Friday, July 30, 2010

Illusions of Birth

An acquaintance of mine broke up with a girlfriend a few years ago. He re-united with her this Spring. It was a very strange event. He has a very active life and travels a lot, however the energy around them seems to be one based on illusions of love, rather than actually being in love. He is a lonely man, a solitary artist, and seems to be seeking someone who can block his need for loneliness,rather than someone he wants to be with who is passionately in love.

Now, he is running around telling everyone he wants to have a baby with her. He wants to make a statement about creation with his sperm, rather than making a statement about who he truly is and owning it.

I can think of nothing more sad than a man who desires a child in order to prove he is powerful, can you? It seems he is in floating in a bowl of oblivion and now has found that making a woman pregnant will endear him to humanity. The pregnancy is a statement about his manhood, rather than an act of love for a child, and I fear they will not stay together, once a child is conceived and born.

She is also rotating in his dream state and for her to connect with this man is a way to capture him from the world and other women. She will be bowed to as she was the one who was finally able to rope him in, as he is what is termed in today’s lingo, a “catch”.
I, and others, feel sorry for him. He is a well-respected creator in his field of work, however, now looking back on some of his actions and productions, seems to be even more so, a dreamer.
True, we all are dreamers in our ways. A child though is flesh and blood, a mind and heart that enters the world, and to bring a child in without true intention, is a travesty for all concerned.

This man now seems to be a bit of a Peter Pan in his life’s actions. He seems to be productive in work, however in his personal life, he is not seeing the reality now, and probably fearful of being alone, and a braggart also.

I am sorry for the child to come, as I imagine it living in a one-parent household in the not to distant future. It will have all the luxuries money can afford, however, true love between the parents does not exist now, and I imagine, that will be so in the future.

There is always a chance they stay together for the child, or because of the worldly status of the father. It will not be happy, though, and it will affect the child eventually.

How many times have you known a friend or acquaintance who went ahead with an idea, to fulfill a dream that societal pressure applauded, only to pick up the pieces when they realized a mistake had been made because the decision was out of fear, not true heart’s desire?

There is nothing I can do about it, since we are not that close, however I wish there was something I could say to stop the fantasy about becoming a father, with a woman who also twirls in his fantasy, in order to save a child from being born that eventually will have to spend summers with one parent, and then return in the Fall to live with the other?

The energy around the world now is based on a lot of fear created by economic, political and natural events which bring with them great destructive power of everything previously thought of as safe and secure, for many of us. The overall energy from these challenging events affects you 24 hours a day. Many people are making decisions based on this fear level, rather than listening to their hearts and following their souls’ true path.

I am glad this blog was written, as I cannot imagine a sadder time, for me, then when I ignore my intuitive insights, and suppress the urge  to discuss them, here. One day, when they are no longer together, I hope to remember this writing, and will re-read it. The only thing that will be of sadness on that day is the knowledge that a little child was born into the world, of 2 parents who lived in a trance about reality, which was developed because their lives were so lonely and guided by ego, rather than wisdom and true love.
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