copyright 2011 Danise Codekas, all rights reserved
“When you've seen beyond yourself, then you may find, peace of mind is waiting there.” –George Harrison
Where has everyone been these past few weeks? seems we are all flying around, moving, changing jobs, relationships, partners, cars, and houses. Some have even changed color schemes, religions, political affiliations and passions.
I think it is grand time to be alive. Things seem clearer, discernments sparkling with certitude, decisions less threatening, and people who I talk to tend to grope around more intense, meaningful conversations.
Time is not wasted. It is filled with new books, new art, strangers who are not so strange, and crisp colors through the red and gold flecked hills and mountains my body walks through. The Puget Sound looks greyer, bluer, deeper in hues I never swam through before. My eyesight jags on auras and eyes which now reveal their meanings and depths unlike anything ever experienced.
Veils are lifting for me and for you. Realities no longer hold the approbation or fear that my self-aggrandizing spirit once furled along the roads I tread. I would have to say their are no roads I follow now.
Instead, each step I take builds the road before me, one step at a time. Previous pathways disappear, old beliefs are gone and I am left in the most incredible, cosmic float imaginable.
I can only equate it to that first moment my baby eyes opened after hurtling down my mother’s birth canal and I splashed into the void of earth’s air and mineral environment. Don’t you feel something different in your life now, too?
IT is perceptible, yet, indefinable by your old explanations, understandings as if floating through space, aware of all that is around you, and divested of decades of old crap, old relationships, old beliefs.
I also find my reading choices, the past few weeks, are as unplanned, unknown and surprising as everything else that is shifting in my life. Assuming is a worthless exercise, in my current state of exhilaration, expectation and awareness.
I almost cannot explain it to you. It would be like trying to explain to you what something tastes like, if you and I do not have anything to compare together. Like trying to explain the transcendence of mediation, dance or making love.
What does it feel like? The unknown is becoming known. the tribes are gathering together and wherever you are now, your tribe is being defined or else disassembled. I read George Harrison, this week. For some reason, finding out that he was a madman about gardening tilted my world some. Olivia, his wife wrote it and you do need to check it out, no matter how you feel about the Beatles. They were spiritualizing the world in the search for their own peace and understanding of the cosmic questions. Check it out on
George Harrison: Living in the Material World
“Without looking out of my window
I could know the ways of heaven”
― George Harrison