© DaniseCodekas 2014
I am not sure how different words sound after not using many for my blog in a long time. Social media integration took over my techie self for the last 24 months or so. Complete absorption of what these new tools will do to change how we all communicate, and how can I learn to use them to my absolute benefit.
Myself, the writer, spends inordinate amounts of time simply living. Because of this, many self-realizations arise which require even more thought, and time. So, for the last 2 years I worked on two books, and an outline for a new mystery series. Who knew outlines for mysteries can take such intense analysis and research.
There seems to be a wild need for connectivity encompassing the world’s plugged in technologists. And fighting against Connectivity, bit a big C, led me on a spiritual photographic journey into some of the most deserted places on the North American continent.
The problem with such an introspective travel itinerary is time must be immaterial and a return date remains unknown. And, if you have ever been on such a journey, you know your home location usually changes after such a trip. I changed because of the self-realizations and cosmic revelations received over 2 years.
While I prepare for another journey in a few months, one which may reveal a new place on earth to call Home, time to complete two of the three writing projects races ahead. Replacing all my tech arsenal before the next travel adventure was a priority during this prep period.
Passport renewal, license picture update, new laptop, cell phone, re-pack, get storage facility and the list continues as traveling requires light weight equipment for the itinerant #photojournalist. This trip into the unknown requires a travel printer, also.
So, I now own a lightweight travel printer, running off batteries in the jungle, or sand dunes for about 8 hours,weighing less than 2 lbs. and fits in my purse.