copyright 2011, Danise Codekas:
What has happened is that a lot of things are going on in my life and posting a blog before I understood them and their import was wasted time, for me and you.
Speed up time is all I have to say to the universe today. Just speed it up so the devastation, pain and horror we are witnessing across the planet end. Close our eyes for a minute and the chaos ends, forever.
I wish I could end your pain for you. Only you can do it, since this is the time-space continuum you chose to work out your karmatary duties. Karmatary is a new word, in the English language, which I just created.
Karmatary def.: A holistic view of the universe that personal karma must be resolved or it migrates into multiple life times, across all planetary space and time, until the soul mission is realized and attained, for the advancement of all sentient beings.
There is always something there to remind you when you have fucked up, hurt someone or ignored the desires of your heart. You can always return next lifetime to clean up your messes and you will have new teachers, new loves, new talents. You are evolution in process. It never ends and it continues until that spark of knowledge only you can share with the world has been imparted with compassion.
These past months have been ones of deep thinking, startling revelation, and an emptiness that does not frighten. I am in cosmic limbo, awaiting something unlike anything ever experienced before now.
Every part of my life, which was in confusion, has settled into resolution via an understanding, a teaching, another human stripping me of attachment via their interpretation of life and soul purpose, or through the understanding of what little importance another’s opinion of my life affects me. Those vestiges of self-degradation, created in childhoods, we all carry around, left me a few weeks ago in a valley above Whistler, B.C., Canada.
Resting below the August night sky, on a mountainside of the Coast Mountain Range, after a drink at the Fairmont Mallard Bar, after a free Mraz concert, front-row spot my left, his right, the answer came to me.
It was a whisper across the stars. A sigh across my eyes. A breeze through the trees while clouds danced around the Canadian moonlight, at 4 a.m.
Could not sleep, so drove from the Fairmont to a place that called my heart, and thanking Subaru for my full length station wagon comforts, watched the sky move from dark to gentle morning greys and blues.
Release fears. Release attachment to old self. The old patterns are disappearing into the blue light of early dawns’ dreams and revelations.
Have you ever felt so deeply, into your body and soul, it almost hurt to breath, because you could explode into the universal consciousness, shoot across the morning horizon and realize you were one lucky, incredible, amazing being without end or beginning, reaching for the ends of being and divine grace?
Yes, it was probably different for you however all I have are words, which come from a place I know exists, however, the memory of that place arises through different experiences of my life.
Sometimes in water, or skiing down a mountain, or driving fast, up mountain curves, with radio blasting, or dancing in front of a stage, where a musician performs to nameless faces, on a stage once graced by the most amazing athletes in the world, receiving their Olympic Golds, strumming and staring at the mountain, I rested on that night.
Crawling into my white-sheeted, down covered, hotel bed, comforted with French press coffee and currant scone, exhausted and blissed out from being kissed under the moon, by cosmic spirits and ancient ones, I realized I felt alive again.
No pain, or sorrow or fears touching me from the past. Release from them, I chose, and the earth heard my prayers of thanks and gratitude, and gave me a surprise in the eyes of a lovely fox, looking at me from behind a fern covered log. I saw my curiosity in its eyes. I also saw there was no fear, and we were motionless mountainside, touching one another’s souls in Paradise.
“Love is a portion of the soul itself, and it is of the same nature as the celestial breathing of the atmosphere of paradise.”- Victor Hugo
A layer of that secret mask, we sometimes place in front of ourselves, as others probe, our raison d’etre, was dissolved by moonlight, foxes, and earth’s healing magnetic re-balancing. I am altered and living a new paradigm.
I sent love to all of you, that night. I do not know you, your face, your life, your loves, your fears. However, that night I blessed you all, in silent prayer and gratitude.
And, if we have glanced in each other’s eyes, passing through a mountain village, or rushing down city sidewalks, or meeting in a room filled with strangers and spoke few words, I sent you blessings.
We share the earth. I shared my heart with you, a fox and the moon, that moonlit night in Whistler, B.C. Thought you should know, someone wished for your happiness the morning of August 6th.
“The power of a glance has been so much abused in love stories that it has come to be disbelieved. Few people daresay nowadays that two beings have fallen in love because they have looked at each other. Yet that is the way love begins, and only that way.”- Victor Hugo