic Volcanic Eruption, the BP oil spill (no one in jail for it yet!), and the wildfires raging around the US Pacific Coast and Russia. We have red suns now above the Puget Sound. The animals are migrating already. The geese are leaving now, and deer and larger animals are not on their customary feeding trails for the past 2-3 weeks. They know something is going on, and whatever it is, it will be unexpectedly violent, and cause disruption, and hopefully, bring some people back into their bodies from their egoistic fantasies.
I don't know what it is, where it is coming from, meaning a slice of the sun barreling down on us, a piece of a comet, and earthquake, or a dramatic change in the weather so profound, it is frightening. I just know the floods in Pakistan are not common, meaning, nothing like this in decades. You need to look at the patterns. If there are none, then get some food stored up, get your water supplies, bandages, toilet paper, alternative heating source, and a gun and some bullets, alongside your fishing poles and some cash.
Be mindful if you do not know how to get from A to B alone. You just may need to know how to do things, for yourself, for a while. Don't be foolish. Pay attention to what the earth and the animals are telling you.
If you don't know how to do that, then pay attention to the increasing acts of violence among your neighbors, in your state, in the world. A insane impetus takes over because of the disharmony of the earth, which affects you and me, and literally short-circuits our brains, energetically. A lot of humans are going insane, because they are acting mad, and doing cruel, insane things against one another, and anything on this planet that they cannot understand.
Well, just some ramblings from someone sitting about 800 miles from a nuclear power plant; 200 mile range from four of the largest, active volcanoes on earth, and 7 blocks from one of the deadliest, fault lines on the planet, and sitting on tip of the Pacific continental shelf,which is right underneath the chair I am sitting in right now.
So, don't get crazy, don't get lazy,
Just pack up some supplies and take it easy.
Whatever Earthquakes, Volcanoes,
Solar Flares and Floating Ice Islands are transcending into now,
We won't know when, or how,
We will experience the change from their releases.
Preparedness Info: http://standeyo.com/News_Files/Hollys.html
Now, I shall listen to Mozart's Camo Trio in G.
Goodnight, my friends.
This has been a long few weeks. Weeks in which I had many decisions to make, some of which required instant decisions. I am a Virgo, Moon in Capricorn and Aquarius rising. I tend to take time in making my decisions. Research the variables and see if there is an easier, more fruitful way in which to navigate to a conclusion.
Many of you also had decisions to make in the past few weeks. Surely, some more life-changing vital than mine. These tests and decisions, are equal to the amount of wisdom you currently hold and, many times, thinking there is no answer, no resolution, are usually the ones that drag us from current reality, onto a new path, which we do not see a direction or a road sign on.
I took my car in for an oil change and the angels who have worked on it, discovered that my head gasket was shot. So shot, that both engine gaskets were replaced along with the timing chain. It was a first, for me, and my lovely Subaru, which I bought brand new, a few years ago, required instant surgery. I had a choice that day: to drive it home, and let it sit, knowing at any moment it could self-destruct any remaining engine parts, or get it fixed now. Being the, I-change-the-oil-every 3,000 miles, type, of caretaker, my sweet car had surgery. Thousands of dollars worth of surgery. Thousands ;)
Then, a few days later, my new health insurance bill arrived for 900.00. What to do? I thought about living without health insurance for a few months. Writing my book, walking along the beach everyday, the possibility of a major health issue did not seem probable. I have been cancer free now for 11 years. My teeth are in good shape. I am not dating anyone, so I did not foresee any type of complication from intimate relationship snafus. What could go wrong? I could go without it for a while.
The argument for not sending off the money was simple. I had bought a ticket for the 25th August, Hollywood Bowl Concert which Jason Mraz and Nancy Wilson were going to perform for me(and thousands of others). They would entertain me at on a lovely, star-studded evening in LA. It was my birthday present to myself. It was a reward for working on my book all summer. It was a way to escape and enjoy two wonderful performers, dazzling the crowd with Gershwin melodies, in perfect weather, at the Hollywood Bowl, a place I had always wanted to see a concert at in this lifetime. I had bought the ticket months ago.
The Seattle-LA flight would be around 400.00, the hotel-400, parking, cabs, food--well at least 1,000 dollars, for 2 nights of pleasure and release, from current life and work. Being a Virgo, however, sitting at home 2 hours before the insurance payment had to be postmarked, I began to look at the long-term possibilities, of not having health insurance. Thinking about my last surprise operation, which cost 53,000, of which my output was only 500.00, thanks to this insurance policy, I began to weigh the reality of a far-fetched, future, health emergency possibility.
Of course, it all had to do with the fact that I really wanted to go to the concert. Needed to get away for a few nights. I had even decided what I would wear that night, when I left the hotel. How I would go up to the Planetarium and ride along Canyon Road, the day before the concert, looking at the beauty, the palm trees, that California which takes your breath away sometime. Spago's, was also on the list for a glass of the Hine "Triomphe," Grande Champagne Cognac. I had not been there since my sister headed to Honduras, years earlier. I was still alive and wanted to celebrate my upcoming birthday on 9/9.
I wanted, wanted, wanted to go see the show. Watch Mraz sing his ever-loving showmanship voice out with Nancy Wilson.
Writing out the insurance check, driving down to the post office, I began to make deals with myself. It was 15 minutes before the PO closed. If I got there and it was closed, then that was a sign. I sat there in the car, holding the envelope, as people came in and out of our little, village post office. Alas, the door never closed. Getting out of the car, I walked in and our post mistress smiled at me, as I hesitated handing her the envelope twice. She said, "Danise, are you sure you want to send this?". I said, "NO. If I don't mail this, I can go to Hollywood and see a great concert in 3 weeks." She looked at the well-known health insurance company's name.
She looked at me and smiled. I knew in that moment, as she did, that sometimes being an adult, doing the wise thing, hurts. I even called my sister and asked her if I did the right thing. Yes, of course it was, but it still sucks. So, the ticket is on eBay now. Here is the link, which still pains me to look at now. http://bit.ly/cpWc6H
Last night, I asked the universe why my car engine blew up, and why I did that right thing and paid for my health insurance. There was no voice coming through telling me I did the right thing. However, as I gazed across the Puget Sound, the sun was red. It was such a magnificent color, I had to walk off the deck and get closer to it. I had not seen a deep red sun in ages. I remembered that all the smoke from the Canadian wild fires had reached us 2 days earlier.
Hundreds of people had lost land, pets, farm animals, loved ones.
I had only lost a 2 day trip to LA. As I walked across my property, I smiled at the house. It was on a solid piece of granite. The forest and trees were all healthy and my roses were blooming, the apple trees and pear trees were just getting ready to come into their full, fruitful abundance, and my car, was sitting there, happy again, and my roses are so deliciously fragrant. I am blessed and breathing fresh, invigorating, mountain-sea air on my little piece of heaven.
I smiled at it all. I looked up into the evening sky and said a prayer of gratitude and a prayer that those who are in the Hollywood Bowl on August 25th have a glorious, high-spirited time. I blessed all and let go. It was all I could offer for the abundance and beauty before me.
[This one-handed liturgical clock shows the 24 hours of the hora italica (Italian time), a period of time ending with sunset at 24 hours. This timetable was used till the 18th century. This is one of the few clocks from that time that still exist and are in working order.]