When you think about murder, theft, lying, or break an oath or vow, the original sin of Hubris covers them all, it seems, to me, anyway. To act in a dishonest or cruel manner exposes the hubris, a human displays, toward planetary co-inhabitors. They believe they are above all laws of nature, and answerable to no one. They believe their acts will never be discovered. Unfortunately, sometimes, they do get away with evil deeds.
I rest, knowing, that at some point along their evolutionary path, they will hit a brick wall. They always do, although they may know not why they hit it. But, they always hit it.I have acted with hubris, toward another human. However, never did I enjoy it, nor did it bring peace to me. I always paid for my acts of hubris, for which I am grateful, after making payment to the Universe, I understood the lesson.
Conscience is a difficult concept. I tend to delve into the etymology of words- their roots. I break them down, so, Con Science, would translate to, in my mental matrix, as, 'not of science'. Yet, conscience exists.
I came to be thinking about the Sin of Hubris, in ancient Crete, today, because I found out that a friend was lying to me. She lied about me to someone; then lied to me about the other person. She revealed her Mal intentions, when she tried to manipulate me since she was too obvious, suggesting I should lie to this other person. Stay away from friends who ask you to lie. If you can't be honest in relationships, then be patient until you understand why you need to lie. Then, don't.
You may have found out a friend was lying to you, because they wanted something or someone, that you had said that you wanted-- a lot.Well, that was me.
She acted as if she had my best intentions at heart when, in reality, she had a hidden agenda, with an intent to mislead me, by omission, by suppressing the truth from me. She acted with cruelty, in a very charming way, that endears her, to other people. I have identified her as a dysfunctional caregiver. She is only happy when one is disabled, gets you to not trust others' advice. Am I the only person who knows someone like this? It totally sucked to find out she was lying to me, and now I see her passive aggressive ways.
What did I do when I found out? Well, how do I deal with a pathological liar? I just would hear more lies, from her, and she would try to get me to believe that I was wrong or revise her game plan, so she looks like the injured party. Her game is--Trust me, you are needing help, and I am the only one who knows what to do.' There is too much drama with this woman and who has the time now? Why waste the time now? Life is moving quickly, so speak your truth and move on.
"Pathological Liar" is a harsh description, however, I look at 'pathological' and it becomes 'logical pathos', which I perceive as the absence of conscience, while on a free fall, using destructive intent to harm or mislead.
So, I unplugged from her game. Yes, I can sit across a table, from her at dinner parties, engage in dialectical conversations, without revealing personal feelings. I find her hubris, overrides her ability to know that I understand her game, and so I walked off our playing field, with a slow, graceful cadence, in withdrawal, from our friendship.
Mourning should be experienced to the fullest, until all those who cry with you, stop. I mourn the death of our friendship.She has been buried and I am about to walk away from her grave.
There are relationships I need to maintain, like courtesies with neighbors, vendors and friends. When they move or die, I feel a loss. I am learning to recognize my states of hubris, when they arise now. In doing so, my conversations with strangers become easier, as my need to impress them or reveal myself, lessen.
Listening to someone else's heartbreak, or a story about their life threatening illness, is more important that trying to match them death for death, or illness for illness. I wish my old friend had not been so jealous or greedy, and spoke with truthfulness, rather than lies and deception, that revealed her ill intent toward me.
I came across something today that helped me feel better, about the fact that a person, I once trusted, no longer was trustworthy and acts of Hubris occur out of fear, which is the absence of self-love. I will forgiver her, but I will never forget the pain she caused, and the loss. I choose a different path from hers, and am happy for those who love me and remain good and faithful friends.
This excerpt is from Mike Dooley's book, More Notes from the Universe: Life, Dreams and Happiness, and it seems appropriate to end on.
To give beyond reason.To care beyond Hope.To love without limit.
To reach, stretch and dream in spite of fear.These are the hallmarks of Divinity-Traits of the Immortal-Your badges of honor, and your ticket home.
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